  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Active Attack, Passive Attack and Score Action Attack of th e Patterns of sixteen Athletes of the Chinese Taipei team and Korean team in every level in the 8 th World Female Taekwondo Championship in 2001.

指導教授 : 林竹茂 陳鴻雁 錢紀明


國立臺灣師範大學體育學系碩士學位論文 2001年第八屆女子世界跆拳道錦標賽』中華隊、韓國隊女子組選手的主動攻擊、被動攻擊及得分動作攻擊型態分析研究 摘 要 本研究之目的、旨在探討2001年韓國第八屆女子世界跆拳道錦標賽,中華隊與韓國隊選手主動攻擊、被動攻擊及得分動作攻擊型態技術運用情形,以瞭解目前中華隊與韓國隊選手優秀選手技術、戰術的運用趨勢與比賽致勝的主要因素。本研究採實況錄影與現場記錄,利用系統觀察法加以記錄統整,將處理後的資訊以SPSS8.0 for WINDOW統計軟體進行統計分析並以One-ANOVA、杜凱式事後比較分析、考驗中華隊與韓國隊每場攻擊數及得分動作攻擊型態的相關情形,得到以下結論: 一、中華隊方面: (一)總攻擊數與平均每場攻擊數及其主動與被動攻擊數百分比統計分析總攻擊數為503,其中主動攻擊為275、被動攻擊為228,總平均每場攻擊數及其主動與被動攻擊百分比為54.67%:45.33%。 (二)總得分數,總平均每場得分數及其主動與被動攻擊的得分數百分比統計分析總得分數為106,其中主動攻擊得分為61、被動攻擊為45,平均每場得分數及其主動與被動攻擊得分數百分比為57.55%:42.45%。 (三)各類攻擊技術型態的得分數以旋踢最高,其餘依序為下壓、後踢。側踢、後旋踢、前踢與正拳均為沒有得分。 (四)中華隊選手在選擇攻擊動作型態,有趨向於旋踢動作,且旋踢的總攻擊次數320次佔全體攻擊百分比63.62﹪,是整個比賽的主軸。 二、韓國隊方面: (一)總攻擊數,總平均每場得分數及其主動與被動攻擊的得分數百分比統計分析總得分數為955,其中主動攻擊得分為512、被動攻擊為443,平均每場得分數及其主動與被動攻擊得分數百分比為52.22%:47.78%。 (二)總得分數,總平均每場得分數及其主動與被動攻擊的得分數百分比統計分析總得分數為203,其中主動攻擊得分為106、被動攻擊為97,平均每場得分數及其主動與被動攻擊得分數百分比為52.22%:47.78%。 (三)各類攻擊技術型態的得分數以旋踢最高,其餘依序為下壓、後踢。側踢、後旋踢、前踢與正拳均為沒有得分。 (四)旋踢攻擊動作總攻擊數為642次,平均每場16.89﹪,是比賽獲勝的因素。 三、中華、韓國隊考驗結論: (一)韓國隊與中華隊的平均每場攻擊次數在統計上達到顯著差異,即中華隊平均每場攻擊次數明顯低於韓國隊。 (二)韓國隊與中華隊的每場主動攻擊次數在統計上沒有達到顯著差異,表示中華隊與韓國隊在採取主動攻擊時,沒有太大的差異性。但韓國隊與中華隊被動攻擊在統計上達到顯著差異,表示韓國隊採取被動攻勢,高於中華隊。 (三)中華隊與韓國隊在選擇旋踢、後踢、下壓攻擊動作,沒有達到統計上的顯著,表示中華隊與韓國隊在選擇使用這三種攻擊模式,沒有太大的差異性。 關鍵字:跆拳道、主動攻擊、被動攻擊、得分動作攻擊型態


National Taiwan Normal University Department of Physical Education An Analysis of Active Attack, Passive Attack and Score Action Attack of the Patterns of sixteen Athletes of the Chinese Taipei team and Korean team in every level in the 8 th World Female Taekwondo Championship in 2001. Presented Date:May 25 2002 ABSTRACT The study focused on searching for the athletes of the Chinese Taipei team and Korean team which the situation of active attack, passive attack and score action attack in the 8 th World Female Taekwondo Championship in Korea in 2001.The purpose is now to understand the tendency of skill and scheme which are used by the excellent athletes of the Chinese Taipei team and Korean team and main reason of winning in the competition. The study uses radio and live record, and make use of system observation to record and organize. Then, the information was analyzed by statistics program, SPSS8.0 for WINDOW. And by One-ANOVA, Du-Cai afterward compare analysis to test the Chinese Taipei team and Korea team the attack number in every competition and the situation of the patterns of Score Action Attack. And the result is stated and analyzed in synthesis. About the Chinese Taipei team : 1. The total attack number is 503,The Active Attack is 275, The Passive Attack is 228 ,The avarage attack number in every game 56.67﹪: 45.33﹪. 2. The total scoring number is 106, The Active Attack is 61, The Passive Attack is 45 , The avarage attack number in every game 57.55﹪: 42.45﹪. 3. The score number of the patterns of the attack skill the highest is the front turning kick, the others in turn are the rising kick, the back kike,The side kick the back turning kick, the font kick and the tist is all no scoring. 4. The athletes of the Chinese Taipei team tends to use the turning actions ,when they choose the patterns of attack action. The turning action is totally 320 times, it’s 63.62% of total attack action times. It is the main shaft of the game. About the Korean team : 1. The total attack number is 955,The Active Attack is 512, The Passive Attack is 443 , The average attack number in every game 53.61﹪:46.39﹪. 2. The total scoring number is 203,The Active Attack is 106, The Passive Attack is 97 , The average attack number in every game 52.22﹪: 47.78﹪. 3. The score number of the patterns of the attack skill : the highest is the front turning kick, the others in turn are the rising kick, the back kike.,The side kick the back turning kick, the font kick and the tist is all no scoring. 4. The total score number of turning attack kick is 642 times ,and on the average of 16.89 ﹪ in each game. It is the factor to win the whole competition. Chinese Taipei and Korean team test conclusion : 1. Korean team and Chinese team reach to conspicuous diversity at average aggression action every play, it means Chinese team is average aggression action low to Korean team obviously. 2. Korean team and Chinese team do not reach to conspicuous diversity at the aggression actions every play.it means Chinese team and Korean team take the attack actions,they do not have diversity obvious.But Korean team and Chinese team reach to conspicuous diversity at passive attack actions,it team Korean team is high to Chinese team when takiy passive actions. 3. When Chinese team and Korean team choice front back kick, rising kick and so on, they did not reach to turning kick, conspicuous diversity. So we can know Chinese team and Korean team choice to use this three of aggression action pattern, there just are a little difference. KeyWord :Taekwondo,Active Attack, Passive Attack, Score action


Taekwondo active attack passive attack score action


The World Taekwondo Federation (1997) :The World Taekwondo Federation Competition Rules 。
中華民國跆拳道協會(民 86):中華民國跆拳道協會八十六年度全國裁判暨教練講習會—競賽裁判規則。第15頁。


