  • 學位論文


Effects of Running and Weight Training on Liver Function,Aerobic Capacity, and Muscular Strength in Hepatitis B Carriers

指導教授 : 林正常 方進隆


本研究主要目的在探討不同運動型態訓練對B型肝炎帶原者肝功能及心肺耐力與肌力之影響。受試者為40名自願參與本研究之男性B型肝炎帶原者,隨機分配於四組不同運動型態,包括:一、高強度跑步訓練組(HR組;22.5 ±3.58 歲):85% VO2max,20分鐘;二、低強度跑步訓練組(LR組;22.1 ±2.77 歲):50% VO2max,30分鐘;三、重量訓練組(WT組;22.2 ±1.72 歲):15RM,八種動作;四、控制組(C組;24.4 ±4.48 歲),進行八週,每週三次的訓練。於訓練前(T1)、訓練四週(T2)、八週後(T3)及停止訓練四週後(T4)採血以分析肝功能,並於T1、T3及T4測驗心肺耐力及肌力。研究所得之肝功能檢驗值以正常值作為判定標準;而心肺耐力及肌力等數值則以混合設計二因子變異數及相依樣本單因子變異數分析進行檢定。結果發現:一、肝功能部分:四個不同運動訓練組,在T1、T2、T3及T4所測得的肝功能檢驗值皆落在正常範圍內。二、心肺耐力部分:VO2max在HR組中,於T3顯著增加,而在T4則顯著下降;另外,在LR組中,T1、T3及T4間皆無顯著差異。三、肌力部分:八項動作的肌力於T3顯著提升而仰臥推舉、大腿踢伸及正握拉槓等動作於T4顯著下滑。本研究顯示,B型肝炎帶原者經過八週,每週三次的85% VO2max跑步訓練及15RM重量訓練後,分別能有效提升心肺耐力及肌肉適能,且對肝功能並無不良影響。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of running and weight training on liver function, aerobic capacity, and muscular strength in hepatitis B carriers. Methods: Forty subjects were randomly assigned to four groups: 1) High intensity running group (HG, age = 22.5 ±3.58 yrs): 85% VO2max, 20 minutes; 2) Low intensity running group (LG, age =22.1 ±2.77 yrs): 50% VO2max, 30 minutes; 3) Weight training group (WG, age =22.2 ±1.72 yrs): 15RM, eight exercises; 4) Control group (CG, age =24.4 ±4.48 yrs). Blood samples were collected before the training(T1), after week four(T2) and eight(T3) of training, and after a 4-week of detraining(T4). Aerobic capacity and muscular strength were examined at T1, T3, and T4. Liver-examined values were diagnosed by normal range; aerobic capacity and muscular strength were analyzed by mixed design two-way ANOVA and repeated design one-way ANOVA. Results: 1) Liver function: All liver-examined values in four different training groups were within normal range at T1, T2, T3, and T4. 2) Aerobic capacity: VO2max was significantly increased at T3 in HG; however, it decreased at T4. In contrast, there were no significant changes at T1, T3, and T4 in LG. 3) Maximal muscular strength of all exercises raised significantly at T3. Bench press, leg extension, and lat pulldown were reduced at T4 when compared with T3. Conclusion: Hepatitis B carriers seem to tolerate running training of 85% and 50% VO2max and 15RM weight training well. They can improve aerobic capacity after 85% VO2max running training and increase maximal muscular strength after 15RM weight training.


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