  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 莊吉發


吃齋是清代民間宗教信眾普遍存在的現象,大部份的教派皆以是否吃齋,作 為入教的第一步,從飲食上的改變,來達到吸收信徒的目的。官方也常以是否有吃齋作為辨別信徒或非信徒的依據,因此吃齋者變成官方所嚴防及取締的對象。本文旨在探討此一清代民間宗教發展上的重要機制:教派的齋戒信仰活動。 全文分三個主要的部份作論述,首先是就齋戒的淵源作探討,分就大傳統與小傳統兩方面來分析。前者是就歷代皇帝推動齋戒禁屠的情形作探討,後者是論述民間宗教齋戒信仰的形成背景。其次是就清代官方檔案中有關齋戒活動的記載及《寶卷》《經籍》中有關齋戒信仰的教義內容作分析,以了解清代民間宗教齋戒信仰的特色。其三是就官方取締民間宗教齋戒活動,及這些民間齋戒活動的社會文化義涵作分析。 本文所探討的齋戒信仰活動,是指利用「庵堂」、「齋堂」或「佛堂」等聚會場所舉辦之“吃齋”、“作會”、“齋供”等的宗教性活動。這些齋戒活動,關係著一教一派的發展。當舉辦“齋供聚會”時能否成功的吸引信眾加入,就是此一教派齋戒活動社會影響力的展現。經由本文探討可以發現,清代官方何以要對民間宗教的吃齋者嚴厲取締,並非是在禁止人民吃齋,而是為防患民間吃齋形成群體意識。其次,中國民間宗教為何多重視齋戒,應不只是在修行,其真正的目的是在吸收信眾,形成以教首為主的人際信仰圈。這也就是為什麼吃齋者容形成群體意識的原因。


民間宗教 齋戒 吃齋 素食主義 持齋戒殺 齋堂 庵堂


Religious Staunch Vegetarianism was a common existing phenomenon among the followers of folklore beliefs in Chin Dynasty. During that time period, most religious sects considered such custom to be the preliminary requirement if a person was to be accepted as a follower/believer. The operating principle behind such custom assumed that the alteration in dining habits should strengthen the recruiting process and the faith of those followers. Furthermore, such custom was employed as a differentiating criterion between a believer/non-believer by the Chin government in later apprehending anti-government rebels. The focus of this essay is to critique the essence of such custom and its impacts as well as the influences on Chin Society. By definition, religiously staunch vegetarianism refers to the worshipping ceremonies including the Buddhist rituals, Vegetarian offering, and Abstinence held in a Hospice, a temple’s dinning chamber, or Baldachin. Such ceremonies or activities matters utmost to the survival and the development of a religious sect. That is, a successful and glorious exhibition and presentation of a religiously staunch vegetarianism will be no doubt in synch with a religious sect’s demonstration of social status and power. It is the hope of the writer of this essay that through the following examination, the reasoning and logics which lie within the custom of religiously staunch vegetarianism can be shed light on. Moreover, the writer wishes to proclaim that such custom is not only a means to better oneself, but more profoundly a thoroughly-thought measure to recruit a large number of followers/believers to the leader of a religious sect.


