  • 學位論文


A Study of Corporation Sponsorship at the 3rd National Mid-school Athletic Games in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭志富博士


雖然舉辦大型運動賽會具有提昇運動技術機能、強化城市運輸機能及刺激商業消費機能等功用,籌措辦理運動會的龐大經費卻是每個運動組織的沉重負擔。1984洛杉磯奧運會首次採用企業贊助的行銷策略,並為往後的奧運會帶來無限成功的商機,自此之後,企業贊助運動賽會不僅已逐漸取代傳統的行銷手法,一躍成為企業接觸目標市場的新利器,更成為運動組織增加經費的主要來源之一。 本研究對象為贊助九十一年全國中等學校運動會之企業計58家企業,以「企業贊助九十一年全國中等學校運動會調查問卷」為第一階段研究工具,進行問卷調查,並根據實際所得之資料,以描述性統計方法(次數分配、百分比、平均數)及典型相關等統計方法處理;再以個案深度訪談方式,對於中華電信等五家企業進行第二階段研究,俾以深入瞭解九十一年全國中等學校運動會尋求企業贊助之實施內容、企業參與運動贊助之一般現況、贊助動機與考量因素及繼續參與運動贊助之意願;同時藉此對於國內運動組織及企業組織提出建議,作為日後進行企業贊助之參考。本研究之研究結果發現: 一、91年全中運籌備會設置「社會資源組」負責社會資源籌募及分配事 宜,計成功募集企業贊助現金及物資總值達新台幣62,621,000元, 佔總經費57%。 二、贊助91年全中運之廠商中曾參與運動贊助之企業佔64.6%,並以參 與運動贊助年資5年以上佔37.5%為最多數;選擇參與贊助的運動種 類以球類最多;提供現金是企業最主要的贊助的資源;每年可以提 供的贊助金額(含物資)以10萬元以內最多;約有八成左右的企業尚 未制定贊助的辦法或原則;逾七成左右的企業認為隨時都可以做 出參與運動贊助的決策。 三、企業參與贊助全中運的動機依序為:「建立公司良好的企業形 象」、「善盡社會的責任」及 「增加媒體曝光率」;企業參與運 動贊助的考量因素依序為「運動會籌備會的組織健全」、「贊助的 活動與公司形象相符」、「全中運的知名度」;企業參與贊助全 中運的動機與考量因素具有典型相關存在。 四、企業對於贊助全中運所獲得的回饋項目安排中,以「於大會文宣品 內頁設計公司廣告插頁」最為滿意、以「於開幕典禮安排至貴賓席 觀禮」最不滿意;贊助的效益中,以「支持國內運動的發展」一項 最被認同、而最不被企業認同的贊助效益是「增加產品銷售量」; 企業繼續參與運動贊助的主要評估與參考依據是運動組織提供一份 具體可行的贊助企畫書。


As sport sponsorship has been an effective marketing strategy for many corporations and also an effective method to raise revenue for sport organizations, the purpose of this thesis was to study the motivation, the cogitating factor, the implementation and some other issues of the corporation sponsorship at the 3rd National Mid-school Athletic Games in Taiwan. Fifty- eight corporations served as the subjects of the study and the instrument “ The Questionnaire of Corporation Sponsorship at the 3rd National Mid-school Athletic Games in Taiwan” was employed first, and then followed in-deep interviews with the event sponsors, such as Muzno Taiwan , the whole behavior of corporate sponsorship at the 3rd National Mid-school Athletic Games in Taiwan would be understood clearly. This thesis used both qualitative and quantitative analysis to discuss corporation sponsorship at the 3rd National Mid-school Athletic Games in Taiwan and the results were as followed: 1.Because of the success of marketing program, the host party, Taipei County government, was financed from various corporations and generated approximately NT$62,621,000. 2.There were about 64.6% of corporations that had ever participated in sport sponsorship before and the ball games were the most popular sport for corporations to sponsor for. There were about 80% of corporations that hadn’t established any sponsorship regulations to followed and most of them would contribute to sport events/organizations within NT$100,000 every year. 3.The motivations of the corporations sponsoring the 3rd National Mid-school Athletic Games in Taiwan were included: to demonstrate the interest in the community, to generate media interests and publicity, to increase their reputation of good citizenship and to increase their products/service consumption; the cogitating factors were included: the host party, the sponsoring activities and the sport event. There were Canonical Correlations between the sponsoring motivation and cogitating factor of corporations. 4.To most of the corporations, a successful sponsorship proposal would be the criteria for their evaluation at the first step .


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