  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 姚世澤


本研究旨在探究高雄市已婚國中音樂教師婚姻滿意度現況及其影響滿意度之相關因素。針對研究問題,蒐集相關文獻資料,探討國中音樂教師擇偶與結婚動機之背景因素;其次經由國中音樂教師婚姻滿意度之調查問卷,瞭解音樂教師婚姻現況與滿意度之相關問題;最後針對高雄市音樂教師進行訪談調查,藉以深入瞭解影響國中音樂教師婚姻滿意度之相關因素,並歸納研究發現,提出結論與建議,提出維繫美滿婚姻的要件以作為夫妻生涯規劃之參考指標。 本研究目的有四:一、瞭解國中音樂教師在個人特質、擇偶因素、結婚動機等背景因素為何?二、瞭解國中音樂教師之婚姻現況。三、探究影響國中教師婚姻滿意度之相關因素。四、根據調查結果,統計分析目前音樂教師對婚姻滿意度之趨態,並參考文獻資料,作為研究結果之重要參考。 本研究經由相關文獻之探討、問卷調查、訪談調查等資料分析結果,獲致以下結論: 一、經由調查結果顯示,現階段國中已婚音樂教師對於婚姻滿意度呈現正面、穩定的狀況。 二、國中已婚音樂教師於婚姻各層面的滿意度以社會層面得分最高,其他依序為生理層面、心理層面、哲學層面,較不在意的則為經濟層面。 三、音樂教師不同背景變項(音樂教師之年齡、籍貫、子女數,以及雙方的學歷、出生別、性別、結婚年數、宗教信仰與居家型態)在婚姻各層面滿意度上的影響程度。 四、維繫美滿婚姻的要件:(一)有效的溝通(二)健康的身心(三)良好的社會互動(四)健全的人生觀(五)正確的理財觀念。 五、「生涯規劃」對夫妻雙方人生的重要性:美滿的婚姻不但要尊重個人潛能發揮的需求,更應相輔相成,共同追求婚姻生活的成長。夫妻兩人若能早一步規劃未來的人生,藉由完成兩人共同生涯規劃之使命,將使兩人的婚姻生活達到更美滿的境界。 關鍵字:婚姻、婚姻滿意度、國中音樂教師、高雄市音樂教師


The objective of this research is to probe into the status of marital satisfaction and determine which factors affect satisfaction levels of married junior high school music teachers. In reference to the methodology of this study, the researcher first collected related data to analyze the motives that induce junior high school music teachers to select their mates or spouses. Secondly, through questionnaires we obtained a general understanding of satisfaction and the current state of their marriages. Finally, we realize how present marriages function by interviewing numerous music teachers. Our conclusions and suggestions are used to draw up some guidelines for a happy marriage, which we hope can be a reference to a couple’s career planning. This research has four objectives as follows: 1. To find out junior high school music teachers’ personal characteristics, the factors in selecting their spouses, and the motives for getting married. 2. To understand the marital state of married music teachers in Kaohsiung . 3. To comprehend the related factors concerning the levels of satisfaction of their marriages. 4. To identify a current trend in marital satisfaction from the statistics garnered from the survey together with other related documentations. Based on the analysis of a collection of literatures, questionnaires and interviews, the following conclusions are made. 1. It appears that married junior high school music teachers in general have positive and stable marital states. 2. A significant difference is discovered in each of the five variables concerning satisfaction in marriage between married junior high school music teachers and married teachers in general. Among the five aspects, social status ranks the highest on the list and is following by physiological, psychological, and philosophical aspects in sequence. The financial aspect has the smallest impact. 3.Different backgrounds(e.g. age, birthplace, number of children, education, order of birth, sex, year of marriage, religion, and life style) reflect differences in every aspect of satisfaction in marriage. 4.Essential factors for a happy marriage are: 1) effective communication, 2) physical and mental health, 3) good social interactions, 4) positive perspectives on life, and 5) very subjective notions in dealing with financial matters. 5.Career planning is certainly key to a couple in achieving successful marriages. Key words: Marriage; Marital satisfaction; Junior high school music teachers; Music teachers; Music teachers in Kaohsiung




邢一欣(2007)。退休教師的家務分工、 家務公平觀對婚姻滿意度之影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810552126
