  • 學位論文


Mountaineering Activities in Taiwan Under Japanese Imperialism

指導教授 : 蔡禎雄


近代登山歷史不過一、二百年,台灣已在百年前經由日本殖民政府引入,並有相當程度的發展。本論文擬探究日治時期身體運動文化當中的登山活動,以反映殖民者帝國主義權力展現之相互關係,並將此過程置於殖民地化與近代化過程中檢視,探討日治時期登山活動從「探險」轉變為「休閒」取向的細緻過程,以及對台灣人之影響。研究結果發現: 登山活動從未知至已知的發展演進,是跟隨著「探險」、「健身」、「體育」、「運動」、「休閒」等五個歷程而行。 首先,伴隨殖民擴張意識而來的探險式登山活動,是隨著日軍與學術探險者來臺的腳步大舉而至,擁有西方近代登山知識及技術的日本殖民者,積極征服台灣高山,奠定臺灣最初的登山型態;而以健身為中心的概念伺機而起,加上「人種退化論」的提出,使得台灣熱帶地的「海拔利用」觀念成為身體保健的重要課題,它成為推動近代登山發展的重要主軸;其次,學校機構和山岳團體為制度化和大量教育登山者的必要場所,登山活動的意念透過教育單位的「實物教育」和體育教學,以及山岳團體有組織的教導阿爾卑斯式登山技術之模式當中,使得登山活動在前述論述的累積基礎下,更為民眾所知而接受;最後,它成為日本殖民政府推廣觀光活動中積極運作的休閒空間,祇是,它造就殖民者統治這塊土地所附帶的樂趣和可見的階級身份象徵。 總而來看,日治時期登山活動的進行是先有登山的實踐,方有近代登山思潮的引入,亦即先有「做法」後有「想法」。登山活動的實施運作過程充滿日本帝國主義的身影,日方試圖將強國文化思維延伸至臺灣山岳空間認知,藉由各種專家們的聯合支持,將登山活動置於正面的形象,以利於統治者的意識型態。 對於臺灣人及原住民而言,在殖民統治的權力運作中,雖自教育、組織、社會等不同體制中接觸到登山活動,擴大在登山領域活動的機會,增廣不同以往的視野,但登山活動的存在始終是以日本的國家意識為前提。在霸權之下的社會結構中,大部份臺灣住民無法享受近代化的「德政」,也不容易介入到這個由殖民者發動而且強而有力的登山知識體系當中,卻仍然得接受以日本為中心的「近代登山」典範框架之知識普及。


日治時期 近代登山 登山活動 探險 休閒


The history of modern mountaineering is no more than two hundred years; a hundred years ago the Japanese colonial government introduced it into Taiwan and achieved considerable development in it. This paper is intended to make an inquiry into the mountaineering activities, which were part of the sports culture during the period of Japanese rule , in order to reflect the interrelationship manifested by the imperialistic power of the colonialists; and the process is examined from the perspective of a colonization and modernization process, to probe the elaborate process of the transformation of mountaineering activities from being “exploration-“ into “recreation-oriented,” as well as their effects on the Taiwanese. The findings of the research: The development and evolution of mountaineering activities from the unknown to the known followed the five stages of “exploration,” “health,” “physical education,” “exercise”, and “recreation.” In the beginning, the exploratory mountaineering activities that accompanied colonial expansionism arrived with flying colors, following in the footsteps of Japanese soldiers and scholar-explorers to Taiwan. The Japanese colonizers who had modern Western mountaineering know-how actively conquered high mountains in Taiwan and set Taiwan’s initial pattern of mountaineering; and the concept of exercise for health arose opportunely, together with the advancement of the “theory of human degeneration,” to turn the idea of “ use of elevations” of the tropical areas in Taiwan into a major issue of maintaining physical health, which became an important axis in promoting the development of modern mountaineering. Secondly, schools and mountaineering groups were locations necessary for the institutionalization of mountaineering and the mass education of mountaineers; through the “object lessons” and physical education teaching at educational institutions, and through the model of mountaineering groups in teaching Alpine mountaineering know-how in an organized manner, the ideas of mountaineering activities enabled mountaineering to be more known to and accepted by the people on the basis of the above-mentioned accumulative efforts. Lastly, mountaineering became a space for recreation that was the object of active operation among the tourist activities promoted by the Japanese colonial government; however, it just made for the pleasures that came with the rule of this land by the colonizers and became a visible status symbol of their class. On the whole, mountaineering activities during the period of Japanese rule were conducted with the practice of mountaineering first, which was then followed by the introduction of the thought of modern mountaineering, that is, “practice” first, then “ideas.” The operational process of implementing mountaineering activities was full of the shades of Japanese imperialism, which tried to extend the cultural thought of a strong power to Taiwan’s spatial perception of mountains and, through the joint support from various experts, to project a positive image of mountaineering for the advantage of the ruler’s ideology. For the Taiwanese and aborigines, in the workings of power in the colonial rule, though they came into contact with mountaineering activities in such different systems as schools, organizations, and society at large, and expanded their opportunities for mountaineering activities to broaden their horizons, the existence of mountaineering activities was always based on the premise of Japan’s national consciousness. In the social structure dominated by a hegemony, most Taiwanese residents could not enjoy this blessing of modernization from the “benevolent government,” nor did they find it easy to be integrated into the powerful system of mountaineering knowledge initiated by the colonizers; but they still had to accept the widespread promotion of mountaineering knowledge in the framework of a Japan-centered “modern mountaineering” paradigm.


