  • 學位論文

台灣報紙廣告中 國台語的夾用現象

The Mixing of Southern Min Dialect in Newspaper Advertisements in Taiwan

指導教授 : 施玉惠 博士 胥嘉陵 博士


摘要 本研究旨在由產品類型、語言結構、語言功能、以及語言的創造性等各方面來探討台灣報紙廣告中,國台語夾用的現象。 另外, 為了對台灣廣告中語言混用的情形有較全盤的了解,本研究結果並與胥嘉陵教授的中英文混用廣告研究做一比較。 在資料收集上,本研究共收集了792則報紙廣告,之後再以質化及量化方式進行分析。 研究結果顯示,台語已經不再侷限於傳統產業,在許多高科技產業,例如電信業,的廣告中,也出現高比例的台語夾用現象。這似乎顯示國語和台語的界線愈來愈模糊。 在語言結構上,名詞的比例最高,這點和前人的研究結果相符,顯示在語言混用時,不論哪種語言,名詞都是最容易被使用的。 本研究也發現在廣告中夾雜台語通常是只取其意,而忽略其文法。在語言功能方面,廣告中的國台語夾雜和中英文混用,主要都是要引人注目以及表現流行感。在與中英文混用的比較上,廣告中英文的使用有中文文化之限制,而台語則沒有此包袱。在產品類型上,台語的使用範圍比英文來的廣。 整體來說,本研究結果可反映目前台灣社會語言使用之情形。另外,不同於其他的語言混用研究,廣告中語言之創造性及潛在的社會心理意義值得我們特別注意。


台語 廣告 夾用


Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate Mandarin/ Southern Min code-mixing in newspaper advertisements in Taiwan in terms of product domains, functions, linguistic patterns, and linguistic creativity. In addition, this study compares its own findings with those of Hsu’s research (2000a,b,2002a,b) concerning the Mandarin/ English mixing. The data of the study were drawn from a total of 792 written code-mixed advertisements collected from newspapers. The results of the study indicate that the use of Southern Min is not restricted to the traditional domains and the boundary between Mandarin and Southern Min has become blurred. Regarding the linguistic patterns, the NP category outnumbered any other category. This finding is consistent with the previous researchers’ observations on code-mixing, and implies that in CM, NP is most easily borrowed and assimilated into the structure of the matrix language no matter which language serves as the matrix language. During the process of mixing, copywriters usually insert Southern Min in the advertisements based on its direct translated meaning in Mandarin regardless of its original syntax or grammar. With regard to the functions the mixed Southern Min elements are used to fulfill, similar to the English mixing, Southern Min-mixing in the advertisements is largely for attention getting and trendy fashion. Compared to the English mixing in the advertisements, it is found that first, the cultural constraints work to a greater extent with English than with Southern Min. Second, the scope of Southern Min seems to be wider than that of English in terms of product domains. In conclusion, the findings drawn from this study may reflect the social ethos and language use of contemporary Taiwan society. Moreover, the advertising strategies uncovered in this analysis provide evidence that code-mixed advertising deserves special attention as a distinct genre because of its linguistic creativity as well as its potential socio-psychological effects.


Southern Min Advertisements Code-mixing


