  • 學位論文


The qualitative study of resistant forms of junior high school students

指導教授 : 譚光鼎


本研究採取觀察與訪談的方式,由學生的觀點出發,希望瞭解國中學生面對學校生活時可能出現的各種抗拒型態,以及產生這些抗拒型態的師生互動歷程。研究發現,國中學生的抗拒型態並不一定是偏差行為的反學校文化,表現方式有其多樣性,主要成因並未呈現出「階級抗拒」的意涵,其中的影響可能來自師生互動中的成人與青少年地位與價值的差異,以及師生的制度化關係,而同儕文化增強與家庭功能不彰亦是原因。 本研究所獲致的結果如下: 一、國中學生所呈現的抗拒型態可分為六種類型,包括嚴重違規的「大哥型」、批判教師管教的「批判型」、拒絕成人制式價值的「調適型」、抗拒無聊製造樂趣的「玩樂型」、轉化陽奉陰違意義的「變臉型」以及以形式主義作風求自保的「當前型」。 二、在影響學生抗拒的師生互動情境中,雙方各有其作為詮釋的回應表現,學生對於教師所訂定的遊戲規則並非全然接受,他們會有自己的詮釋並對教師加以試探,而教師也會對學生的表現有所回應,二者互動結果可能形成三種師生關係,包括相安無事、衝突對立、疏離冷漠等。 三、學生抗拒型態各自展現出不同的意義,大哥型學生的抗拒行為是國小生活的延續並深受同儕影響;批判型學生批判規範,有創新性格無改造行動;調適型學生顯示出與成人價值衝突的調適;玩樂型學生的課堂表現是在抗拒無聊而非規範或權威;變臉型學生的表現具有轉化性反動的意義;當前型學生則為避免受罰而服從,具有疏離傾向。 四、學生抗拒的成因,可以由教師權威運用取向以及學生對教師管教之認知兩個面向的交互作用,分為四種學生反應類型,當教師採取權威取向管教,但學生覺得不合理時,便可能發生多種型態的學生抗拒。 五、學生抗拒型態各有殊異,成因亦不相同,但綜合而言,其因素包括青少年與成人地位與價值的衝突、對制度化師生關係的反應、同儕文化的增強以及家庭功能不彰等面向。


The purposes of this study are to understand, from junior high school students’ perspective, the resistant forms of the students and the teacher-student interaction which causes these resistant forms. Participating observation and depth interview have been adopted in this study. This study finds out that the resistant forms of junior high school pupils are not necessarily expressed in deviant behaviors, instead, in many other forms to reveal their resistance. Moreover, the main factor doesn’t show the sense of ‘ resistance to class’, but shows that the differences between adults and teenagers and the institutionalized relation between teachers and pupils. Besides, the peer group effect and family also are the factors in pupils’ resistance. According to the study findings, the conclusions are drawn as followings: 1.There are six resistant forms expressed by junior high school students, including that ‘the form of gangsters’ behaving delinquently, ‘the form of critique ’ criticizing the teachers’ controlling, ‘the form of accommodation’ refusing adults’ values, ‘the form of clowns’ messing up for fun, ‘the form of facing off’ transiting the meaning of the different behaviors, and ‘the form of ritualism’ for self-protection. 2.Both teachers and pupils have their own interpretations to decide their reactions to each other. Pupils do not necessarily accept teachers’ rules, and they develop their strategies to find out teachers’ limiting lines. There could be three types of relations between teacher-student interaction, i.e. going well, conflicts and indifference to each other. 3.The resistant forms of students show diverse meanings. First of all, the-form-of- gangsters’ resistant behaviors are the continuance of elementary school life. Secondly, the-form-of-critique students criticizing the norms and rules, and they are innovative but without real actions. Thirdly, the-form-of-accommodation students show the conflicts between adults and teenagers. Fourthly, the-form-of- clown students seek for fun in class against boredom. Fifthly, the-form-of-facing-off students’ behaviors express the transiting meaning. Last, the-form-of-ritualism students conform the rules in order not to be punished. 4.Pupils’ resistance is affected by two dimensions, which are teachers’ authority and pupils’ perception. Furthermore, pupils’ reaction could be divided into four categories. When teachers take the authoritative approach to control and pupils consider it unreasonable, resistance would occur. 5.The resistant forms caused by various factors to cause resistant forms. These factors are conflicts of perspective of valuation between adult and teenage, reactions to teacher-student institutionalized relations, the enforcement of peer groups, and the negative effects of the family.


