  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭湧涇


世界觀是某民族看待實有(reality)的方式。Kearney提出邏輯—結構模型來分析不同民族文化的世界觀,邏輯—結構模型中包含七種不同的普遍性,而本研究所探究的概念「自然」即屬於其七個普遍性中的「非我普遍性」。本研究目的在於探究:(1) 布農族學生在「自然」概念化的過程中,如何受到布農文化的影響?(2)「科學」此概念是否會出現在自然概念化的過程中?學生對於科學本質了解的狀況如何?(3) 在「自然」概念化的過程中,布農族學生的知識論信念和科學知識論信念有何差異?研究對象為花蓮縣某公立高中布農族和非原住民學生兩個群體的學生。研究工具為世界觀問卷、了解科學本質量表(簡稱UNOS)以及半結構式晤談三項工具來進行資料蒐集。研究過程可分為問卷施測與深度晤談兩個階段。首先進行UNOS的施測,UNOS的使用主要用來篩選高分群與低分群學生,再依照種族、UNOS得分和性別三項參數,共挑選八名學生進行深度晤談,除此之外,並給予八名晤談學生進行世界觀問卷施測,以得知八名晤談學生的世界觀預設傾向。 深度晤談後的結果發現:首先,布農族學生在「自然」概念化的過程中,受到其布農文化的影響包括:(1) 布農族學生在論及自然的概念時,會受布農狩獵文化、神話傳說、禁忌祭典和信仰的影響。狩獵對於布農族學生來說是一種資源利用,布農族文化包含禁忌和神話傳說,這些禁忌和傳說會使學生對於自然產生敬畏的心理。(2) 布農族學生的環境觀屬於保育取向。布農族學生認為自然的資源要物盡其用,覺知環境破壞的問題和提出保育的想法。其次,在自然概念化的過程中,布農族學生對於科學與科學本質的認知如下:(1) 布農族學生於「科學」的概念認知相當薄弱,頂多提到「專家」,而其所指的「專家」就是科學家;布農族學生論及相關「科學」的意象大多是從事科學工作的人,對於科學的方法與科學的知識較少提及。在自然概念化的情境下,布農族學生論及「科學」時,會聯想到「生態」或「生物學家」。(2) 科學本質認知的狀況,布農族UNOS高分群和低分群對於科學本質了解的差異不若非原住民UNOS高分群和低分群學生間的差異來的顯著。科學本質高分群的學生,不論布農族或是非原住民的學生,在世界觀問卷中「科學與理性主義」的類型上均有較高的傾向。科學與技學混用的狀況布農族學生較非原住民學生為顯著,布農族學生認為科學的目的在於製造工具性的產物。最後,布農族學生對於「自然」的知識論信念方面為:(1) 布農族學生對於自然的知識論信念明顯受到文化的影響,迥異於科學知識論信念。布農族學生認為由於狩獵的需要,對於自然要了解很多,因此狩獵對於布農族學生來說,是一條相當重要的求知途徑。(2) 對於自然的知識論信念會受到學生的生活環境和經驗的影響。例如:狩獵文化或閱讀經驗。


The worldview of a people is their way of looking at reality. “Nature” belongs to nonself universal which is one of seven universals in worldview analysis. The purposes of this study were to explore: (1) how worldviews hold by Bunun senior high school students affect their conceptualization of Nature? (2) would Bunun senior high school students relate to science when they mentioned about nature? To what degree did Bunun senior high school students understand the nature of science? (3) what differences exist between students’ epistemological beliefs and scientific epistemological beliefs? The participants were students from a multiracial senior high school in Hua-Lien County. The students of that school are composed of Amis, Bunun and non-indigenous populations. The subjects of the study were Bunun and non-indigenous students. Research instruments included semi-structural interview, worldview survey and Understanding of the Nature of Science Scale (UNOS). The participants of the study were divided into high and low groups based on their UNOS scores. A total of eight students were chosen as the subjects for interview study from both high and low-groups. Among them, four were Bunun students and the other four were non-indigenous students. The results of the study revealed that the effects of Bunun culture such as hunting, myths, taboo and beliefs were appeared on their conceptualization of Nature. The views of environment in Bunun students tended to conservation-oriented and the concept of “science” was deficient in their conceptualization of Nature. When they mentioned about Nature, they often related to “Biologists” or “Ecology”. Regardless of Bunun or non-indigenous students, most of them could not differentiate between science and technology. The epistemological beliefs about Nature were significantly influenced by Bunun hunting in Bunun students. Their epistemological beliefs about Nature differed greatly from scientific epistemological beliefs.


Worldview Conceptualization of Nature Bunun


許維德(1990):從「信仰體系」到「世界觀」:雅美人Anito和布農人Hanido的比較分析。人類與文化, 26, 35-46。
傅麗玉(1999a):從世界觀探討台灣原住民中小學科學教育。科學教育學刊, 7(1), 71-90。
傅麗玉(1999b):新竹縣國民中小學自然科學教師及非自然科學教師之世界觀研究。科學教育學刊, 7(2), 177-198。
