  • 學位論文


The Study of Teacher Appraisal for Teachers in Vocational High Schools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳清基 李基常


本研究旨在探討有關高職教師評鑑制度的相關理念、了解我國高職教師對評鑑實施策略之看法差異性、了解我國高職教師對評鑑指標之看法差異性、以建構高職教師評鑑實施策略與評鑑指標。本研究以台灣地區公私立高級職業學校(不包括高級中學附設職業類科及綜合中學)之教師為母群體,以分層隨機方式抽取公立學校30所,私立學校30所,每校14名,樣本共計840份進行問卷調查;另輔以資深教師訪談等方式進行資料收集分析與討論。 本研究以「高職教師評鑑之研究調查問卷」與「高職教師評鑑之研究訪談大綱」為工具。問卷獲得之資料採用T考驗(T-Test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)及雪費事後比較(Scheffe' Posterior Comparisons)分析。獲得之重要結論與具體建議如下。 壹、重要結論: 一、本研究獲得我國高職教師評鑑制度之意義、目的、方法、程序、與配套措施等重要理念。 二、不同背景因素的教師對教師評鑑策略看法仍有差異存在。 三、除性別與選擇不同委辦評鑑機構兩種背景因素之教師對評鑑指標看法沒有差異外,其餘不同背景教師對教師評鑑指標的看法仍有差異存在。 四、高職教師評鑑之策略可分別以:教師評鑑的功能、評鑑規劃階段項目、評鑑平時準備階段項目、評鑑小組評鑑階段項目、教師評鑑之委員代表性等方面探討。 五、高職教師評鑑指標可分為:教學知能、教學態度、學生輔導、行政服務、及品德與專業等五個領域;其中除了學生輔導未細分次領域外,其餘均有二至三項的次領域;次領域下再細分共有六十八項細項。 貳、建議事項: 一、及早準備規劃我國高職教師評鑑制度。 二、教師評鑑頻率以每二至三年由教育主管單位進行專業評鑑一次為原則。 三、高職教師評鑑有其獨特性,不宜與一般中小學一起規劃評鑑制度。 四、為求評鑑之公平性,宜由教育主管單位成立評鑑小組執行評鑑。 五、高職教師評鑑採漸進式的進行規劃,宜先行試辦後再擴大辦理。 六、評鑑指標應由教育主管單位成立之評鑑小組擬定大綱,至於各評鑑細項目指標,則由各校自行發展,再報各主管機關核定。 七、教師評鑑與公務人員新制考績制度之結合有待進一步的研究。 八、學校宜加強宣導教師評鑑的意義與其功能,建立教師教學評鑑的共識。 九、以行動研究方案進行教師評鑑試辦活動。 十、建議私立學校加強教師評鑑理念的溝通。 十一、各校組成評鑑指標規劃小組,擬定與發展各校特色指標。 十二、各校應訂立評鑑計畫,依計畫準備各項教師評鑑工作。 十三、各校應研訂教師評鑑手冊,以供教師參考及後續研究的建議。 十四、主動參與教師評鑑,以促進教學成效與教師專業成長。 十五、在平時規劃與準備教學檔案階段,隨時督促自我教學成長。 十六、後續研究可以高職個別類科教師評鑑實施之研究及高職教師分職級、薪級之研究為題,繼續作深入地探討。


This research aims to study the related conception of the appraisal system of vocational high school teachers, to understand the different views of the appraisal implementation strategies, to understand teachers different views on the appraisal index, so as to build up an appraisal implementation strategies and index for the vocational high school teachers. This research takes the teaches who teach at public and private vocational high school in Taiwan as mother body, randomly draws 30 public schools and 30 private schools, 14 teachers respectively, and gets 840 copies of questionnaire to be the investigation samples in total, in addition to interview senior teachers to collect more information as for analyst and discussion. This research uses “ A Research Questionnaire for Vocational High School Teachers Appraisal “ and “ A Research Interview Outline for Vocational High School Teachers Appraisal “ as tools. T-Tset, ANOVA and Scheffe’ Posterior Comparisons are used to analyze the information getting from abovementioned tools. 1. Important Conclusions: (1) This research gets important conception on the meaning, purpose, method, procedure as well as relative programs on the appraisal system of the vocational high school teachers in Taiwam. (2) Teachers in different background elements still exist different views on the appraisal strategies. (3) The teachers from the same sex or choosing the same organization to operate the appraisal affairs show the some views on teacher’s appraisal index, the teachers in different background elements still show their different views on the appraisal index. (4) The strategies for the teacher’s appraisal are divided into functions, items in project level, items in ordinary preparation level, items for the appraisal unit in appraisal level and representation of the appraisal teachers. (5) The appraisal index is divided into five categories as teaching knowledge and ability, teaching attitude, students counseling, administration service, as well as personal character and profession. Except students counseling does not have its sub-category, the rest have two or three sub-categories, and 68 items following the sub-categories. 2. Suggestions: (1) Suggestions to the educational administration: (a) Program the appraisal system of the vocational high school teachers earlier. (b) The frequency of the appraisal should be conducted by the educational administration once every two or three years. (c) The appraisal for vocational high school is unique, it should not be programmed with ordinary high schools and elementary schools. (d) For the fairness, the appraisal should be conducted by educational administration. (e) The appraisal should take gradual programs, from an experimental basis to overall practice. (f) The outline of the appraisal index should be set up by the educational administration, different schools can develop their items and get approval by their educational administration. (g) It takes further research on the combination of the teachers appraisal and governmental employees service grading. (2) Suggestions to schools: (a) Schools should enhance the publicity on the meaning and the function of teacher’s appraisal, so as to build up teachers common consensus. (b) Taking action research project to conduct experimental practice. (c) The private schools should enhance their communications with teacher in the ideal of the appraisal. (d) Each school should establish its own appraisal index unit for setting up its own specific index of the school. (e) Each school should establish its own appraisal program for its own work. (f) Each school should have its own teacher’s appraisal manual for teacher’s reference. (3) Suggestions to teachers: (a) Teachers should positively participate in the teacher’s appraisal, in order to improve their teaching effect and professional growth. (b) During the ordinary teaching file preparation period, teachers should force themselves in self-teaching-growth.


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