  • 學位論文


A study on the adminstrative operation of the trial implementation of " 9 Years Curriculum Guideline" in junior high schools

指導教授 : 楊思偉 博士


本研究旨在瞭解目前國民中學參與試辦九年一貫課程行政運作的現況,以及相關人員對於實施九年一貫課程的意見,俾作為未來實施九年一貫課程之參考。本研究採文獻分析與問卷調查方式進行研究,文獻分析部分主要探討九年一貫課程綱要的特色、課程實施的相關行政理念和試辦九年一貫課程行政運作的內涵;問卷調查部分則依據文獻分析及參考相關問卷資料所自編的「國民中學實施『九年一貫課程』行政運作調查問卷」為研究工具,以台灣省(含澎湖縣)、台北市、高雄市、金門、馬祖地區公立國民中學實際參與試辦九年一貫課程的學校校長、主任、組長或副組長之中擇選二人及參與教師三人為研究對象,共計獲得有效問卷204份;採百分比、次數分配、卡方考驗、平均數及標準差等統計方法,處理資料以獲得研究結果;依據問卷調查所得資料進行分析,獲致主要研究結果如下列: 一、試辦九年一貫課程的現況 (一)參與試辦的相關人員對九年一貫課程的目標與內涵具有相當瞭解程度。 (二)學校參與試辦九年一貫課程的原因以「直轄市或縣市政府遴薦」者最高。 (三)教師參與試辦九年一貫課程大多數是「學校指派」。 (四)多數學校以試辦「社會學習領域」範圍為主。 (五)多數學校以「一年級全部學生」為試辦對象。 (六)塑造「九年一貫課程」願景大多數學校是由「課程發展委員會討論後決定」。 (七)試辦「九年一貫課程」行政運作情形,大致尚稱良好,但技術層面的運作有待進一步努力。 (八)相關人員在參與試辦九年一貫課程所扮演角色的權限,大致上算是滿意的。 (九)校長在試辦九年一貫課程大致都有做到「課程與教學領導」的具體做法,唯在「鼓勵家長及社區人士參與課程發展」未積極做到。 (十)校長最具課程決定影響力。 (十一)相關人員認為試辦「九年一貫課程」成效是「良好」。 二、試辦九年一貫課程統整的做法 (一)各校均有設計統整課程。 (二)以「全年級」為設計統整課程的對象。 (三)多數試辦學校以「部分學習領域」為設計統整課程的類型。 (四)行政人員在設計課程統整時,行政運作的做法大多未落實。 (五)教師在設計課程統整時,大多未落實課程統整步驟。 三、實施九年一貫課程行政運作的方式 (一)實施九年一貫課程適當班級人數為「21人至30人」,試辦學校大多數在「31人至40人」。 (二)「課程發展委員會」至少要有的參與人員和實際參與人員為「學習領域課程小組召集人」、「校長」、「各處室主任」、「教學組長」、「教師」、「家長」;至於「學者專家」是應該參與,但實際並未普遍參與。 (三)「課程發展委員會」最主要應有的功能,亦是目前參與試辦學校實際具有的功能有「研訂全校的課程計畫」、「列管各項重點工作進度」、「設計教學主題和教學活動」、「研訂領域課程小組或教學群之運作及分工內容」等四項功能。 (四)學校應優先提供的教學支援,亦是目前參與試辦學校實際提供的教學支援有「辦理新課程研習,協助教師認識新課程的理念和內容」、「舉辦校內各項教師成長團體和活動」、「充實並提供教學資源和設備」、「強化『教學研究會』功能,協助教師從事課程與教學研究、發展」以及「鼓勵並選派教師參加校際(外)教學觀摩會」。 (五)學校最主要應運用的家長、社區、學界資源,亦是目前參與試辦學校實際運用家長、社區、學界資源的情形以「成立班級家長會,增加親師互動,從事資源的整合與應用」、「利用社區資源實施校外教學」以及「請專家學者提供諮詢或指導」較多。整體而言,學校實際運用家長、社區、學界資源比較不普遍,還有待加強。 四、實施九年一貫課程的困難和相關配合條件 (一)實施九年一貫課程行政運作時,有可能遭遇的困難,同時也是試辦九年一貫課程行政運作實際上遭遇的困難有「教師授課時數缺乏彈性調整空間,造成排課困難」、「原有的課程內容難以擺脫,增加教師和學生教與學的負擔」、「教師需要花很多時間溝通討論,教師的時間管理困難」、「增加學校教師的工作負擔,影響教學」等四項。 (二)試辦學校除已經具備「提供教師成長研習」的配合條件外,其他實施九年一貫課程需要配合的相關條件均未充分具備。 五、實施九年一貫課程是雖有問題仍具有可行性。 六、試辦學校相關教育人員對實施九年一貫課程補充說明參與試辦的經驗、感想和意見。 依據本研究發現及所歸納之結論,研究者將針對教育行政機關、師資培育機構、學校以及後續相關研究提出建議,並對本研究進行檢討。 關鍵字:試辦、九年一貫課程、行政運作


