  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors Influencing Aspirations & Path-Choices of Pursuing A Higher EducationFor the Daytime Students of Department of Controlin Vocational High School in Taiwan, R.O.C.

指導教授 : 馮丹白 吳明果


本研究旨在探討我國高職控制科日間部應屆畢業生升學意願及升學途徑選擇現況,以及相關影響因素所造成升學意願及各種升學途徑選擇的差異情形。為達上述研究目的,本研究參酌藍姆(Lam, 1982) 影響學生不選擇升學技職學校的分類模式為基礎,藉以發展成本研究之研究架構,將影響學生升學意願及升學途徑選擇因素分成學生外在因素及學生內在因素二類進行探究。 本研究之研究方法係採用文獻探討與問卷調查方式,針對我國高職控制科日間部全體應屆畢業生721名學生進行普查,依據實際施測結果,共計有效樣本為676名;而研究所獲資料經次數百分比分析、卡方( X 2)檢定等統計方法分析,獲致主要結論如下: 一、九成以上的同學在畢業後打算直接升學,升學意願非常強烈;多數 同學選擇科技大學、技術學院或專科學校之電機類科或電子類科就 讀。 二、在影響學生升學意願及升學途徑選擇之學生內在因素中,「社會重 視 文憑的影響」對學生影響程度最為深遠。 三、就學生外在因素而言,學生升學意願會因「性別」、「公私立學校 別」、「學校升學輔導措施」與「學校職業輔導措施」四項因素而有 所差異;而「家庭所在地」與「家庭社經地位」二項因素則無差異。 四、學生外在因素對學生「學校選擇」之影響並無差異;但對就讀科技大 學、技術學院或專科學校之學生選擇類科,會因「性別」與「公私立 學校別」而有所差異。男生選擇電子類科或電機類科之比例高於女 生;而女生選擇綜合類科或其他類科之比例高於男生;公立學校學生 選擇電子類科、綜合類科或其他類科之比例高於私立學校學生;私立 學校學生選擇電機類科之比例高於公立學校學生。 依據研究結論,本研究針對教育主管機關、職業學校及進一步研究 方向等,提供若干具體建議。預計本研究之研究成果將有助於未來教 育主管機關、職業學校對於學生未來升學進路之規劃與輔導,以及 提供後續研究者研究之參考。


The major purposes of this study were to investigate the current status of, to explore the influencing factors of, and to compare the different aspirations & path-choices of pursuing a higher education for the daytime students of the department of control in vocational high school in Taiwan, R.O.C. A classifying model developed by Lam (1982) was adapted as the basis for the study. Dividing the influencing factors into two categories processed the study structure: external factors and internal factors. Methods of literature review and questionnaire survey were used to achieve the research objectives. A self-constructed questionnaire was applied to 713 students of department of control in vocational high school this year, of then 676 replied. The data of research was analyzed by means of percentile and chi-square (X 2) test. Major results of the study were as follows: 1. The current status more than 90% students were willing to pursue a higher education after graduation from vocational high school. Their aspirations for pursuing a higher education were very strong. Most students’ path-choices were choosing type of Electric Engineering or type of Electronic Engineering in university of technology, institutes of technology and junior college. 2. ‘ The overemphasis of diploma in the traditional society’ was the most important factor in the internal influencing factors that influenced aspirations & path-choices of pursuing a higher education of students. 3. To the external influencing factors, aspirations for pursuing a higher education of students would be different from ‘sex’, ‘public school or private school’, ‘guidance practices for helping students to pursue a higher education’, and ‘school’s vocational guidance practices’. There were no difference from ‘the area you live’ and ‘the overemphasis of diploma in the traditional society’. 4. Students’ type of school choice would not be different from external influencing factors. But to students’ choosing type of university of technology, institutes of technology and junior college, students’ type of department would be different from ‘sex’ and ‘public school or private school’ as follows: (1) The choice subject differences about ‘sex ‘were: Male students preferred the type of Electric Engineering or Electronic Engineering than female; female students preferred the type of comprehensive subjects or the other than male. (2) The choice subject differences about’ public school or private school’ were: The students of public school preferred the type of Electronic Engineering or comprehensive subjects or the other than the students of private school; the students of private school preferred the type of Electric Engineering than the students of public school. Based on the results of this study, suggestions were made for the reference of the educational authorities, the vocational high schools, and the further research studies for this relation subject. Same time, those suggestions were beneficial for planning and guidance of further pursuing a higher education, the reference of educational authorities, and the vocational high schools, etc.


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