  • 學位論文


An Investigation Research on Resource Rooms of Pastoral Elementary Schools in Taipei City

指導教授 : 盧台華


本研究目的在探討台北市田園小學身心障礙資源班運作的現況、困難和意見,採問卷調查和個別訪談方式,以台北市田園小學為研究對象,包括資源班教師、普通班教師、行政人員和資源班家長。 研究結論分別說明如下: 一、身心障礙資源班運作現況 1.田園小學資源班服務對象以本學區學生為主,障礙程度以輕度最多達九成,障礙類別則以學習障礙最多,且另有資優生和外國學生就讀資源班,因此資源服務對象包括障礙和資優兩大類學生,並視各校學生需要而提供資源服務。服務內容以直接教學最多,但未來各校可視特殊需求學生的實際情形調整資源教室方案,且直接教學與諮詢服務宜並重。資源班的轉介和安置可視學生的需求和家長的意願,經過鑑輔會核准或學校特教推行委員會同意,皆可入資源班就讀。大多數資源班編制資源教師一人,以目前資源班招收的學生數和障礙程度而言,一位資源教師應已足夠。 2.資源班直接教學以學科補救為主,主要為數學,其次為國語。上課時間的運用則以朝會時間和午休時間最多,資源服務宜整合校內校外人力資源,提供特教學生全面性的多元服務。而大多數田園小學的資源教室空間不足,影響資源班同時上課學生數減少和設備器材的購置。 二、對實施資源班看法異同之分析: 1.資源教師認為學生在資源班上課節數已足夠,但行政人員、普通教師和家長卻認為不足,達到顯著差異。若資源班在身心障礙學生招生不足情況下,學校人員認為擴大服務對象以情緒或行為問題學生優先,其次為學習障礙,但家長選答以學習障礙為最多。家長對資源班之課程、教學、評量與IEP內容之了解比例均高於行政人員和普通教師,資源教師應常與相關人員溝通協調有關學生在資源班的學習情況。 2.資源教師和普通教師的合作教學中,普通教師滿意度高於資源教師,合作教學深具支援普通班之功能。但採用何種方式入普通班服務影響資源教師和普通教師的合作意願。 三、面臨的困難與意見: 1.資源教師主要面臨家長無法配合和獨自經營資源班的困難。普通教師面臨學生程度差異大,教學困難,家長配合度低,和自我挫折感大的問題。家長主要面臨孩子課業問題和學習態度欠佳的困難。 2.田園小學雖然是小校小班,學生人數少,大多數的學校人員和 家長認為仍有必要設置資源班。


The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the current status, the difficulties and the opinions of resource rooms when they operated in the *pastoral elementary schools in Taipei City. A survey questionnaire designed by the researcher was used as the major research instrument. The main findings of this study was discussed and elaborated as follows: I. Current status of resource rooms 1.The resource rooms of pastoral elementary schools mainly provided services to students with special needs who belonged to their own school districts. 90% of students were mildly handicapped and most of them were learning-disabled. There were also gifted students and foreign students receiving the services from resource rooms. Most of the services provided was direct instruction. The referral and placement of students with special needs had to obtain the agreement of their parents. Then the referral was forwarded to the * PEP team. Students passing the evaluation by the PEP team or the committee of school special education could be placed in the resource rooms and received resource service. Currently, one resource teacher was sufficient for all the affairs of a resource room in the pastoral elementary school because the students were not many and not severe either. 2.The direct instruction in resource room was mainly the instruction on subjects, first was Mathematics and second Mandarin. Many resource rooms faced the problem of not having enough space in their classrooms. Owing to the lack of space, they couldn’t place more students and purchase more facilities in their classrooms. II. Analysis of different opinions about the operation of resource room 1.There was a remarkable gap about the operation of resource rooms between the resource teachers and school staffs and parents. The resource teachers thought the students who attended classes in resource rooms were sufficient while the administrators, the regular teachers and the parents thought they were not enough. The parents knew and understood the courses, instruction, assessment and IEP of special students more than the administrators and regular teachers did. This indicated that the resource teachers should improve the communication and negotiation with other related school staffs about the learning situation of special students in resource room. 2.The co-teaching between resource teachers and regular teachers was more appreciated by the regular teachers than the resource teachers. This indicated that the co-teaching could assist the teaching activities in regular classrooms. But the way of giving assistance in the teaching activities in regular classrooms could influence the will of cooperation between resource teachers and regular teachers. III. Difficulties and problems 1.The main difficulties from resource teachers were to get the cooperation from the parents and to manage the resource classroom alone. For the regular teachers, they had problems with teaching students with big differences in the same class, the problems of low cooperation from the parents and of self-frustration as well. As for the parents, they were bothered by the learning problems of their children and their low learning motivation. 2.Although pastoral elementary schools were small size schools with few students in every class, most school staffs and parents still thought that it was necessary to set up a resource room.




