

本論文以《雍正十二月行樂圖》為研究重心,希望對該畫作一深入的認識與探討。本文主要分為三個部分,第一部分是說明月令的傳統、月令圖的產生與現存的繪畫作品。第二部分是針對《雍正十二月行樂圖》進行全面的深入考據,希望找出作品年代、作者與畫中的地點,並詳述十二個月份的主題活動與其他內容。第三部分則是透過《雍正十二月行樂圖》與現存成套月令圖、雍正耕織圖和雍正行樂圖的比較,分析《雍正十二月行樂圖》的特殊性,並且配合雍正的生平與著述,最後歸結出《雍正十二月行樂圖》的功能與政治意涵。 首先對於中國月令的傳統做一說明,強調月令在中國的傳統與重要性。接著,藉由闡述儒家思想與月令傳統的關係以及繪畫的功能,說明中國月令圖的產生與。最後,介紹現存的成套中國月令圖。 關於《雍正十二月行樂圖》的基礎研究分為四個部分進行。本文將從雍正皇帝的肖像、清代宮廷檔案、康雍乾的宮廷畫家、技法來推斷作者與成畫年代。畫中地點的考據則是透過文獻與現存的皇家園林繪畫進行比對。除此,對於每個月份的主題活動做詳細說明,使《雍正十二月行樂圖》以漢族月令習俗作為內容的意義更加重要;也針對雍正皇帝的舉止說明。 對於本畫基本認識之後,進一步分析特殊意義的月份。接著,透過與現存成套月令圖、雍正耕織圖和行樂圖的比較,可以了解《雍正十二月行樂圖》內容的特殊性,並配合雍正的生平、思想與著述來分析本畫,能更加全面了解本畫的義意。這套作品不僅突顯了濃厚的歲時氣氛,也將傳統月令濃厚的政治意味與文人雅士的生活趣味相結合,在輕鬆的氣氛下輻射出政治意涵。


月令 月令圖 清代宮廷繪畫 雍正


This thesis aims to examine Yong-zheng Shi-er Yue Xing-le Tu. The thesis is divided into three sections. The first section shows the tradition of Yueh-ling (ordinances of the month), the appearance and development of Yueh-ling Tu, and the existing paintings. The second section focuses on the thorough and deep-going historical tracing of Yong-zheng Shi-er Yue Xing-le Tu in order to dig out their producing year, author, and the place the paintings draw. The third section studies the specialty of Yong-zheng Shi-er Yue Xing-le Tu through making comparisons to existing serial Yueh-ling Tu, Yong-zheng Geng-zhi Tu, and Yong-zheng Xing-le Tu. By surveying Yong-zheng’s life and works as well, I desire to locate the function and underlying political implication of Yong-zheng Shi-er Yue Xing-le Tu. The first section shows the tradition of Chinese Yueh-ling and demonstrates its continuity and significance in Chinese traditional culture. Then, through studying the relationship between Confucian thinking and the tradition of Yueh-ling as well as the function of paintings, I illuminate the appearance of Yueh-ling Tu. At last, I make an introduction of the existing serial Yueh-ling Tu. The core study of Yong-zheng Shi-er Yue Xing-le Tu, in the second section, includes four parts. I attempt to deduce their author and producing year from the portrait of Emperor Yong-zheng, the court archives of Qing Dynasty, the court painters in the ages of Emperor Kang-xi, Emperor Yong-zheng, Emperor Qian-long as well as their painting techniques. The tracing of the places the paintings draw is made through looking into documents and making comparisons and contrasts to existing royal landscape paintings. In addition, I attempt to manifest the importance of the Yong-zheng Shi-er Yue Xing-le Tu’s adopting the Han nationality’s customs of Yueh-ling by explaining the monthly motif activities. The explanation of the positioning and bearing of Emperor Yong-zheng in the paintings is also included. After a general grasp of the painting, I try to analyze the months of special significance further. Through making comparisons to existing serial Xing-le Tu, Yong-zheng Geng-zhi Tu, and Yong-zheng Xing-le Tu, I will display the specialty of Yong-zheng Shi-er Yue Xing-le Tu. By zooming into Yong-zheng’s life, thinking, and works as well, we can understand the purposes of the paintings more fully and deeply. This set of paintings reveals dense atmosphere of the end of the year. In a relaxing atmosphere, coupled with a combination of profound political meaning of the traditional Yueh-ling and interests of the literati and scholars, an underlying political implication is radiated.



