  • 學位論文


Analysis of Art Songs in the Music Study of Junior High School

指導教授 : 林進祐教授


摘 要 本研究的目的在瞭解藝術歌曲在國中音樂課的實施情形;探討不同音樂教師個人背景變項對藝術歌曲教學之差異以及國中學生個人背景變項與其藝術歌曲學習之關係;並透過問卷調查的方式瞭解音樂教科書中的藝術歌曲被音樂教師採用的實際情形以及教師在藝術歌曲教學的實施情況與所遭遇的問題、國中學生對藝術歌曲的喜愛度、認知程度以及學習藝術歌曲的曲目及熟練度調查;並且為了佐證問卷調查結果,探討適合國中音樂教學之藝術歌曲曲目,以及因應未來九年一貫課程「藝術與人文」領域之教學與應用,運用了樂曲分析法進行藝術歌曲之分析與研究,以作為教師在教學上之參考。本研究以台中市音樂教師以及台中縣市十四所國中二十七個班的國二學生為研究對象,採問卷調查法來瞭解音樂教師在藝術歌曲的教學情形以及國中學生藝術歌曲學習情況。綜合本研究的研究結果與發現如下: 一、國中音樂教師在藝術歌曲的教學目標之重要性認定上,情意目標重於 技能目標,技能目標又重於認知目標。但是在教學實施項目上,最常 實施教唱,次為賞析,再其次為評量與課外補充。 二、不同背景變項之國中音樂教師,在藝術歌曲教學目標之重要性程度上無顯著差異。 三、不同背景變項之國中音樂教師,在藝術歌曲教學實施情況無顯著差異。 四、國中音樂教師在藝術歌曲的認知、情意、技能方面的教學目標,有重要性之差異時,會顯著影響藝術歌曲教學的實施項目與實施程度。 五、從藝術歌曲在國中音樂教師的喜愛度、實施欣賞程度與歌曲教唱及課外補充與教學評量之實施情形發現,藝術歌曲在老師的教學選擇與實施上並不熱門,是屬於實施較少的教學項目。 六、音樂教師在實施藝術歌曲教學時,最感到困難的是曲子未能適合學生程度與學生學習意願不高,因而引起學生動機與曲目選擇則是音樂教師在教學上感到最需加強的地方,在實施教學時曲目之選擇則以適合學生程度與受學生喜愛為最先考量。 七、從音樂教師實際教過的藝術歌曲曲目中,教師所圈選的歌曲優缺點,最常出現的優點前三名為旋律優美、有中國文化意境、節奏輕快。缺點前三名則為音域太高、歌唱技巧難度高與學生無法產生認同與共鳴。 八、國中學生在各類歌曲的認知、喜好與課外聆賞的時間程度上,皆以流行歌曲排名第一,藝術歌曲雖然排名第二,但之間的平均數差距甚大。 九、不同背景的國中學生在藝術歌曲的認知、喜好與課外聆賞時間程度有顯著差異。女生高於男生,有上個別樂器課或是有參加合唱團經驗的學生皆高於沒有上樂器課或是參加合唱團的學生。 十、從學生所學過的藝術歌曲曲目調查中發現,學生對曲子的喜愛度與詞曲熟練度有高度正相關,越喜愛的歌曲其熟練度則越高。 本研究除了針對上述研究結果加以討論之外,並提出若干在教學上與未來進一步研究的建議。


Abstract The purpose of this research is to understand the implementation of art songs in junior high school music education. By means of questionnaires, this study tries to investigate the relationship between music teachers’ backgrounds(such as gender, years of teaching, major, and educational background)and their art song teaching as well as the relationship between junior high students’ backgrounds and their art song learning. Besides, questions such as the practicality of art songs in junior high music education, the actual problems faced by music teachers, the level of gratification, recognition and familiarity of junior high students towards art songs, and the suitable art songs for junior high music teaching. Furthermore, ‘song analysis method’ is used to analyze teaching materials of art songs in order to provide junior high school music teachers some references when they encounter the Nine Year Joint Curriculum in the near future. Subjects of this research include junior high school students and music teachers. The teacher subjects are from junior high schools in Taichung City, and the student subjects are twenty-seven classes of second- graders from fourteen junior high schools in Taichung City and Taichung County. The results and findings of this study are briefly reviewed as following: 1. Junior high music teachers recognize affective objectives as the most important objectives in art song teaching, and psychomotor objectives are more important than cognitive ones. However, in classroom teaching, the frequency of appearance is singing, music appreciation, assessment and supplements. 2. There is no significant difference between different backgrounds of music teachers on the objectives of art song teaching. 3. Music teachers’ background does not make any significant difference on their art song teaching. 4. In considering “what to teach” and “how much to teach” art songs, music teachers will be significantly affected by their recognitions of importance of the three domains of objectives, namely, cognitive, affective and psychomotor. 5. Art songs are the least popular among all the music teaching items selected by music teachers. 6. Most music teachers feel that the selection of proper songs and low motivation of students are the most difficult things for their teaching. Therefore, song selection and intriguing students’ interests in learning are what they need to improve. 7. From all the art songs that were taught, the top three excellent qualities are sensational melodies, Chinese cultural state of mind, and fast paced. The top three poor qualities are keys too high, too difficult, and lack of students’ support and cohesion. 8. Most junior high school students appreciate and listen to popular music. Although art songs are ranked as the second favorite, there’s a huge variant in between the two. 9. Students’ backgrounds will significantly affect students’ music habits and preferences. Female students’ motivation in learning art songs is higher than that of male students’; students who take musical instrument lessons or join a choir have higher motivation than students who have done neither. 10. From the survey of the songs which students have learned, we found that students’ gratitude for the song and degree of familiarity are positively correlated, which means, the more the students appreciates the song, the higher the possibility of familiarity. This study not only includes the research results and discussions, but also contains teaching implications and suggestions for future study.


art songs music study arts and humanities




