  • 學位論文


A Studyof Reform of Ssu-shu in Modern China(1901∼1949)

指導教授 : 伍振鷟


本研究的主要目的首先是在瞭解傳統私塾教育的內涵,繼之探討清末民初與國民政府時期私塾教育改革的背景、實況與結果,並分析影響私塾教育改革成效的原因,以及私塾在教育上的地位。 本研究係採歷史研究,主要是透過對史料的考證、分析與解釋,以求能對中國近代私塾教育改革有較全面的了解。 本研究所得結論如下: 一、私塾教育最早可追溯到漢代,發展至清代呈現更多元、豐富的樣貌, 在類型、課程、教材、管理等方面,均有更精緻的分化。 二、清末民初的私塾教育改革肇因於西學東漸的衝擊、學校系統的建立、 白話運動的提倡、私塾教育的偏差以及民間私塾的改革,是一種「由 下而上」的改革模式,由民間發動,促使政府改革。 三、國民政府時期的私塾教育改革是基於義務教育的推展與黨化教育的厲 行,是一種「由上而下」的改革模式,政府居於主導地位,要求地方 配合實施。 四、清末民初與國民政府時期兩階段的私塾教育改革成效不彰,是因為新 舊思想的衝突,新式學堂的流弊,教育經費的不足以及初等教育的缺 失。 五、在傳統教育時期,私塾是科舉制度的附庸;清末民初,新式學堂紛 立,私塾與其並存;至義務教育推展,私塾轉而成為輔助的角色。 私塾是中國舊日的基礎教育機構,數量多、影響大。發展至近代,為因應時代的需求,不斷的改革與轉型,在近代中國教育發展的過程中,佔有重要的地位。 關鍵詞:近代中國、私塾、私塾教育、教育改革


The main purpose of this study is to comprehend the meanings of education with traditional ssu-she.(private elementary schools) Then, to explore the background, reality, and result of the educational reform with ssu-shu in the Modern China; and to analyze the factors which influence the outcome of the educational reform with ssu-shu. This study undertakes a historical approach, by means of literature criticism, analysis, and explanation obtain a comprehensive cognition of the educational reform with ssu-shu in the Modern China. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1.The ssu-shu was emerged from Han Dynasty. It displayed diverse and abundant patterns in category, curriculum, teaching material, and management. 2.The educational reform with ssu-shu in the late Chin Dynasty was resulted of the invation of the Western scholarship, the establishment of modern school system, the advocacy of the movement with vernacular Chinese, the defect of the ssu-shu education, and the reformation in non-governmental circles. It is the pattern of ”bottom to top”. 3.The educational reform with ssu-shu in the Republic of China was resulted of the promotion of compulsory education and the implementation of the Three People’s Principles. It is the pattern of ”top to bottom”. 4.The effects of the educational reform with ssu-shu were not obvious. Because of the conflict between new and old thoughts, the defect of the “New education”, the insufficient of the educational funds, and the disadvantage of primary education. 5.Ssu-shu was a dependency attached to the civil examination system; Ssu-shu and “New education ”were coexisted during the the period of modern China, and. Ssu-shu played a auxiliary role for compulsory education. Keyword:Modern China, ssu-shu, elementary school, educational reform


