  • 學位論文


The study in the obese junior high students’ intentions of the weight control and their relation with the related factors

指導教授 : 姜逸群


本研究主要目的在了解國中肥胖學生體重控制行為意向,並探討健康信念、自我效能及背景因素與體重控制行為意向之關係,以做為校園體重控制介入計畫之參考。本研究以民國八十九學年度第一學期就讀於台北縣某國中肥胖學生為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣法抽出肥胖學生315人(男生198人,女生117人)為研究樣本,並以結構式自填問卷進行調查。計得有效問卷296份,回收率達93.97﹪。重要結果如下: 一、 研究對象半年內進行體重控制行為意向介於可能與非常可能之間,傾向可能。 二、 研究對象對肥胖相關疾病罹患性認知傾向中立意見,並發現在不同年級間有差異;對肥胖相關疾病嚴重性認知傾向於「嚴重」、對體重控制利益性認知傾向於「同意」、障礙認知傾向於「不同意」。 三、 研究對象之體重控制行為意向與健康信念中之嚴重性認知、利益性認知呈正相關;與障礙性認知呈負相關。 四、 研究對象之健康信念行動線索中,刺激經驗愈多則其體重控制行為意向愈強。 Ⅰ 五、 研究對象之節制飲食自我效能傾向中立意見,並發現不同年級自我把握度有所差異。 六、 研究對象之運動自我效能介於中立意見與有把握之間,並發現不同年級、性別與自覺體型不同其運動自我效能把握度亦不同。 七、 研究對象之體重控制行為意向與節制飲食及運動自我效能均呈正相關,且運動自我效能把握度較節制飲食自我效能把握度高。 八、 過去有體重控制經驗者對未來體重控制行為意向較過去無體重控制經驗者高。 九、 研究架構中相關變項對未來體重控制行為意向解釋力達32.9﹪,可有效預測之變項為嚴重性認知、障礙性認知、行動線索、運動自我效能、性別及過去有無體重控制經驗,其中以過去有無體重控制經驗最具影響力,運動自我效能次之。


The main purpose of this research is to understand the obese junior high students’ intentions of the weight control and their relation with the health belief model, self-efficacy, and background. And this research will be the reference material of the intervening project of the weight control in the campus. This research took the obese students of the first semester in 2000 school year in certain junior high school in Taipei County as a sampling group and selected 315 obese students (198 boys and 117 girls) from the group as research samples with the slice random sampling method, and then made an investigation with structural self-filled questionnaire. The number of the valid questionnaire is 296, and the recovering rate is 93.97%. The important conclusions are: 1. The subjects’ intentions of carrying out the weight control in half a year are between possibility and extreme possibility, and tend to possibility. 2. The subjects tend to hold neutral opinions toward perceived susceptibility, and there are differences from one grade to another. They tend to serious perceive toward the perceived seriousness of the diseases caused from obesity, agree perceive toward perceived benefits of taking action of weight control, and disagree perceive toward barriers to taking action. 3. The subjects’ intentions of the weight control have a positive correlation with the perceived seriousness and the perceived benefits of taking action in the health belief model and a negative correlation with barriers to taking action. 4. The more stimulating experience the subjects have in their behavioral clues, the stronger their intentions of the weight control are. Ⅲ 5. The subjects hold neutral opinions toward the self- efficacy of diet, and different grades have different abilities of self-confidence. 6. The subjects’ self-efficacy of exercise is between neutral opinions and confidence. And different grades, sexes, and the types of self-awareness have different abilities of self-confidence toward self-efficacy of exercise. 7. The subjects’ intentions of the weight control have a positive correlation with diet and self-efficacy of exercise, and the confidence of self-efficacy of exercise is higher than that of diet. 8. Those who used to experience the weight control in the past have higher intentions of future weight control than those who did not have that kind of experience. 9. In the structure of this research, the related variation’s abilities to explain the intentions of future weight control is 32.9%. The predictable variations are perceived seriousness, barriers to taking action, behavioral clues, self-efficacy of exercise, sexes, and having or not the experience of weight control in the past. Among these variations, having or not the experience of weight control in the past is the most influential, and self-efficacy of exercise is secondary.
