  • 學位論文


The Narrative Research of Career Decision-making Process for Female Non-traditional Undergraduate

指導教授 : 金樹人 博士


本研究旨在從四技女生敘說其選擇非傳統學習領域之生涯決定故事中,去理解其生命主題的發展脈絡;並進一步探索在重新敘說之後,她們對未來生涯發展的期待與想法。最後則是採用「社會生態脈絡」的觀點,去理解影響其選擇非傳統學習領域之生涯決定歷程的社會文化脈絡。 究的研究對象為三位選擇非傳統學習領域之四年制科技大學的大二女生。研究方法則採用敘說研究的方法論與「整體----內容」及「詮釋循環」的分析方法。經由資料分析的結果,呈現以下的研究結果與發現: 1.三位四技女生選擇非傳統學習領域之生涯決定歷程的生命主題發展脈絡分別為:「為自己而活」、「不再為錢煩惱,進而讓父母過好日子」及「不能輸給別人」。而三位四技女生的生命主題發展脈絡呈現出: (1)生命主題的發展脈絡乃是尋求解決核心生存問題的過程。 (2)生命主題的形成主要根源於兒童時期的家庭經驗中,但兒童時期之 後的重大生命事件或重要他人仍對生命主題的發展具有決定性的影響。 (3)生命主題的內涵乃是有層次之別。 (4)從生命主題的發展脈絡中展現出不同「主體我」的內涵。 2.三位選擇非傳統學習領域之四技女生在畫線與重新敘說之後: (1)產生視框的改變,獲得不同的意義理解。重新敘說的主要內容為「發現老師那句話對自己的影響而產生的頓悟」、「更釐清父母對自己的意義,要讓父母過好日子」、「看到自己為了贏過別人付出許多代價,也發現到實力比學歷重要」。 (2)找到自己未來生涯發展力量與立足點。重新敘說的主要內容為:「更相信有能力為自己而活,成為一股面對未來生涯發展的動力」、「設定讓父母不再為錢煩惱的目標,成為面對未來生涯發展的能量」、「提昇不能輸給別人帶給自己的正面價值,而轉換其所帶來的負面影響」。 3.三位選擇非傳統學習領域之四技女生在重新敘說之後,對未來生涯發展的期待與想法有二種不同的內涵: (1)未來敘說的主題內容乃是過去生涯決定故事主題的延伸:未來敘說的主題內容為「更相信有能力為自己而活,不侷限未來的的生涯發展方向」、「力求工作穩定,不再為錢煩惱」。 (2)未來敘說的主題內容跳脫出原先的主流故事,發展出新的故事:未來敘說的主題內容為「跳脫輸與贏,真正做自己」。 4.「重視學歷」、「唸高中才有前途」之升學體制以及「女生在非傳統學習領域之表現會較差於男生的刻板印象」乃是影響三位選擇非傳統學習領域之四技女生生涯決定歷程的共同社會文化脈絡。 最後,根據研究結果進行綜合性的討論,並提出本研究的限制及具體建議,以作為未來研究的參考。


The purpose of this study is to understand the developmental context of career themes of the female students who study in non-traditional fields of technology program at an accredited four-year university. Furthermore, researcher interprets their career anticipation in details after re-telling. Consequently, from the perspective of ecological context, researcher highlights the society’s cultural background that affects the process of female students’ career decision-making. This study is based on three female sophomores who regard the technology program as their major at a four-year university. The methodologies thesis is divided into two categories: narrative research, and the analysis of holistic content and hermeneutic circle. Several findings according to the data analysis are as follows: 1.The development contexts of the three female sophomores who choose to study in non-traditional fields are “Learning something I like”, “Never worry about money again, furthermore, to improve parents’ living quality” and “By no means to fall behind others”. The career expectation of the three female sophomores reveals the following information: a.The development of career expectation is the process of searching resolutions of essential living problems. b.The career expectation is generated through family experience during one’s childhood. However, people or major events occurred after childhood may have determinative effects. c.There is a range of levels in developmental context. d.Dissimilar “self-as-subject” exists in various phases within the developmental context. 2.After re-telling, three female sophomores seem to have: a.Changed some of their visions and generated distinct understandings. The contents of re-telling are: “To find out meaningful words from teachers that could supplement our learning”, “To clarify the denotation of parents to us, and to work hard in order to let parents have a better living”, “To see myself making attempt to excel others and to realize that talents are more important than a degree.” b.Be encouraged to find my own standpoints and future career development. The contents of re-telling are “The confidence in being able to support themselves becomes the major force of career development”, “To avoid their parents from worrying about money is the driving force of career development”, and “By increasing one’s significance in the society in order to compete with others results in negative effect in that it intensifies one’s pressure.” 3.After the re-telling of three female sophomores, there exits two different contents of career expectation: a.Main contents of future description are extensions of past events. Major contents of future description include “To have more confidence to live by myself and have limitless career path” and “To have stable jobs and never worry about financial matters” b.The main contents of future description exclude from past stories and become new stories. The main subjects of future portrays are “No need to compare with others, instead, be truly oneself.” 4.The society that mainly affect these three female sophomores consist of “High expectation of college degree”, “One will not have a good career unless one completes the high school education” and “Female students’ performance is worse than male students in non-traditional fields.” Lastly, the limitations and recommendations of this research based on these discussions could be future references of related researches.


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張惠媜(2011)。在職進修動機、生活滿意度與工作滿意度之關聯性 —以中原大學碩專班女性學生為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100821
