  • 學位論文


The Study of Corporation Sponsorship to the 2005 High School Basketball League.

指導教授 : 李晶


94學年度高中籃球聯賽企業贊助之研究 研究生:黃嘉汝 指導教授:李晶 摘要 本研究之目的在於瞭解探討企業贊助94學年度高中籃球聯賽之動機與考量因素、管理步驟、再贊助之意願。並將國內企業贊助相關研究做彙整,經由相關文獻蒐集及整理後,設定本研究之主題及架構,深度訪談六位贊助94學年度高中籃球聯賽之贊助商並整理分析,提出以下結論: 一、在動機與考量因素方面:訪談結果為八個因素,分別為視贊助為一種行銷工具、建立與提升企業形象、善盡社會責任、溝通目標族群、產品本身關聯性、增加其他機會、消費者品牌認知、企業本身之預算。 二、在管理步驟方面:研究結果將其分為固定評量標準及無固定評量標準兩種。在固定評量標準方面,企業會就本身之預算、活動之性質、參與對象、媒體效益、廠商形象、學校回饋、總公司看法、曝光程度、電視廣告GPR、收視率、定位、策略、傳播方式、目標市場做為評量標準。而無固定評量標準則分為企業自行提案及開會方式兩種方式。其贊助計畫選擇上,企業會就運動賽會與企業本身相關性、及企業本身預算是否足夠贊助。在贊助計畫執行方面則分為販賣促進課、品牌及行銷部門、行銷部或運動行銷部三個部門進行執行。 三、效益的評估方式:主要以收視率的評估方式、曝光率評估法、媒體效益評估法、週邊活動的效果、追縱評估法、銷售量評估法。 四、在再贊助之意願方面,受訪企業全部皆願意再贊助高中籃球聯賽。企業本身如果長期有配合之友好廠商皆願意推薦一同贊助,企業本身於行銷活動及贊助活動中並無任何搭配廠商則無法推薦贊助。 綜合以上各項結論,配合相關理論探討,提出以下具體建議:對企業之建議方面,企業除專責負責單位外,訂定一套贊助計畫評量標準;對運動組織之建議方面,建議高中體總設立公共關係部門,專職負責與企業界溝通並更重視轉播方式及提升轉播收視率及加重賽會於媒體的曝光機會。最後,建議後續研究者深入探討高中籃球聯賽歷年贊助廠商變動之原因,以及將94學年度起贊助高中排球聯賽之廠商與高中籃球聯賽贊助商之差異做一比較。 關健字:企業贊助、動機、贊助意願、高中籃球聯賽


The Study of Corporation Sponsorship to the 2005 High School Basketball League. Student:Chia Ju Huang Adviser:Ching Li Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the motivation and valuation elements, management steps, the model of evaluation, and the willing of the re-sponsor. This study was based on the literature review the sport sponsorship in Taiwan, and interviewed with the six sponsors who sponsored to the 2005 High School Basketball League . The results were found as the following: A. Motivation and valuation elements: There were 8 valuation elements of sponsorship were built up: a tool of marketing, corporation image, society responsibility, communicating with target audience, making other sales chances, the correlation with the products, branding knowledge, and the budget of corporation. B. Management steps: There were pattern evaluation criteria and non- pattern evaluation criteria. The pattern evaluation criteria include budget, property of event, media-benefit, corporation image, feedback to the school, GPR of advertising, audience rating, positioning and strategy, target market, circulate avenue. The non- pattern evaluation criteria were based on the corporation ideal and meeting results. the processes of the sponsor selection were from corporation budget and the connection with corporation. In administration sponsor plans contained marketing department, sales promotion department, and sports department. C. The model of evaluation: The benefit of the evaluation contain exposure rating, media-benefit, peripheral effects, follow-up, and sales volume. D. The willing of the re-sponsor: All of the corporation would like to re-sponsor the High School Basketball League next year. Base on the results of this study, the researcher provide suggestions for corporation, the Senior High School Sport Federation, and the future studies: The suggestion for corporation was to set up a specific department to develop evaluating criteria. The suggestion to sports organizations was to establish a public relation department to handle the sportscast and increase exposure rating. Finally, future researchers might study on the reasons about sponsorship change in HBL and to compare the sponsorship difference between HBL and HVL. Key word: Corporation sponsorship, Motivation, Reference retrospect, High School Basketball League




孫朝(2006)。企業贊助對高中籃球聯賽 (HBL) 影響之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0712200716120692
