  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 郭鐘隆


本研究目的為發展一套以跨理論為基礎的「戒菸教育計畫」,並進而探討「戒菸教育計畫」對大專生在每日吸菸量、尼古丁依賴程度、肺部一氧化碳、以及跨理論模式中的改變階段、改變過程、決定平衡與自我效能的影響成效。本研究採準實驗設計,以台北縣某技術學院吸菸學生79人為對象,非隨機分配為實驗組與對照組,實驗組提供六週的戒菸課程並加入跨理論模式的個人戒菸健康輔導,對照組則不予以任何介入。 「戒菸教育計畫」結束前後兩組皆實施前後測,研究資料以SPSS10.0視窗版套裝軟體進行資料分析,描述性統計以次數分配、百分比、平均值、標準差等加以分析;推論統計則以卡方檢定、t-test檢定、單因子共變數分析進行。 本研究的主要發現為: 一、此研究結果顯示戒菸教育計畫介入確實能降低學生「每日吸菸量」、「CO值」、「尼古丁依賴程度」指數。 二、戒菸教育計畫介入能使實驗組學生戒菸改變階段由無意圖期、意圖期改變至準備期、行動期。 三、戒菸教育計畫介入確實能提高實驗組學生在「經驗改變過程」、「行為改變過程」得分,且和對照組學生有顯著性差異。 四、戒菸教育計畫在戒菸「決定平衡」項目中,實驗組學生在「決定利益」、「決定平衡」兩項目和對照組有顯著性差異;「決定障礙」介入前後則沒有差異。 五、戒菸教育計畫介入確實能提高實驗組學生戒菸自我效能,且和對照組學生達顯著性差異。 六、實驗組學生對此教育計畫介入在課程、師資、健康輔導、書面資料等多採正向肯定。 本研究結果的貢獻可提供大專生戒菸計畫的參考建議,未來的研究者可在本研究的基礎下,進一步以更嚴謹的縱貫性研究來進行介入以探討其適用範圍與成效。


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of well-designed theory-oriented smoking cessation program for junior college students by applying transtheoretical model(TTM). The study focused on decreasing cigarettes per day, the score of Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence, the level of carbon monoxide(CO), and improving TTM-related variables sush as stages of change, process of change, decisional balance for smoking cessation. A quasi-experimental design was employed in the study. The subjects were consisted of 79 smoking college students. The interventions for experimental group included 6-hour structured courses,individual anti-smoking counseling and personalized anti-smoking handbook,on the other hand , the control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups were assessed by the questionnaires before and after interventions. The data was analyzed by SPSS10.0/pc for Windows. Frequency,mean, standard deviation, percentage,paired t-test, one-way ANCOVA were used for statistical analyses. The main findings in this study were as follow: 1. The smoking cessation program can significantly decrease the experimental group students’cigarettes per day、the score of Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence and the level of carbon monoxide(CO). 2. There was a significant impact in moving the smoking cessation stages forward for subjects in the experimental group. 3. There was a significant increase in the score of processes of change in smoking cessation for subjects in the experimental group compared to those in the control group. 4. There was a significant increase in the score of decisional balance and pros regarding smoking cessation for subjects in the experimental group compared to those in the control group,but not for cons. 5. There was a positive effect in impoving the experimental subjects’self-efficacy to refuse the lure of smoking. 6. Most subjects receive interventions report that they were interested in these activies were useful and helpful. Based on the results, this study suggest that futer study can explore the longitudinal effects of smoking cessatin program to verify its effectiveness. Ptactitioners can deliver such a program to smoking adolescent and adult students in order to help them quit smoking and improve there health.




行政院衛生署:www.doh.gov.tw(取自2003 ,6月26日)
行政院衛生署國民健康局網站: www.bhp.doh.gov.tw(取自2003,6月26日)
李景美、張鳳琴、賴香如、李碧霞、陳雯昭:(2002) 台北縣高職一年級學生成癮物質濫用之危險與保護因子研究。衛生教育學報,17。73-88


