  • 學位論文


On the Misconceptions in Friction by Junior High Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 譚克平


本研究的主要目的在於探討國中學生在學習摩擦力的概念時,存在哪些迷思概念?而這些迷思概念的成因為何?希望透過本研究,能提供國中理化科教師在進行「摩擦力」概念教學時,先行診斷學生學習前具有哪些概念,分析學生存在哪些迷思概念,並對教師的教學上有所助益。同時比較海峽兩岸不同的背景下,比較有關介紹摩擦力概念的中學教科書,彼此有何異同,能夠整理出一些有效的建議,提供理化科的教師以及教科書的編者們參考。 研究的對象取自台北縣、市國二及國三學生共計九個班312人。研究的方式是先蒐集有關摩擦力的國內外相關文獻,並根據摩擦力的概念圖,訂定出本研究的問題,以自行編製的摩擦力評量題本為評量工具,據此來瞭解學生在摩擦力概念方面所具有的迷思概念。同時利用晤談的方式,更深入來瞭解學生對摩擦力概念產生迷思概念的原因。最後,透過比較海峽兩岸教科書有關摩擦力概念介紹的編排,探究兩岸教科書之間對此部分的優缺點。 茲將主要研究結果摘錄如下: 學生對於學習摩擦力概念所具有的迷思概念有下列主要幾項: (一) 接觸就有摩擦力。 (二) 物體有重量就有摩擦力的作用。 (三) 物體沒有移動就沒有摩擦力。 (四) 物體受外力作用仍維持靜止,是因為外力小於摩擦力。 (五) 重量就是物體所受的摩擦力。 (六) 壓力越大摩擦力越大。 (七) 接觸面較粗糙摩擦力較大的原因是比較容易摩擦到。 (八) 接觸面積越大摩擦力越大。 (九) 接觸面積越小摩擦力越大。 (十) 物體運動速率越快摩擦力越大。 (十一) 滾動摩擦力和滑動摩擦力不同的原因是接觸面積的改變。 關鍵字:概念、迷思概念、晤談、摩擦力、教科書


概念 迷思概念 晤談 摩擦力 教科書


The purpose of the research is to discuss these misconceptions that junior high school students have when they are learning the concept of friction and the reason why the misconceptions exist. The research is to make the chemistry teachers of junior high schools understand that they could predicate what misconceptions their students have before they learn the concept of friction. Besides, I also contrast and compare the textbooks of junior high schools concerning the concept of friction cross straits, hoping that I could offer some good suggestions for the chemistry teachers and the textbook editors. The research objects are the three hundred twelve students of the eighth and ninth grade from the nine classes in Taipei City and Taipei County. The method of the research is to collect the research and information concerning the concept of friction from Taiwan and other countries. Secondly, I defined the questions that the research would discuss based on the concept map of friction. Thirdly, I used the exercise books which I edited as the measure and have the interview with the students to understand deeply the reason why the students’ the misconceptions about the concept of friction existed. Finally, I contrasted the editing of the textbooks concerning the introduction of the concept of friction to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the textbooks cross straits. The following is the abstracts of the research result: The following is the misconceptions of the concept of friction which the students: 1.There is friction if there is contact. 2.There is friction if the object has weight. 3.There is no friction if the object does not move. 4.The reason why the object remains still influenced by the external force is the external force is smaller than friction force. 5.The weight is the friction force which the object has. 6.The more pressure is, the more friction force is. 7.The reason why the rougher contact area has more friction force is that the object can cause friction more easily. 8.The larger the contact area is, the more the friction force. 9.The smaller the contact area is, the less the friction force is. 10.The more the object motion speed is, the more friction force is. 11.The reason hwy the rolling friction and sliding friction are different is the change of the contact area. keywords: concept, misconception, interview, friction, textbook


concept misconception interview friction textbook


10.邱美虹(2000)。概念改變研究的省思與啟示。科學教育學刊, 8


謝筱蕙(2009)。兩岸高中國語文教科書編制與政治意識形態選課研究 ──以龍騰版與人教版為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00039
