  • 學位論文


A Study of the Certificate System for the Principals of Elementary and Junior High School

指導教授 : 謝文全 林天祐


本研究旨在析論校長專業證照制度的意義與功能,建立我國國民中小學校長專業證照標準,建構我國國民中小學校長專業證照制度的實施內容及配套措施,並根據研究結論,提出建議供相關機關及人員參考。 依據研究目的,透過文獻探討、問卷調查和訪談,獲得以下十點結論: 一、建立國民中小學校長專業證照制度有其必要性,並可發揮激勵自我成長、提供遴選依據、保障權益、確認能力、提昇社會地位、維護權益、確保績效之功能。 二、校長專業證照制度之各項事務,宜視事權性質,由教育部及地方主管教育行政機關分別辦理之,並邀請各相關行政機關人員、教育專業人員和家長及學生共同參與,但各成員參與的方式有所差異。 三、宜從學歷標準、經歷標準、能力標準及道德倫理標準四方面建立全國國民中小學校長證照標準。 四、國民中小學校長證照之檢定,宜先訂定通過檢定人數,採檢覈與考試並用,擬定具體檢覈內容,以多元考試方式進行。 五、國民中學與國民小學校長之證照,宜分開辦理。 六、國民中小學校長之證照,宜適用於全國各地區,初期可以十年為有效期限,並建立升級換證制度。 七、辦理校長證照撤銷需以公開審理及申辯程序進行,而貪污瀆職、精神疾病、不道德行為、行為不檢、褫奪公權、證照申請不實、無法勝任、判刑有罪及患重疾等均是校長證照撤銷非常重要的依據。 八、校長證照法令宜包含證照檢定標準、證照申請資格、證照的適用對象、證照撤銷的規定、證照申請程序、申訴程序與條件、證照更新規定、證照檢定單位設置規定、校長導入方案、證照種類。 九、實施校長專業證照制度將可能面臨專業評鑑組織不足、法令規定不週延、進修配套不足、中央與地方事權的爭議、校長反彈、長期先考後訓觀念不易改變等方面的困難,且其情況均屬嚴重。 十、實施校長專業證照制度需輔以建立評鑑機構、培訓制度、績效評鑑、回任機制、遴選制度、證照法令、申訴管道、釐清權責、進修管道、證照供需評估、加強宣傳、及分區試辦等相關配套措施。 依據結論,提出以下九點建議,供作我國實施國民中小學校長證照制度的參考。 一、建立國民中小學校長專業證照制度。 二、制定校長證照法,作為實施校長證照制度的法源基礎。 三、訂定全國校長證照標準。 四、設立校長證照訓練與檢定的專責機構。 五、規劃多元客觀公正的校長證照檢定方式與內容。 六、實施初任校長的導入輔導制度。 七、推動校長證照制度的配套措施。 八、建構適當的校長專業證照制度實施流程。 九、校長專業證照制度進一步研究之建議。


This study aims to analyse the meaning and function of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school, so as to establish the standards for its practice, the contents for implements and the supplementary measures. The conclusions of this study might be provided as reference for the institutions and personnel within the related fields. According to the research purpose, and based on the discussion about the reference, the implemention of questionnaire survey and interview, there are totally ten aspects of conclusions as follows: 1. The necessity of the establishment of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school is ensured. It could be the stimulus of self-development, and provide the basis of selection, protect the right, ensure eligibility, improve the social status, maintain rights and ensure the efficiency. 2. The practice of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school is depending on the characteristics of the events and issues, and is processed by the Ministry of Education and local administrative department of Education. The related administrative personnel, the profession of education, parents and students are also invited to participate yet their participation modes are varied. 3. Four aspects including educational background, experiences, eligibility and morality are considered to be appropriate standards for establishing the system. 4. The number of passers shall be decided before the examination for the certificate. It is suggested to adopt both the assessment and examination methods. Therefore it needs to propose the content of assessment and to implement various modes of examination. 5. The implementation of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school are better to be separated. 6. The implementation of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school shall be nationwide and valid for ten years at the initial stage. It is also necessary to establish the promoting system with transfering certificates. 7. The withdrawal of certificates shall be implemented through the process of investigation and defense in public. Corruption, mental diseases, immorality, misbehaviours, deprivation of civil rights, dishonest certificate application, incompetent, conviction of guilty and serious illness are all the essential conditions for certificate withdrawal. 8. The regulations of the certificate system for the principals shall include the standard for examination, applicant’s qualification and appropriateness, withdrawal, application process, appealing process and conditions, the renewal of certificate, the establishment of examination institutions, the induction of principal and the classification of certificates. 9. The implementation of the certificate system may confront the difficulties including the shortage of professional institutions for assessment, the deficiency of regulations,the insufficincy of self-training facilities, the quarrel regarding rights between central and local governments, principals’ disagreement, the existent concept as ‘examination first, training later’. Those problems are all very severe. 10. It is necessary to establish the supplementary implements such as the examination institutions, training system, performance assessment, the system for returning to previous position, selection system, regulations of certificate, appealing system, clarification of duty, training system, the assessment of requirements, reinforcement of promotion and district trial implementation. According to the conclusions, there are nine suggestions as the follows: 1. To establishment of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school. 2. To enact the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school as the legal basis for implementation. 3. To enact the standard of national certificate for principals. 4. To establish a specific institution for training and accessing. 5. To propose a various, objective and justice method of assessment and content. 6. To implement introductive guidance system for the new principals. 7. Reinforcement of the associated implements of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school. 8. To establish the appropriate applying process of the certificate system for the principals of elementary and junior high school. 9. Suggestions for further investigations.


葉佳旺(2010)。不同師資培育方式之國小教師專業表現之研究 —以桃園縣為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000372
