  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 闕月清


理解式球類教學對國小六年級學生 羽球學習效果之研究 日期:中華民國九十三年六月 研 究 生:黃志成 指導教授:闕月清 摘 要 本研究目的在於探討理解式球類教學對國小六年級學生認知、情意、技能與比賽表現的學習效果,並瞭解師生對學習效果的知覺情形。研究參與對象為體育專家教師1位及其原授課班級1班,男生16位,女生15位,共31位學生。實施16節理解式羽球教學,以羽球認知測驗、情意量表、主觀與客觀長球技能測驗與GPAI,進行前後測驗共4節。所蒐集之量化資料採獨立樣本t考驗、相依樣本t考驗與共變數分析加以處理;以半結構性訪談蒐集質性資料,採用持續比較法進行內容分析。研究結果發現:(一)在理解式球類教學後,男生的認知、情意、客觀技能、主觀技能與比賽表現皆有明顯的進步;女生的認知、客觀技能、主觀技能與比賽表現亦有明顯的進步。(二)男生的情意、客觀技能與主觀技能學習效果皆明顯優於女生,在認知與比賽表現學習效果上,男女生則無差異。(三)教師表示理解式球類教學以學生為教學主體,教師引導學生建構運動知識。學生知道所學技能之目的後,會努力練習技能。在比賽中,學生能做適當決定,有效執行技能與回位還原至適當位置。因此男女生的認知、技能與比賽表現皆有明顯進步。理解式球類教學能提升學生對體育課正面的認知、情感與意向行動等態度層面,因此能促進學生養成終身運動的習慣。而男女生身心特徵的差異,導致不同性別學生的情意與技能學習效果有顯著差異。(四)學生指出接受理解式球類教學後,運動知識、運動技術與比賽表現皆有進步,能享受運動的樂趣,喜愛體育課,課餘時間會邀請家人從事羽球運動。本研究發現可供體育教師、師資培育機構與其他相關單位作為體育教學法方面的參考。


The effects of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) on badminton learning among the sixth grade students Master’s Thesis, 2004.6 Huang Chih-Cheng Advisor: Keh Nyit Chin, Ph.D. Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning effects of Teaching Games for Understanding among the sixth grade students, and to examine the perception of the teacher and students. The participants were one physical education teacher and his students (16 males and 15 females). The study was conducted with 12 lessons of badminton teaching. Pretest and posttest were administered on cognitive, objective and subjective badminton long clear skill test, affective test and Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). The quantitative data were analyzed by independent t-test, paired-samples t-test and analysis of variance. The qualitative data were collected by semi structured interviews and analyzed using constant comparison method. The results were as follows: (1)There were significant learning effects on cognitive, affective, objective and subjective skill, and game performance for male students. However, there was no significant learning effect on affective for female students. (2)The learning effects on gender were no significantly different on cognitive and game performance but significant difference on objective and subjective skill and affective after Teaching Games for Understanding lessons. (3)The students were the center of the instruction. They constructed sport knowledge progressively under the guidance of the teacher. The understanding of the skills learning objective helped the students to practice very hard. Students could make appropriate decisions to execute skill more efficiently and return to the base in badminton games. Teaching Games for Understanding promoted students’ attitude in cognitive, affective and purposive action towards physical education, thus cultivate the lifetime exercise habit. The physical and mental characteristics of male and female students lead to significant difference of learning effects in objective and subjective skill, and affective. (4)The students had made great progress on sport knowledge, sport skill and game performance after Teaching Games for Understanding lessons. They liked physical education and enjoyed the fun and pleasure. They played badminton with family after class. The findings of this study could be used as a base of reference for physical education teachers, teacher education and other related units in selecting physical education teaching method.




