  • 學位論文


A Study of the Consumer Culture of Junior High Schools in Taipei

指導教授 : 張建成


隨著人類生產技術的進步與資本主義的擴張,今日青少年在消費活動上的份量已不容小覷,青少年文化的特徵和消費也產生了密切的關連,因此若要瞭解這群在社會變遷下成長的青少年,探究他們的消費文化遂有其必要性。此外,雖然消費已然成為個人主義實踐的場域,但個人似乎仍舊脫離不了社會結構的約束,故本研究選擇不同社會階級的青少年為研究對象,來探查其在消費文化上的體現情形。本研究目的在於描繪及理解青少年消費文化之內涵,具體目的有四: 壹、 瞭解青少年消費能力與經濟觀念。 貳、 描述青少年消費行為。 參、 理解青少年消費行為背後之意義。 肆、 歸納研究結果,並提出未來進一步深探青少年消費文化之建議。 本研究採質的研究法,主要運用訪談、觀察及焦點團體法以蒐集資料,研究對象為台北都會區兩所國中的二年級學生,一所國中位於高社會階級為主之學區,另一所位於低社會階級為主之學區。訪談內容分為三大類,即「青少年經濟概況」、「消費經驗談」、「消費行為與態度」。焦點團體法則是在研究後期針對受訪者最常提到的三大類商品(資訊及媒體類商品、卡通漫畫商品、身體裝飾性商品),來探詢消費意義。觀察內容分為兩部分,一是青少年在學校攜帶、使用或穿著的商品,二是青少年在校外的實際消費歷程。觀察與訪談所得之資料均轉譯為逐字稿並加上編碼,再從中分析、發展出類目與組型,然後做成結論。 本研究獲致的結論如下: 壹、 青少年消費行為會遭遇家庭社經地位的限制。 貳、 青少年金錢觀反映社會的普遍風氣,工作觀以功利為主要目的。 參、 家庭的消費社會化影響青少年消費行為甚鉅。 肆、 青少年消費經驗豐富,是精明的消費者。 伍、 同儕團體在消費文化上的影響力不可小覷。 陸、 消費是青少年認同形成的重要憑藉。 柒、 消費成為青少年休閒活動中不可或缺的一環。 捌、 青少年消費文化並非充滿順從性。 最後,針對本研究面臨的限制,提出未來進一步深探相關議題之建議,供來者參酌。


The study is designed to investigate the characteristics of youth consumer behavior for the purpose of understanding the nature of youth culture of consumption in Taiwan. Qualitative research methods including participant observation and in-depth interview are conducted in the study. The subjects are eighth-graders from two junior high schools situated in different social class communities. One is in a working-class community, and the other is in a middle-upper class community. The researcher interviews the youth in order to find out their financial situations and the experience of consumption. Their behaviors and attitudes toward consumption are parts of the topics. The aim of the focus-group interview is to understand what consumer products mean to the youth. Besides, the researcher observes what the target students do when they engage in shopping activities as well as how they exchange experiences with the consumer products they bring to school. The field notes and interview transcripts are categorized to develop a coding system for comparison and analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1. The activities of youth consumer are constrained to the family background. 2. The conception of money reflects that the youth are subjected to social trends, and the major purpose of working is utility-oriented. 3. The family socialization of consumption has the great influence on the behavior of youth consumer. 4. The youth are smart consumers who have plenty of experience of consumption. 5. Peer groups play an important role in the formation of consumer culture. 6. Consumption is the important means for the youth to construct their identities. 7. Consumption has been crucial in youth ‘s leisure time. 8. The youth are not always obedient to the principles of the consumer society.


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