  • 學位論文


A Study on Administrative Negotiation Processes of Junior High School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張明輝


本研究之主要目的,在於探討協商的理論基礎及其相關研究,瞭解臺北市國民中學校行政協商之現況,探究臺北市國民中學目前行政協商的運作歷程與困難。最後根據研究結論,提出建議作為改進學校行政與教師會及家長會協商之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究兼採文獻分析、問卷調查法與訪談法:首先,透過文獻分析,探討協商的理論基礎、學校組織的特性與教師會及家長會的定位、學校組織中的協商發展及相關研究;其次,根據文獻探討之結果,編製「臺北市國民中學學校行政協商現況調查問卷」,進行調查研究,藉以瞭解臺北市國民中學學校行政與教師會、家長會協商的現況;第三,根據文獻探討之結果,架構訪談大綱,進行行政人員、教師會及家長會人員之訪談;最後,根據研究結論,提出具體建議。 本研究之調查對象為行政人員,共發出問卷342份,實得有效問卷224份,問卷採SPSS for Winodows 10.07統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。訪談對象為行政人員4人、教師會會長4人、家長會會長3人,共11人。 綜合調查研究之發現及訪談之結果,獲得以下結論: 一、 學校行政單位與教師會、家長會的協商內容廣泛,涵蓋學校重要政策及業務。 二、 學校行政人員肯定學校行政單位與教師會、家長會之協商,有助於行政工作之推動,行政人員亦能主動與教師會、家長會協商。 三、 學校行政單位與教師會、家長會協商困境主要為法令對協商的規定不明確及行政人員與教師、家長的認知不同。 四、 學校行政單位與教師會均有誠意透過協商解決彼此間的問題,且學校行政單位與教師會、家長會的協商最優先考慮之事項為學生權益,此為學校行政單位與教師會、家長會協商時的最大優勢。 五、 學校行政協商主要層級為業務相關主任,或由各單位組成的協商小組進行協商,組長層的級協商情形很少。 六、 學校行政單位與教師會、家長會協商僵局的處理方式,以休會擇期再協商為主,使用仲裁方式者少。 七、 學校行政單位與教師會、家長會之協商地點以會議室為主,非正式協商則以教師辦公室為協商場所。 八、 教師會會長認為教師的法律素養不足及協商意見不易整合,教師對於公共事務的不關心,造成教師會運作的困難。 九、 家長會對行政協商的最大的困難為對校務不瞭解及沒有時間參與。 根據文獻探討內容、調查研究發現,以及訪談結果,提出建議如下: 一、 行政機關宜修訂相關法令,明定學校行政單位、教師會、家長會的權責。 二、 行政機關宜辦理協商知能相關研習與提供仲裁諮詢協助。 三、 學校應改變決策歷程,讓教師、家長參與學校校務決定。 四、 行政人員及教師應相互體諒對方立場,減少不必要的對立衡突。 五、 學校宜辦理協商相關知能研習,以提升協商能力。 六、 學校教師會會員應定期召開會議,以了解會員需求作為協商之依據。 七、 進一步研究之建議,可擴及教育行政機關與全國教師會、市教師會協商之研究,增加研究對象。 關鍵字:學校行政、協商


學校行政 協商


The purpose of this study is to understand administrative negotiation processes and their difficulties in junior high schools in Taipei city. Based on previous literature review and research of negotiation, this study attempts to examine the dynamics of negotiation and provid practical implications and recommendations for future negotiations among school administrative system, teacher’s association, and parent association. The thesis consists of three major parts. The first part is the review of literature on negotiation theories, studies on school organization, the roles of teacher and parent associations at school system, and the current development of negotiation at junior high schools in Taipei city. The second part based on the literature review, research questions were derived. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are employed in order to increase the validity of findings. A questionnaire to 342 administrative staff (with 65% return rate) and the semi-structure interviews to key informats (four administrative staff, three presidents of parent associations, and four presidents of teacher associations) were conducted. The third part conclusions, implications, and are provided. Major findings of this research are as follows: 1. Negotiation among administrative departments, teacher associations, and parent associations cover major policies and operation of junior high schools. 2. Administrative staffs confirm that negotiation has assisted administration. 3. The most significant difficulty of negotiation is the differences on cognition on related negotiation regulations. 4. Due to administrative departments, teacher association, and parents association put students’ benefits as their first priority, “sincerity” showed the least significant element on negotiation difficulty. 5. Participants of most school negotiation are directors or representatives of related departments, limited section-chief level of negotiation have conducted. 6. When negotiation staled, most schools chose to suspend and re-schedule the meeting, few cases chose arbitration. 7. Conference room/hall is the most preferred location for negotiation to take place. Informal negotiation tends to choose teacher’s office. 8. Presidents of teacher association indicated teachers’ lack of knowledge and care on laws and regulation and general public affairs have caused difficulty on effectiveness of teacher’s association. 9. Limited understanding on school administration and time become the barrier for parent participation on negotiation. Implication and recommendation are as below: 1. Education bureau should provide related regulations to which responsibility and obligation of administrative departments, teacher associations, and parent associations should be clearly identified. 2. Education bureau needs to provide negotiation related skill training, conferences, and arbitration consultancy. 3. Decision making at school administration should allow teachers and parents to participate. 4. Understanding on the role each negotiation member plays can lessen unnecessary conflicts. 5. Schools should provide related skill training to enhance negotiation ability. 6. Regular meeting among members of teacher’s association will ensure further negotiation based upon fully understanding of teachers’ need. 7. Future research is suggested to include areas outside of Taipei city and to other related education bureaus. Keyword : School-Administration negotiation


School-Administration negotiation


