  • 學位論文


A Study on English Instructional Innovation in Taiwan Junior High Schools--Exploring the Status Quo and Feasible Coping Strategies

指導教授 : 單文經 博士 黃自來 博士


本論文研究旨在藉由教學觀察、問卷調查、與訪談研究,探究以溝通式教學為主的國中英語教學革新現況、相關因素與因應策略。由兩年的實徵研究,研究者發現國中英語教學革新現況大致如下: 1. 國編本編輯委員與部分私立學校似乎有意藉教材改變進行教學革新。八十六年實施的國編本、及部分學校與教師選用的教材,多以符合溝通式英語教學原則為目標。 2. 多數公立學校的班級與學校組織並未因應教學革新而改變;部分私立學校則為因應教學革新,而增加教學時數、增聘外籍教師、增加會話課、減少班級人數等。 3. 多數英語教師肯定溝通式英語教學理念,但因溝通式教學無明確教學型態與具體教學技巧,也因考量教學時數、進度、學測方式、學生程度等,只有少數英語教師將溝通式教學理念應用於教學實踐與評量上。 4. 多數教師靠自我導向學習方式進行教師專業發展。英語教學研究會與教育行政機構,未充分發揮教師專業發展功能;部分積極改革的私校及民間機構,較能發揮實質功能。 5. 積極改革的公立學校,多由教師內發,校長給予行政支持;積極改革的私立學校,多由學校行政主導,教師配合實施。多數校長未能改變組織結構與文化,將學校轉化為學習型組織,教學革新成效有限。 研究者根據實徵研究結果,結合文獻,進一步針對國中英語教學革新提出因應策略;並對九年一貫的國中英語教學革新,提出建議。


This study aimed at exploring the status quo and feasible coping strategies of Eng;ish instructional innovation in Taiwan junior high schools--by means of English classroom observations, questionnaire surveys, and interviews with English teachers. Some of the significant findings are as follows: 1. The teaching materials have been really changed as the first step taken for improving English teaching and learning in Taiwan junior high schools. Most English teachers offer more authentic materials for ther students to study. 2. Some private schools adapt some of the organizational systems to copying with instructional innovation by, for example, increasing the periods of English course, shrinking the size of English class, employing native English teachers. 3. Most of English teachers approve of the theory of Communicative Language Teaching; however, only a few put the theory into practice, because of some internal factors and external factors. 4. Most English teachers in public schools empower their professionalism mainly by means of self-directed study, seldom with the help of the Engllsh teaching committee or education authorities.But most private schools and private education organizations are helpful to promoting the professionalism of English teachers. 5. In the public school-improvement context, some of English teachers are committed to instructional innovation, and then the principal offers administrative supports. However, in the private school-improvement context, the principal takes initiative in instructional innovation and offer administrative supports, and then English teachers are to be involved in the innovation. Reflecting on the status quo of instructional innovation and related literature, the researcher works out feasible coping strategies for now-and-future English instructional innovation in Taiwan junior high schools.


Hung, L. C. (2007). 九年一貫國民中學英語教科書文法重現情形之分析研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810573349