The main purposes of this research are to explore the current situation of trial implementation of “9 years curriculum guideline” in junior high schools and to collect the participants’ opinions of the project. By doing the research, we offer referential data for future implementation of the curricula plan. Literature review and questionnaire survey are the main methods in this research. Literature review aims to discuss the characteristics of 9 years curriculum guideline, administrative philosophy of the curricula and the operation of trial implementation of “9 years curriculum guideline”. Questionnaire survey, which was designed by myself, based on the literature review and other related questionnaire collects the data about junior high schools’ administrative operation of the 9 years curriculum guideline. The samples include principals, directors, grade coordinators and participating teachers. In each surveyed school, either two of the administrators or three of the participating teachers are chosen for the questionnaire survey. We collect 204 valid samples and analyze them with Percent , Frequency distribution, Pearson Chi-Square test, Mean and Standard Deviation. The results are as follows: 1. The current situation of trial implementation of 9 years curriculum guideline (1) Most participants of the Plan have a good understanding of the targets and contents of 9 years curriculum guideline. (2) The participating schools’ main reason for trail implementation of 9 years curriculum guideline is “ the local government’s recommendation”. (3) The participating teachers’ main motive for trail implementation of 9 years curriculum guideline is “ the school’s assignment”. (4) “Social science field” is the major trial field in most surveyed schools. (5) “7th graders” are the major trail subjects. (6) The scope and vision of 9 years curriculum guideline in each school are decided by “ Curriculum Development Committee”. (7) The process and the results are deemed as “satisfactory.” More technical details still need to be focused. (8) The participants are generally satisfied with the authority of roles in the trial implementation. (9) The participating principals mostly achieve the goal of “Curriculum and Instructional leadership”, but are less progressive in “ encouraging the parents and habitants to get involved in the course development.” (10) The principals are the most influential participants. (11) The effects of the trial implementation are deemed as “ satisfactory”. 2. The methods of integrating the 9-year Joint Curricula (1) Every surveyed school designs their own joint curriculum. (2) “The whole grade” is the subject in the design of a joint curriculum. (3) Most trial schools design integrated curriculum for one or two learning fields. (4) Most of the designs of the integrated curriculum are not fully practiced in administrative operation. (5) Most teachers do not fulfill the designs of integrated curricula overally. 3. The administrative operation of 9 years curriculum guideline (1) The adequate number of students in each class in the 9 years curriculum guideline is 20-30, but most trail schools in the survey have 31-40 students in each class. (2) “ Curricula Development Committee” is composed of “ leaders in each learning field”, “principals”, “ directors”,“ coordinators”, “teachers” and “parents”. Generally speaking, “ Experts” do not participate in the Committee as the theory of the 9 years curriculum guideline requires.. (3) The main functions of “ Curricula Development Committee” are “ designing the course plans”, “supervising working schedule”, “ designing teaching topics and activities”and “assigning jobs of each teaching group and field”. (4) The teaching aids offered by the participating schools are “ offering seminars for advocating the new curricula concepts and contents”, “ forming workshops and teachers’ learning groups”, “ updating the teaching resources and equipments”, “ strengthening the functions of each teaching and research meeting” and “ encouraging and assigning teachers for outside-school teaching demonstration”. (5) The resources utilized by schools are mainly “parent-teacher associations for teachers and parents’ interaction ” “outside-school teaching activities based on the community resources” and “consultation or advices from experts”. Generally speaking, the proportion of the above resources utility is not high enough. 4. The difficulties of implementing 9 years curriculum guideline and the cooperating conditions (1) The difficulty in implementing the 9 years curriculum guideline are that “ the inflexibility of teachers’ teaching hours lead to the difficulty in arranging class schedules”, “ the existing original teaching materials increase teachers’ and students’ burden”, “ teachers have difficulty in finding out extra time for communication and discussion about the course design” and “ the extra work increase teachers’ burden and further influence the teaching quality”. (2) The trial schools in the survey are not well prepared in offering coordinating measurements, except for “ offering seminars for teachers’ progress”. 5. The implementation of 9 years curriculum guideline is problematic but practicable. 6. The participants in the trial schools offer their experience, reflection and opinions toward the implementation of 9-year Joint Curricula. By doing this research, the researcher desires not only to provide some suggestions for educational authorities, teachers’ education systems, schools and future studies,but also to review the essay. Keywords:trial implementation﹐ 9 Years Curriculum Guideline﹐ administrative operation




chen, Y. (2005). 從雁行理論探討課程發展委員會 之執行成效 -以桃園縣國民中學為例- [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500360
