  • 學位論文

原住民女學生學校生活經驗中之潛在課程研究: 以山海中學原住民藝能班為例

The hidden curriculum in the aboriginal female students' school life experiences: The aboriginal class in Shan-Hei senior high school

指導教授 : 黃政傑


本研究之研究目的,乃是要瞭解原住民女學生在學校生活經驗中所體驗到之性別與民族潛在課程,分析上述潛在課程之來源與運作,探究上述潛在課程對原住民女學生所產生之影響,以及女學生對上述潛在課程之觀感與因應。在研究方法上,為理解學生的生活經驗,因此研究者採用教育民族誌的研究取向,以參與觀察、訪談及文件分析等方法進行,將自己置身於山海中學(化名)原住民藝能班學生的學校生活之中,以瞭解學生的價值與文化,在參與的過程中逐漸地構築出學生生活世界的現實狀況及教育的過程。 在文獻探討部分,因為潛在課程的根源不僅來自學校生活經驗的互動與措施,也與整體社會中原住民的處境和地位,以及原住民教育政策有關,因此,文獻的第一節即是探討原住民教育發展的背景,包括了原住民教育概況;原住民的傳統社會與文化;政治、經濟與社會發展;原住民女性的處境等現象之分析等。第二節則是探討原住民教育政策,包括了回顧教育政策的發展歷程與現況,並進一步探討與本研究有關的民族教育、技職教育與藝能教育等政策。第三節則是由學校生活經驗的相關研究出發,探討在同儕關係、師生關係、學習經驗、學業成就等四個面向中,原住民學生可能面臨的經驗與問題。 經過上述文獻探討,以及對研究對象的文件分析、參與觀察及訪談後,本研究所發現的潛在課程其結果如下: 在學習經驗部分,包括了歡樂的班級氣氛、藝能科目的優異表現、較少參與課堂發言及意見表示、認真負責的領導及處事態度、隱藏不認真學習的行為等潛在課程。 在學業成就部分,包括了閒散被動的學習態度、比男生認真的學習態度等潛在課程。 在同儕關係部分,包括了和諧的班級同儕關係、友善但帶有偏見的校園同儕族群關係、和諧親密的姐妹情誼、友善活潑的性格、互助團結的工作模式、尊重女性的態度、親近的兩性關係等潛在課程。 在師生關係部分,包括了和諧的師生關係、友善但帶有偏見的師生族群關係、服從且守規矩的行為表現等潛在課程。 在民族與文化認同部分,包括了漸趨正向的民族認同、對民族語言文化課程的學習意願不強、性別分工的傳統課程、對樂舞課程高昂的興趣、對文化傳承的徬徨與無力、原住民間民族差異的消失、重新詮釋文化認同的要素等潛在課程。 最後由潛在課程的成效來看,可以發現再製和反抗的情況都同時存在於學生的學校生活經驗之中。而當再製與反抗的現象都存在於學生生活經驗的潛在課程之中時,也代了其實存在著課程轉化的可能性。不論是解放與批判式的課程實踐典範、批判的多元文化主義或後殖民女性主義的觀點,都強調覺醒、啟蒙、平等、正義等概念的實踐。而從學校教育來看,我們期待著教師能扮演具有轉化課程能力的知識份子,透過對這些潛在課程的了解,來培養學生批判的意識。當教師愈能了解不同文化學生之經驗與文化資本時,便愈能尋找出適當的方式協助學生,並將理論落實於實踐之中,協助學生從校教育與社會文化制度中的桎梏解放出來,而當課程實踐成為一個民主的公共領域時,即代表朝著由學校教育來推動轉化社會結構的理想來邁進。


The objective of the research is to explore the hidden curriculum of gender and ethnicity in the aboriginal female students’ school life experiences in the aboriginal class of Shan-Hei senior high school in Taiwan. The study tries to see the influence of the hidden curriculum on these students, and the reaction of the students to the hidden curriculum. In order to understand students’ everyday life experiences, culture and value, the research approach was based on educational ethnography, and use participant observation, interview of the students and teachers, and document analysis to collect the information and data for eight months, from September, 2000 to April, 2001. The perspective of the research is basically based on multiculturalism and post colonial feminism, emphasizing the interlocking systems of gender, race and class. However, in order to meet the characteristics and situations of the aboriginal in Taiwan, the research only focused on the dimensions of gender and ethnicity. The literature review includes three parts. First, the root of hidden curriculum is not only in the school but also in the social institution and education system of the society, so the first part of the literature discusses the background of aboriginal education, including the political, economical, societal, cultural, and educational situation and development of the aboriginal in Taiwan. In the second part, the author discusses the policy development of aboriginal education and explores the influences of the institution on students. Finally, from the review of some previous studies about the aboriginal students, the third part is to see aboriginal students’ everyday interaction and experiences at school. According to the literature review and field study, the findings are as the followed: First, in the dimension of learning experiences, there are five kinds of hidden curriculum, including “Happy atmosphere in the class”, “The great performance in traditional art and dancing class”, “The responsible attitude and leading character in the class”, “The silence in the class”, and “The hiding of lazy and absent-minded behaviors”. Second, in school achievement, the hidden curriculum includes “The lazy and easy learning attitude”, and “The attitude of more diligent than boys”. Third, in peer group relationship, the hidden curriculum includes “The harmonious peer group relations”, “ The friendly ethnic relations but full of biases”, “The close sisterhood”, “The respect for females”, and “The close gender relations”. Fourth, In the dimension of teacher-student relationship, the hidden curriculum includes “The harmonious teacher-student relations”, “ The friendly ethnic relations but full of biases”, and “The obedient behavior”. Fifth, in the dimension of ethnic and cultural recognition, the hidden curriculum includes “ More positive ethnic recognition”, “The reluctance of the learning of aboriginal languages and cultures”, “The sex separation of the traditional art class”, “The positive interest in the traditional dancing class”, “The doubt to inherit traditional culture”, “The disappearance of the differences of the aboriginal tribes”, and “ the re-explanation of cultural recognition”. Finally, from the above findings, we find that the situation of reproduction and resistance both show in the hidden curriculum, and the phenomenon means the possibility of the transformation of the curriculum. When teachers understand the hidden curriculum more, they can find the more suitable ways to help students from different culture to develop the critical consciousness.




Tsai, H. T. (2006). 大學通識教育的潛在課程分析:以兩所大學的兩門通識課程為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0712200716130671
