  • 學位論文


Content Analysis and Quality Evaluation of AIDS Websites

指導教授 : 黃淑貞


本研究旨在分析愛滋病網站之宣導訊息策略、訊息內容含括類目,並評估其品質優良度,俾瞭解網站內容之豐瘠及其品質之良窳情形。先以問卷調查法及主成分分析法建構「網站品質優良度評量表」,並透過國內六家大型網路搜尋引擎之關鍵字檢索,選取64個愛滋病網站、240個愛滋病宣導網頁進行分析與評估,再以立意取樣法選取5名愛滋病網站方面之專家學者進行實地訪談。 研究工具為「愛滋病網站品質評估指標」調查問卷、「網站宣導訊息策略評估表」、「網站內容充實度評估表」與「網站品質優良度評估表」,以及愛滋病網站專家學者訪談大綱。問卷調查及評估所得資料以SPSS10.0套裝軟體進行統計分析,採用描述性統計、主成分分析、卡方分析、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法分析量化資料,並佐以質性深度訪談資料來詮釋研究發現。 本研究之主要發現為: 一、愛滋病網站訊息以來自非營利機構者居多,側重知識方面的宣導, 多採用理性訴求方式,提及罹患疾病之嚴重性資訊最多,並鮮少提 到採取預防措施時會遇到之障礙。 二、愛滋病網站之內容項目大多不充實,以醫療科技(介紹愛滋病或HIV 名詞、傳染途徑、分期症狀)與預防方法(使用保險套)最多;而 感染愛滋病後的心理諮商、日常生活應對與最新活動預告之訊息不 足。 三、政府機關、教育機構、非營利機構網站之內容充實度與品質優良 度,均優於營利機構網站;又各個網站內容充實度與品質優良度之 差異性均極大,而且內容充實度與品質優良度之間達高度相關。 四、愛滋病網站大多未標註醫療警語、隱私權政策;政府機關很少建置 網路交流園地,部分網站之資料老舊、內容重複,且更新太慢,欠 缺吸引力。 五、愛滋病網站以「一般大眾」、「同性戀族群」為主,沒有細膩區隔 對象,又訊息來源缺乏本土原創性資料,無法滿足網友個別的需 要。 六、部分營利機構愛滋病網站的訊息隱含誇大不實廣告及另類觀點,政 府單位沒有介入處理或導正。 最後研究者根據研究結論與發現,提出對於衛生教育宣導、行政實務界和後續研究者之具體建議,並建議未來可在研究對象、研究工具、研究期程、研究主題等方面再進行更廣博周延而長遠的研究。


This study aims to analyze the campaign strategies and contents of AIDS websites and attempts to assess the quality of those websites. First a website quality evaluation form was established by way of questionnaire survey and principal component analysis. Next using keyword searching to browse through six Chinese search engines, 64 AIDS websites and 240 webpages that disseminated AIDS information were selected for analysis and evaluation. In addition, 5 AIDS website experts were purposively sampled for interview. The research tools employed in this study included a questionnaire survey on AIDS Website Quality Indicators, Website Campaign Strategy Evaluation Form, Website Content Evaluation Form, Website Quality Evaluation Form, and summaries drawn from the expert interviews. Data obtained from the questionnaire survey and evaluations were subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS10.0 software, where quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, Chi-square, 1-Way ANOVA, and Person’s correlation, which were complemented with qualitative in-depth interview data in the interpretation of the research findings. This study finds the following: 1.The AIDS websites were created primarily by non-profit organizations, which stressed dissemination of knowledge and information in a rational fashion. The websites under study contained information in large measure on the serious health consequences of the disease, while rarely mentioned the obstacles encountered in the exercise of preventive measures. 2.The contents of AIDS websites under study lacked substance in general. The bulk of information was on health and medicine (introduction of AIDS or HIV, routes of transmission, and symptoms in different stages of the disease) as well as prevention (use of condom), while information on psychological counseling for AIDS patients, advice for daily life of AIDS patients, and announcement of latest activity or program were typically inadequate. 3.The contents of websites created by government agencies, educational organizations and non-profit organizations were in general superior to those of for-profit organizations in terms of substance and quality, while great disparity in content substance and quality existed among different websites with high correlation between content substance and quality. 4.The majority of AIDS websites under study did not post health warnings or its privacy policy. Few government-owned websites offered a place for information exchange, while some government websites contained obsolete information and repetitive contents that were not constantly updated and lacked appeal. 5.AIDS websites mostly used the terms “general public” and “homosexuals” without more subtle distinctions. The sources of information presented on the website were rarely local or original, which hardly met the individual needs of browsers. 6.Some for-profit AIDS websites made exaggerated or false advertisements or presented alternative viewpoints that were not intervened or rectified by government authorities. Based on the research findings, the author made concrete suggestions with regard to health education and propagation, administrative practices and subsequent studies, and proposed that more extensive and long-term studies be carried out in the aspects of research subjects, tools, duration, and topics.


