  • 學位論文


The use and performance of collage on visual design- for example by poster design -

指導教授 : 康台生


人們在古時就懂得將不同元素拼湊成一個全然不同的物體,可見拼貼的歷史遠比我們想像的更久遠,近代由於各種藝術家或設計師經常使用拼貼技術在作品上,拼貼也成為廣為人知與接受的藝術表現方式。本研究目的在於:藉由文獻回顧探討拼貼形成的歷史、圖形認知的心理和平面廣告的構成關係,蒐集有關拼貼圖形的海報加以分組與歸納,做為創作與教學上的參考資料,並將研究歸納後的心得應用於個人創作中,以求理論與創作之均衡發展。本研究結果歸納如下三點: (一)文獻回顧主要是從拼貼技法的形成的背景為重點,了解拼貼的定義和歷史,進而探究近代包浩斯教育和拼貼的各種關連,以及拼貼的設計風格如何影響戰後美國設計發展,探討普普藝術和拼貼技法之間的關連。 (二)蒐集各種有關拼貼設計作品,將這些作品大略分為文字拼貼與圖像拼貼以及綜合拼貼三大類,再將三大類分做六個小項目,這六小項目分別為:1.文字圖像化,2.文字本質拼貼,3.集合式拼貼,4.分解再拼貼,5.想像式拼貼,6.綜合式拼貼。再以平面設計作品輔助說明這五種形式的拼貼作品,兼論名家的作品形式與作品意涵。 (三)作品形式以拼貼的平面視覺傳達作品為主,以日常中的報章雜誌的影像為擷取對象,運用視覺設計的特性,反映各種社會百態與生活態度,創作主題以筆者的日常生活為素材,融合特有的中華文化圖像,輔以豐富的色彩和圖像,藉由作品抒發感受,期望將原本拼貼的意涵:「反應人生和貼近大眾」,與筆者的設計作品相互應合。


拼貼 視覺設計 海報


People had learnt how to piece up an entirely different object from various elements since the ancient period; therefore, the appliqué history could be much longer than our imagination. Owing to the artists or designers are often applying the collage craft onto their works nowadays, the collage has been shaped into an artistic performance that have been widely known and accepted by masses. The purpose of this research is: by means of the documents to retrace the collage history and study the structure correlation between the mentality of graphic perception and the plane advertisement, collecting the related graphic poster of collage to sort out and sum up as a reference for creation and education, and applying the induced research to the individual creation to balance the development of theory and creation. To generalize this research, we obtained following three conclusions. 1. The key point of the documents review is basically on the collage shaped background and the perceptions of appliqué definition and history. Moreover, to probe into the varied correlation about the modern Bauhaus education and the collage, and to study the collage designed style that is how to affect the post-war America in designed development as well as the correlation between the pop art and the technique of collage. 2. Collecting all kind of collage works and dividing roughly into three major parts that identified as the word collage, the graphic collage and the composite collage. Reclassifying the three major parts into six individual sections read as; 1)Illustration of the Word. 2) collage of the Word Substance. 3)Assembly collage. 4)Dismantling for Re- collage. 5)Imaginary collage. 6)Comprehensive collage. Again, use the plane-designed works to illustrate the six styles of collage works, and incorporate the masterpiece to comment on its formation and implication. 3. Works formation mainly use the collage plane-vision to express the pieces, selecting the image from daily life that printed on newspaper or magazine as an object, and utilizing the characteristic by visual design to reflect the social forms and living attitude. The creative topic is taking the authorial daily life as a raw material that merges in the specific image of the Chinese culture and blends with the lavish colors and images. By means of works to release the telepathic impressions, it prospects to reflect the original implication of the collage --- Response to Life and Pressing Close to Masses--- and integrate the designed works into the author’s.


collage visual design poster


•Richard Hollis,許明潔譯,1997,台北:龍溪圖書。
•Richard Appignanesi,黃訓慶譯,1996,台北:立緒文化。


