  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 呂昌明


本研究旨在應用跨理論模式來瞭解職場女性運動階段的分佈及其相關因素,同時驗證跨理論模式中的知覺運動利益、知覺運動障礙、運動自我效能以及十項運動改變方法是否能區分於不同的運動階段。研究設計採自填問卷的方式,以行政院及其所屬主管機關女性公務人員為對象,使用等距抽樣的方法進行抽樣,最後取得有效樣本706人,將資料以 t統計考驗、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費氏事後多重比較、單因子多變項分析及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行分析。將重要結果歸納如下: 一、 研究對象的運動階段有7.37%是在無意圖期、23.37%在意圖期、40.08%在準備期、9.07%在行動期、20.11%在維持期。 二、 歸屬於五個不同運動階段的研究對象,會因為自覺健康狀況、年齡、最小子女年紀,以及運動項目的不同而異。 三、 歸屬於五個不同運動階段的研究對象,在知覺運動利益上有顯著差異,各階段間除行動期至維持期外,其餘各階段呈現逐次增加的現象,即無意圖期<意圖期<準備期<行動期。知覺運動利益與運動階段兩者間存有顯著正相關。 四、 歸屬於五個不同運動階段的研究對象,在知覺運動障礙上有顯著差異,且無意圖期>意圖期>準備期>行動期>維持期。知覺運動障礙與運動階段兩者間存有顯著負相關。 五、 歸屬於五個不同運動階段的研究對象,在運動自我效能上有顯著差異,且無意圖期<意圖期<準備期<行動期<維持期。運動自我效能與運動階段兩者間存有顯著正相關。 六、 歸屬於五個不同運動階段的研究對象,其使用十項運動改變方法,具有顯著之差異。其中無意圖期在使用運動改變方法上,無論是經驗認知面向或行為面向,皆少於其他各期。而行動期至維持期間,僅在行為面向中的「情境替代」改變方法上,有顯著差異。 七、 整體而言,歸屬於五個不同運動階段的研究對象,在知覺運動利益、知覺運動障礙、運動自我效能及十項運動改變方法等十三項社會心理變項上,有顯著差異。 最後分別就未來職場運動促進計畫的實施及研究方向提出若干建議。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the stages of exercise behavior change and their correlation among employed women through application the transtheoretical model (TTM). This study also examines whether the perceived benefit to exercise, the perceived barrier to exercise, self-efficacy, and 10 strategies of processes of change can tell significant differences among five stages of exercise. The data were collected with self-administered questionnaires. The subjects of this survey were selected from female civil servants in the Executive Yuan and its 36 subordinate organizations. With a systematic sampling method, 706 respondents were valid samples. Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and one-way MANOVA were used to analyze the data. The results of this research were as follows: 1. In stages of exercise behavior change, 7.37% of the subjects are in Precontemplation, 23.37% in Contemplation, 40.08% in Preparation, 9.07% in Action, and 20.11% in Maintenance. 2. Perceived health status, age, the years of minimum child, and the type of exercise were significantly related to stages of exercise behavior change. 3. In perceived benefits of exercise, there are significant differences among subjects of the five stages of exercise behavior change. Except the stages from Action to Maintenance, the significance of perceived benefits of exercise increases progressively from Precontemplation to Action (Precontemplation < Contemplation< Preparation< Action). There are significantly positive correlation exists between perceived benefits of exercise and the stages of exercise behavior change. 4. In perceived barriers of exercise, there are significant differences among subjects of the five stages of exercise behavior change, namely, Precontemplation > Contemplation > Preparation>Action> Maintenance. There are significantly negative correlation exists between perceived barriers of exercise and the stages of exercise behavior change. 5. In self-efficacy for exercise, there are significant differences among subjects of the five stages of exercise behavior change, that is, Precontemplation < Contemplation < Preparation < Action < Maintenance. There are significantly positive correlation exists between self-efficacy and the stages of exercise behavior change. 6. The variables of 10 strategies of processes of change were significantly related to the stages of exercise behavior change. Those in the Precontemplation group use each process of change significantly less than those in other stages, either in experiential processes or in behavioral processes. From Action to Maintenance, the counterconditioning behavioral process was the main significant difference in 10 processes of change. 7. All in all, the 13 variables of TTM structure, including perceived benefits of exercise, perceived barriers of exercise, self-efficacy for exercise, and 10 strategies of processes of change, made significant differences to distinguish stage from stage. Recommendations of future researches and promotion of exercise project in the field of working place are advocated at the end of this thesis.




