  • 學位論文


Performance of standing long jump and its correlates among

指導教授 : 卓俊伶


男性晚期兒童立定跳遠動作表現的相關因素 研 究 生:王俊杰 指 導 教 授:卓俊伶 博士 日 期:2004年6月 摘 要 基本動作的表現係藉由許多因素交互作用所產生的結果。根據限制模式主張,動作表現會受到個體限制、環境限制、以及工作限制等因素影響,其中個體因素與動作表現更可能有密切的關係。本研究旨在探討男性晚期兒童立定跳遠動作表現的相關因素,並從個體因素部份篩選出立定跳遠動作型式、腿部肌力、下肢關節活動度(髖、膝、踝)、腿長、及身體質量指數等七個變項,探討與立定跳遠動作表現的相關性及其有效預測因子。本研究的參與者為121名平均年齡11.7歲 (SD = 0.6歲) 的男性晚期兒童,針對各項身體因素及立定跳遠動作進行檢測與分析。立定跳遠動作型式以整體因素分析法進行立定跳遠動作型式層次評定,評分者間信度一致性為 .85;一週後的評分者內信度一致性為 .90。結果經逐步迴歸法考驗後發現:(一) 立定跳遠動作表現與立定跳遠動作型式 (r = .79, p < .05)、腿部肌力 (r = .33, p < .05)、髖關節活動度 (r = .34, p < .05)、膝關節活動度 (r = .48, p < .05)、踝關節活動度呈正相關 (r = .22, p < .05);立定跳遠動作表現與身體質量指數呈負相關 (r = -.41, p < .05);(二) 立定跳遠動作型式、髖關節活動度、以及膝關節活動度能解釋69%立定跳遠動作表現的變異量。所以,結論是:(一)立定跳遠動作型式、腿部肌力、身體質量指數、髖關節活動度、膝關節活動度、及踝關節活動度等因素是男性晚期兒童立定跳遠動作表現的相關因素,(二)男性晚期兒童立定跳遠動作型式、髖關節活動度、以及膝關節活動度是立定跳遠動作表現的有效預測因子。 關鍵詞:限制模式、晚期兒童期、立定跳遠、動作型式、個體因素。


Performance of standing long jump and its correlates among male children in later childhood Master’s Thesis,2004 Chun-chich Wang Advisor: Junling Jwo, Ph.D. Abstract Fundamental movement performance is the product of the interaction of many factors. According to the constraints model, the movement can be influenced by factors of individual constraints, environmental constraints, and task constraints, and there are probably close relationships between individual factors and performance of standing long jump (SLJ). The main purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of SLJ and its correlates among male children in later childhood. Seven selected individual factors, pattern of SLJ, leg strength, leg length, body mass index (BMI), and the flexibility of hip, knee, and ankle were examined its relationships with and predictors for SLJ’s performance. One hundred and twenty-one participants, whose mean age were 11.7 years (SD = 0.6 years), were measured for the seven individual factors, the SLJ performance, and SLJ pattern. Total body approach was used to analyze SLJ pattern. The inter-rater reliability was .85; the intra-rater reliability was .90. The Stepwise Regression analyses showed that: (1) SLJ’s performance was positively correlated with the level of SLJ (r = .79, p < .05), leg strength (r = .33, p < .05), the flexibility of hip (r = .34, p < .05), knee (r = .48, p < .05), and ankle(r = .22, p < .05), SLJ’s performance was negatively correlated with BMI (r = -.41, p < .05), and (2) SLJ’s pattern, the flexibility of hip, and knee accounted for 69% of the SLJ’s performance variance. Therefore, it was concluded that, among children in later childhood, (1) the factors of the level of SLJ, leg strength, BMI, the flexibility of hip, knee, and ankle were correlated with SLJ’s performance, and (2) SLJ’s pattern, the flexibility of hip and knee were the predictors of SLJ’s performance. Key words: constraints model, later childhood, standing long jump, movement patterns, individual factors.


王俊杰(2002)。立定跳遠工作分析與修正調整。2002國際適應體育研討會報告書 (頁380-386)。臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學體育研究與發展中心。


黃嘉彬(2006)。知覺缺口跨越之環境賦使: 準確度、預測因子與年齡效應〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0712200716105645
