  • 學位論文


A Study on Smoking Behavior of Technological College Students

指導教授 : 林輝亮


本研究旨在探討科技校院學生菸害認知、吸菸態度、吸菸行為的現況及推動無菸校園政策,並就不同背景變項的學生在吸菸行為相關因素的差異情形。為達研究的目的,首先透過文獻分析、學生訪談及專家學者的諮詢等,擬定科技校院學生吸菸行為調查問卷,以為資料蒐集的工具,據以建立研究架構,並將問卷所得資料以百分比、平均數、標準差、t-檢定及單因子變異數分析等分析方法,來鑑別影響科技校院學生吸菸行為的相關因素,最後本研究所獲結論如下: ㄧ、科技校院學生吸菸行為構面以「菸害認知」的同意性最高。 二、私立學校學生的吸菸率(61.5%)大於公立學校學生的吸菸率(38.5 %)。 三、科技校院學生最常在一起吸菸的對象為同學或朋友(91%)。 四、科技校院為推動無菸校園政策,大都傾向定點管制開放(83.3%)校園 內空曠的地方為吸菸區,以免影響他人及有效維護校園整潔。


科技校院 吸菸行為 吸菸率


This study investigates the college students of science and technology to the acknowledgement in the harm of smoking, the attitude of smoking, the present condition of smoking behavior, and to carry out the policy of non-smoking school area and to the students of different background variable item on the difference situation in smoking behavior relative factor. For reaching the purpose of study, through the documents analysis first, then interview the students, counsel the experts and scholars, propose the questionnaire on smoking behavior to college students of science and technology as the tool for collection data, therefore, to establish the research construction. According to the data from questionnaire, the researcher use the analyze method of percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, and single factor variable analysis, to discriminate related elements for influencing the smoking behavior to the college students of science and technology. At last, the conclusion of this study provide to schools and administration of education as the reference of giving an impetus to reject-smoking education. 1. The item of smoking behavior to the college students of science and technology with agreement to the harm of smoking is highest. 2. The smoking prevalence of the private school students (61.5%) is great than public school’s (38.5%). 3. The most frequently gathering of the smoking target to the college students of science and technology is classmate or friend. (91%) 4. The technological college carries out the policy of non-smoking school area mostly trending to the fixed point controlled opening (83.3%) as smoking area in the school expansive area, avoiding to influence others and effective maintaining the neat school area.


李景美(民 92),營造無菸校園初探-理論層面之觀點。學校衛生,42,97-110。


