  • 學位論文

遷移隱喻:V. S. 奈波爾的小說與離散詩學

Metaphorizing Migrancy: V. S. Naipaul's Fiction and Diaspora Poetics

指導教授 : 田維新


本論文主要探索V. S.奈波爾四本小說《模擬人》、《大河灣》、《抵達之謎》、《世界之道》所呈現之離散詩學,藉由游移的空間思維,審視書中後殖民文化移位、置換、混雜等課題。來自多種族的加勒比海、千里達印裔英籍的奈波爾,足跡遍及五大洲,其身分即具有游移性。他的小說除了充滿自傳性特質,也蘊涵著第三世界的族裔離散經驗。 首章闡明當今文化迅速變遷,導致現有體制之文學/文化分析愈顯僵化。解決之道,唯有啟動移動的視角,朝向文化跨(越)界之空間思維修正,拓展文學與文化之向度。「遷移」作為分析之策略,其意義也在此。第二章的思想主軸根基於霍爾(Stuart Hall)對於離散身分之建構與拆解。「遷移」作為隱喻牽引本章深入探討《模擬人》中所蘊含之後殖民變動、與文化場景離析之問題。祖源之承繼與文化認同之弔詭,構成「遷移」之成為小說隱含主旨的要件。純正性(authenticity)為文化尋根與重新定位之原動力亦是絆腳石。該書主角最後選擇流亡寫作,似乎指出「離散認同」(diasporic identification)可針砭主、客文化二元對立之迷思。第三章探討非洲去殖民化過程所引發之文明錯置、文化紊亂、與政治動盪。《大河灣》雖介入(intervene)非洲論述,但奈式以後殖民與全球空間的視角切入,將第一世界在同時湧入多種族移民的動亂狀況,放在同一變動場域中去檢視,指陳在揮之不去的殖民陰影之中,第一與第三世界同屬輸家。職是之故,《大河灣》並非撻伐非洲落後之作,而是提出全球網絡的批判思維。第四章側重奈式如何將他在第三世界的文化考察,轉移為對崩潰的古老帝國的無情紀實。結合自傳與報導文學,《抵達之謎》將族裔離散的文化認同糾葛與身分歸屬的困惑,演繹、昇華、投射到英國鄉間,以移民者的視角,在第一世界的空間銘刻(inscribe)文化交雜融合(creolization),擘畫不同文化之交鋒、協商、並存的願景。第五章剖析奈式如何以「遷移」的隱喻想像,穿越時空,將不同的歷史場景與文類,交織、展演成驛動式(mobile)後殖民歷史書寫。在斷裂、疊置、承續的敘述中,《世界之道》重/建構出反系譜學(anti-genealogical)、反中心目的論(anti-teleological)的歷史文本。末章重述「遷移」作為隱喻之重要性,並總結奈式的成就。在多元文明選擇的世紀,奈波爾的後殖民作品為我們勾勒出流動年代的文化樣貌。


This dissertation explores the representation of diaspora experience in V. S. Naipaul’s four major novels—The Mimic Men, A Bend in the River, The Enigma of Arrival, and A Way in the World. The introductory chapter builds up the theoretical framework and highlights significant aspects concerning Naipaul: his controversial position, diaspora poetics specific to his works, and his locating in the shifting topology, the metaphor of migrancy. Chapter Two reads The Mimic Men in relation to the reconceptualization of cultural roots/routes and identity prompted particularly by Stuart Hall and James Clifford, centering mainly on the metaphor of migrancy, which functions to dispense with the crisis of cultural identity and the void of re-imagination of cultural origins. Chapter Three, which discusses A Bend in the River, elucidates how Naipaul elaborates the social dynamic in a re-mapping cultural and national domain and how he addresses and redresses the shifting milieus in both the Third and the First World in a global sphere that changes. Chapter Four examines The Enigma of Arrival in relation to the configuration of diaspora identification and syncretic vision, mapping out Naipaul’s inscription of a nomadic self, an Indo-Trinidadian novelist, in the English landscape and his launching of an implicated cultural critique of the metropolitan center. The attempts to delve into the possibilities of creating new cultural hybrids and to arrive at a substantial truth about the complexity of cultural syncreticism are foregrounded, whereby the received ideas of home, exile are critically re-envisioned and redefined. Chapter Five reads A Way in the World as a postcolonial historiography that presents a way of entry into histories as tension and mutation rather than beatitude and stability. In A Way in the World, a novel that dramatizes a mobile sense of histories, an anti-teleological diasporic vision is installed; the account of migrancy is substantiated as a contributive determinant of historiography. The concluding chapter affirms Naipaul’s achievement, reiterating the metaphorization of migrancy in Naipaul’s novels as a strategy of cultural negotiation in a re-orienting world.


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