  • 學位論文


The agenda-setting of the issues in the sports news in newspapers- A case-study of the 2002 FIFA World Cup

指導教授 : 施致平


報紙運動新聞議題設定效果研究-以2002年世界盃足球賽為例 摘 要 本研究目的旨在瞭解報紙運動新聞對閱聽人的議題設定效果,以2002世界盃足球賽為例,分析國內四家日報-聯合報、民生報、中國時報及自由時報對世足賽新聞報導量,並訪問臺灣地區528位民眾對世足賽新聞議題看法,進一步比較報紙議題與民眾議題間的關聯性,以瞭解報紙對民眾的議題設定效果,並探討影響報紙議題設定效果的中介變項。 為達成研究目的,本研究採用描述性統計、卡方檢定、t檢定、變異數分析及斯皮爾曼等級相關係數等統計方法。研究結果發現: 一、本研究受訪樣本以女性、年齡介於20∼29歲間、職業為學生、居住在臺北縣民眾為主要樣本群;在媒介使用管道方面,固定收看電視的比例遠超過閱讀報紙的比例,有四成的受訪者完全不看報紙新聞,且網路使用情形不佳,人際討論以「偶爾討論」形式居多。 二、就內容分析結果而言,民生報在報導量、新聞位置、照片呈現方式等面向均明顯高於其他三報,再次證明民生報實為臺灣的運動專業報紙,且由各報對版面的調整、篇幅的增加及報導量來看,各報均將世足賽新聞視為重要新聞處理。 三、分析報紙對世足賽新聞報導內容,以「世足賽的比賽結果」及「二隊比賽的對戰紀錄」二項議題報導量最多,顯示各報對運動新聞報導仍著重於比賽過程的介紹。 四、由分析受訪者對世足賽新聞議題看法結果得知,民眾對「世足賽的比賽結果」、「參與世足賽可凝聚人民對國家的向心力」及「參加世足賽有助提昇國際地位」等議題印象最深刻,但排名前幾項議題間的差異並不大。 五、分析媒介所強調的議題與民眾關注議題間的相關程度,結果發現均呈現無相關的結果(p>.05),顯示報紙並未對民眾產生議題設定效果。 六、以中介變項分析與媒介世足賽新聞議題的相關程度,均呈現無相關的結果。 綜合以上研究結果,媒介的運動新聞所重視的內容是民眾認為較不重要的項目,顯示媒體重視的報導內容未能使讀者產生認同感,媒體「反映現實」、「建構現實」的使命受到極大的挑戰,對傳播界而言,應重新檢視其守望及教育的角色及功能;對運動界而言,運動被社會賦予的價值如娛樂、社會整合等需透過大眾傳播才得以為社會大眾所瞭解,因此如何傳遞運動內涵的真正價值,為運動界未來應努力的目標。此外,本研究中發現報紙所設定的議題與民眾認知議題間存有落差,顯示有更重要的新聞議題有賴新聞媒體工作者去發掘。 關鍵詞:運動新聞、議題設定理論、世界盃足球賽


The agenda-setting of the issues in the sports news in newspapers -- A case-study of the 2002 FIFA World Cup Abstract This study focuses on the issues on the 2002 FIFA World Cup and aims to explore the agenda-setting effect on the readers of the Sports News in the newspapers.We analyze the correlations between the hot topics of the 2002 FIFA World Cup reported in the newspapers and the issues that the populace shows the most interest in. First of all, we analyze the quantity of the 2002 FIFA World Cup in the four dailies in Taiwan, the United Daily News, Min Sheng Daily, the China Times, and the Liberty Times. And then we recorded the point of views of 528 people in Taiwan on the News of the 2002 FIFA World Cup. By doing these, we would like to know how the agenda-setting effect works on the readers and would like to discuss the intervening variables that affects the agenda-setting effect of the newspapers. We analyze the data by means of descriptive statistics, chi-square, T-test, variation analysis, and Spearman rank order correlation. Our results show that 1. As for the prime media used: (The major sampling group comprises of local female student residing in Taipei County, aging from 20 to 29.) The percentage of the people who are in the habit of watching TV goes far beyond those who read the newspapers. Our survey shows that forty percent of the interviewees don’t read the newspapers at all. Just few people use the internet. Interpersonal discussion occurs only once in a while. 2. Content Analysis of the four Dailies: In the total amount of the news reported, the layout of the issues, and the way pictures are presented, they are obviously outclassed by the Min Sheng Daily. The results proves again that the Min Sheng Daily is truly the most professional Sports Newspaper in Taiwan. Judging from the readjustment of the layout of the issues, the increase of the number of the news reported, and the details of the news, the news of the 2002 FIFA World Cup are treated as important ones by all of the four Dailies. 3. Basing on the contents of the Sports News reported, two of the most frequently reported issues about the 2002 FIFA World Cup are "the outcome of the games" and "the competitive records of one team against the other". The data show that the reporters still lay their emphases on reporting the processes of the games. 4. Analyzing the points of view of the interviewees to the 2002 FIFA World Cup, we find that people are mostly impressed by the issues of "the outcome of the games", "the participation in the games can enhance the identity toward our country ", and "the participation in the games can improve the international status of our country". However, there are minor differences between the top hot issues. 5. Comparing the relevance between the hot issues in the newspapers and those most people interested in, we find that our data show no relevance (p>.05), i.e., the newspapers do not show agenda-setting effects on the readers. 6. The result of the mean variance intervening variables analysis of the relevance between the hot issues in the newspapers and those most people interested in also shows no relevance. To sum up, the contents on which the Sports News emphasizes are considered less important to the general people. In other words, the readers do not regard the contents reported in the newspapers as what they want to know the most. We may infer from the results of our study that the responsibilities of the media presses to "reflect the truth" and "to reconstruct the truth" have been challenged. On the one hand, the role and function of the presses to guard and educate the society must been reexamined. On the other hand, the best way to spread the social values of the sports, such as entertainment and social integration, is through the mass media. Therefore, the Sports Society has to set their goals towards propagating the true values of the sports in the future. Besides, the great gap between the issues chosen by the presses and those considered as important by the readers means that the presses have to find out more important issues to the readers. Key words: Sports News in the newspapers, agenda-setting, 2002 FIFA World Cup.




