  • 學位論文


Analysis on the Process of Image for the Chinese Professional Baseball Games

指導教授 : 施致平


中華職棒聯盟轉播影像流程分析 摘要 棒球是我國的「國球」,從媒體報導的篇幅比例、專題學術的研究篇數和轉播的收視率可得到證實;職棒是棒球運動發展的成熟「商品」,也是運動、媒體、商業共同的結合;目前台灣職棒的發展現況,由於兩個職棒聯盟的合併,加上世界盃、亞錦賽等共同的激勵,職棒熱潮持續加溫中;恰巧職棒14年賽事由緯來體育台和年代電視台共同轉播,研究者掌握此時機探討兩家電視台職棒轉播前置作業,期盼能綜整出完善的前置作業流程,有助於將來職棒的賽事轉播。 本研究以兩家電視台轉播職棒的前置作業流程作比較,探討導播如何設定攝影機機位與決定影像流程的考量;本研究以兩家電視台導播、攝影師為研究對象,採取質性研究的深度訪談與焦點座談法,整理與對照訪談稿,綜整分析主要發現如下: 一、兩家電視台前置作業流程雷同,原因為兩台轉播設備、系統相同和緯來體育台成立 時,年代有一批轉播人員投靠,同時也引進作業流程。唯一影響轉播作業流程而造 成差異性,應是兩台屬性不同,緯來體育台為專業體育台自主性強,可針對職棒來 調整節目時間;年代為綜合頻道,節目型態多樣且時段固定,因此,要調整其他節 目以配合職棒較為不易。 二、兩家電視台攝影師社經背景,學歷大都是高中或高職;年紀與工作年資緯來較年代 長些;將來發展途徑導播或行政職;兩家電視台攝影師差異之處,緯來體育台以運 動節目為主,年代則轉播職棒外尚須拍攝戲劇、綜藝等不同屬性節目。 三、導播決定攝影機機位考量,首先確定基本轉播攝影機機數,通常設定六至七機,目 的是記錄比賽過程,剩下一至二機導播另有設計安排,主要追求節目的精彩度讓轉 播加分;考量因素有機位的安全性(攝影輔助器材安全穩固)、獨立性(與觀眾席 區隔)、訊號的穩定性(球場佈線免受干擾)、球團聯盟的配合(球員休息區機位和 特定人員佩帶麥克風與攝影機)、電視公司的資源(人員與器材支援)。 四、導播決定影像呈現考量,轉播人員依照製播會議決定準備相關的資料,以便在轉 播中隨時提供給導播選用,導播在轉播中所使用的素材包括九機畫面、球員與球隊 圖檔資料、歷史資料帶與現場精采畫面重播、現場音訊與音效播放等;事實上,影 像呈現有一定的流程或可稱為公式,轉播人員會按照比賽的進行主動提供相關的資料,至於導播是否選用或用多長則無定數,端看導播的本質學能與對棒球了解;因此,兩家電視台職棒轉播畫面組合的差異性不大,至於,轉播的節奏感則因導播主觀意識而有所不同。 有鑑於此,為了推動棒球的發展與職棒長期經營,本研究建議兩家電視台適度添購轉播器材與人員,以增強、豐富轉播效果,吸引廣告商投入,創造更大的收益;派遣轉播人員赴美日棒先進國家見習轉播經驗,並開著手始規劃將來巨蛋球場轉播所需人員與器材。 關鍵詞:職棒轉播、前置作業、影像流程、導播、攝影師


Analysis on the Process of Image for the Chinese Professional Baseball Games ABSTRACT Taiwan’s professional baseball game becomes the most important sport in Taiwan. We have to admit the truth from the mass communications media reports, academic researches and the penetration rate of broadcasting. Professional baseball game comes to maturity and it combines sport with medium and commerce. The research is to probe the pre-broadcast production for the broadcasting of the professional baseball games performed by the two TV companies (VL and TVIS), and it can further offer recommendation to the baseball broadcasting. This study compares the pre-broadcast production for the broadcasting of the professional baseball games performed by the two TV companies (VL and TVIS) in order to research the way how the director locates the cameras and the consideration factors for deciding the image process. This study focuses on the directors and photographers of the two TV companies and adopts in-depth interview and focus discussion method of the qualitative research. According to the above mentioned study method, we can find the following factors: 1﹚Both VL and TVIS adopt the same pre-broadcast process, the difference is the timing for crew call. TVIS makes it earlier than VL does. The other difference is the position: VL is the professional sport channels and TVIS is general channel; VL can adjust the time for broadcasting professional baseball games, and TVIS can not. 2)The background of these photographers in the two TV companies is nearly, and the difference is the photographers in VL in charge of professional sports and the photographers in TVIS have to responsible for other types of programs. 3)The director needs to ensure the basic broadcasting principle first and then decides the location of the cameras. The director shall decide the location of the cameras to make his audience understand the game, and then he will try to make the program much more exciting for review. The consideration factors for the cameras location include their safety, independence, the stability of signal, assistance of the league and the resource of the TV companies. 4)The consideration factors for the director to create the image during the broadcasting include the information relating to multiple monitors, captions, replay and audio. He will follow the temple of the game to compile the whole program on a random basis. Even though there is certain formula to follow, unexpected situation exists and this will be resolved by the director with his experience and talent. According to this study,it is suggested that the two companies increase the equipment and personnel for broadcasting so as to improve the quality of baseball game broadcasting, to attract the commercial advertising, to generate more revenue and most importantly to prepare the broadcasting in the dome in the future. Key words: baseball broadcasting, pre-broadcasting production, the process of video image, director, photographers




