  • 學位論文


A Study of the Behavioral Intentions on Resources Recycling ~An Example of the Junior High School Students in Taipei City

指導教授 : 葉國樑博士


摘要 本研究之主要目的在於探討國中學生資源回收行為意圖及與各相關變項的關係,並運用Ajzen 和 Fishbein的理性行動理論及Bandura的自我效能理論,來驗證研究對象從事資源回收的行為意圖與相關變項之關係。以台北市麗山國中為研究母群體。採用分層集束抽樣法進行抽樣,以各年級為分層,班級為抽樣單位,共抽取9班,總計抽樣人數322人。並以焦點團體探討值得進一步研究的議題。研究結果如下: 一、研究對象的家中資源回收意圖以正向者佔絕大部分,其中保特瓶之回收意願比例最高,其次為紙張回收,鐵鋁罐回收,鋁箔包回收;但是電池回收意圖以負向較多。 二、態度、主觀規範、自我效能與資源回收意圖的相關都達顯著,其中以回收態度為最相關,主觀規範之相關次之,自我效能與回收意圖之回收最低。態度、主觀規範、自我效能來預測資源回收行為意圖之整體解釋量為22.3﹪。 三、外在變項中以性別、家中資源回收配合,社區配合,有無實施垃圾隨袋收費與資源回收意圖均有顯著相關,尤其是有實施垃圾隨袋收費與資源回收意圖之相關最顯著。學生的家中資源回收配合,以及有無實施垃圾隨袋收費此兩項可以直接影響資源回收意圖。 四、大多數的受試者對於資源回收持正向的態度。 五、態度與行為信念和結果評價的交乘積和為顯著正相關,表示當行為信念和結果評價的交乘積和的得分愈高時則從事資源回收工作的態度愈正向。 六、絕大多數的受試者均認為生活中重要的個人或團體對於其從事資源回收工作覺得是應該與支持的是正向的。 七、回收自我效能與回收意圖呈顯著正相關,自我較能的內容中,以心情不好之相關值最高。 八、受試學生有/無意圖組在行為信念、結果評價、自我效能、信念規範、依從動機等五項信念都達到整體性的顯著差異;但是在資源回收認知並沒有達到顯著差異。 九、有回收意圖者在「沒時間」、「沒有獎勵金」時,對於自己會從事家中資源回收工作的操控能力比無回收意圖者強。 十、有/無回收意圖者對於「父母」「兄弟姊妹」「同學」「朋友」參考對象的規範信念有明顯差異。對象「師長」規範信念之平均值不論有無意圖組皆高於其他參考對象。 十一、本研究支持除了態度與主觀規範之外再加入自我效能,可提高解釋力。 十二、以焦點團體研究發現對於有些資源回收可以換錢,受試者的意見分歧。 十三、以焦點團體研究發現在資源回收工作方面,如果老師的意見與朋友的意見不同,受試學生大部分不一定會聽特定一方之意見,而是兩邊都聽一聽再看誰是有利於資源回收的那一邊。 關鍵字:資源回收 行為意圖 理性行動論 自我效能理論 焦點團體


A Study of the Behavioral Intentions on Resources Recycling ~An Example of the Junior High School Students in Taipei City A Master Thesis By Chang Ya-Hui Abstract The main purpose of this study was to predict and understand the behavioral intentions of junior high students for resource recycling on the basis of the Theory of Reasoned Action and self-efficacy of Social Learning Theory. By stratified cluster sampling method, the data were collected with the total number of valid questionnaire being 312 .For further analysis, 30 students were invited to join the investigation of focus groups. The conclusion of this study were: 1. Most of the subjects positively showered behavioral intentions of resource recycling, especially for PET bottle. 2. The attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy toward resource recycling could effectively predict the subjects’ intention of resource recycling, especially the subjects’ attitudes. 3. The explanation power of the behavioral intentions by attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy toward resource recycling was 22.3%. 4. Family’s support for resource recycling and trash-treated paying policy had an obvious and direct impact on the subject’s intentions. 5. Most of the subjects felt the positively behavior support from important individuals & groups’. 6. These were significants positive correlations between attitude and beliefs of outcomes,between attitude and evaluations of outcomes,and between attitude and product of the beliefs about outcomes weighted by evaluations of outcomes. 7. There were significantly positive correlations between attitude and the product of the behavioral beliefs weighted by the evaluations of behavior,and between subjective norm and the product of the normative beliefs weighted by motivations to comply. 8. The self-efficacy and intender respectively showed to be related to appropriate sets of salient behavioral. 9. There were no different for resource recycling cognition between intenders and non-intenders of resource recycling. 10. When they had no enough time and no rewarding for resource recycling, the intenders’ manipulation capabilities for resources recycling were stronger than the non-intenders’. 11. There were effectively different from normative beliefs of parents, brothers and sisters, classmates, and friends between intenders and non-intenders. 12. This study supported the prediction of the Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy of Social Learning Theory. 13. The results of focus groups showed different opinions about rewarding for resource recycling. 14. When teacher’s and peers’ opinions about recycling were different, the both of different opinions were considered by the focus groups. Key word:recycling behavioral,Intentions ,Theory of Reasoned Action,self-efficacy of Social Learning Theory,focus groups.


陳玉敏(民88):高血壓老人之健康內外控、自我效能與自我照顧之相關性探討。護理研究,7卷, 6期,504頁,中華民國護理學會。


