  • 學位論文


Teaching and Learning of Historical Thinking: Theory and Practice

指導教授 : 單文經


本研究旨在論述「啟發歷史思維」是歷史教育的要點;其中兼顧理論與實例的探討,且並重歷史教育中的「教」與「學」。 本研究之具體實施方式,在理論研究部分,乃自歷史教育的理念與內容談起,再及於教與學的方法:以「歷史」意義之分析與探索為先,論及歷史教育理念的相關論題,復談歷史教育的內容組織、教與學之主體的心理組織;理論研究呈現於論文第三章至第五章。在實例研究部分,則以一國小六年級班級中,師生於課堂上教歷史與學歷史的情形,作為實地觀察場域的探究焦點,此外亦訪談個案教師,並深入研討課程中有關世界文明史的教材;該實例研究於本文第六章呈現,文中參酌第三至第五章的歸納結果,以其作為分析類目之參考依據。 論文第七章為結論與建議。在結論方面,對於先前理論研究與實例研究作摘要式的回顧:理論研究已規劃出契合本研究主題的理論,其為關於理想的歷史教育,從理念到實務的考量;實例之研究,乃論及實地研究的教與學,是為能「啟發歷史思維」的教與學,同時對「四大古文明起源」的教育內容加以深入分析。在建議方面,對於從事歷史教育之實務界與研究界提出相關建言。本研究並於文末指出幾個可供再思之相關議題。


The main purpose of this study was to illustrate that historical thinking is the most important part of teaching and learning history. This study included theoretical analysis and a case study. As for theoretical analysis, the researcher explored the idea and content of history education, and then went to the methods of teaching and learning. First of all, the researcher explained the meaning of history, and presented it in chapter 3. Secondly, the researcher described the ideal type of history education with regards to the organization of contents, and presented it in chapter 4. Finally, the researcher studied the ideal history education from the perspectives of psychology of teaching and learning, and made synthesized conclusion of the theoretical analysis above in chapter 5. As for the case study, the researcher took field study in a 6-grade elementary class, and explored the activities of teaching and learning there. Besides, the researcher analyzed its teaching and learning content of world civilization history deeply. The results of the case study were presented in chapter 6. Conclusions and suggestions were made in chapter 7. The researcher concluded that the summary of theoretical analysis and case study: As for theoretical analysis, the model of teaching and learning of historical thinking had been made; As for case study, the activities of teaching and learning in the observed class were successful, and the teaching contents could be added some meaningful accounts. And, the researcher made several suggestions to the practice field and the research field. The researcher also offered some issues for reflection on teaching and learning history.


