  • 學位論文


The Development and Implementation of Elementary Outdoor Programs at Guandu Nature Center –An Action Research

指導教授 : 周儒


關渡自然中心位於大台北地區淡水河與基隆河交會處,民國九十一年十二月,由台北市政府委託社團法人台北市野鳥學會關渡自然公園管理處經營管理,成立關渡自然公園管理處,以「保育關渡濕地生態環境,提供教育、休閒及研究的場所」為宗旨。本研究以關渡自然中心為研究場域,探究自然中心進行國小戶外教學課程方案發展及推動歷程之行動研究,期以解決關渡自然中心在課程方案上所遭遇的實際問題及解決問題的意義與經過。 研究自九十一年四月起至九十二年五月結束,歷時約十四個月,研究團隊由研究者、師大環境教育研究所成員、關渡自然中心的實務工作者,共七人組成研究小組,研究歷程以重要事件區分為前期的建立共識及了解現況、發展國小戶外教學課程方案、舉辦教師研習以進行課程方案的測試與行銷以及課程方案的推動及執行等數個階段,並藉由設計、執行、檢討、修正與再執行的不斷循環進行研究工作。研究主要關切的目標為:1. 了解關渡自然中心在發展及推動國小戶外教學課程方案過程中,所需面對的問題及解決問題的經過與意義。2. 探究自然中心之戶外教學課程方案對環境教育及自然中心的影響及意義。3.探究自然中心內實務工作者專業能力提升過程之經過及意義。 本研究採取參與式行動研究是以解決實務問題為主要訴求,而不求結果的類推,透過深入訪談、參與觀察與文件蒐集等多重方法來蒐集資枓,並將不同時間與來源的資料相互檢核與整理分析,期能完整呈現整個研究過程。研究結果發現,課程方案對目前的國小戶外教學的確具有實質的助益,除協助教師將課堂裡所學的加以映證,尚能藉由在自然中進行的課程方案達到環境教育的功能。研究發現,課程方案實為自然中心內之核心項目,課程方案的發展與推動連帶影響了中心內各項要素的運作,在規劃及發展課程方案之前,應釐清自然中心的宗旨及目標,建立專業環境教育課程發展團隊、了解課程方案的使用對象、考量課程方案行銷及營運面向的資源分配、相關人力的訓練培養,以及將評量及評估納入課程發展的必要項目中。 藉由行動研究的過程,協助研究伙伴在環境教育及課程方案的發展上獲得了專業成長,對自然中心內課程方案的角色及重要性也產生認同感,並於後續發展中有所行動,此外,行動研究所強調的反思與自省也讓協同研究伙伴獲得了個人經驗的成長。研究者依研究歷程所得知的研究結果、討論與發現,分別提出對關渡自然公園、課程方案發展的實務工作者、其他的自然中心、以及後續研究的相關建議及看法。


“Guandu Nature Park” is located in southwest of the Kuandu Plain in Taipei Basin, where the Keelung River joins the Tamshui River. On December 1, 2001, the Wild Bird Society of Taipei was entrusted by the Taipei City Government with management of the park, becoming the first nonprofit organization to do so. The Wild Bird Society’s years of care for this wetland were thus officially recognized. This is an excellent example of a governmental organization and a civic organization working together to achieve environmental preservation as well as public education. The purpose of this participant action research is to explore how Guandu Nature Center develops the elementary school outdoor programs, and the meaning of the problem solving process. The research is from April 2002 to May 2003,during about fourteen months. The working group are seven people, consisted of the staffs of Guandu Nature Center, the students of Graduate Institute of Environmental Education of Nation Taiwan Normal University, and researcher went through four stages: problem identification, elementary school outdoor programs development, environmental education teachers workshop, programs implementation, ending and reflection, to proceed the cycle of programs design, implement, reflection, correction, and re-implement. The main concerns of this research were: (1) The problems and meanings of the Guandu Nature Center develop and implement the elementary school outdoor programs. (2) The effectiveness and meanings of the elementary school outdoors programs in Guandu Nature Center. (3) How the staffs of Guandu Nature Center repeatedly reflect and correct in the process of develop and implement the programs in order to make professional development? The research adopted participant action research in order to resolve practical problem rather than to generalize the result. In order to further the understanding of the feasibility of promoting environmental education in the Guandu Nature Center programs and staffs’ professional development during the process of participant action research, the researcher employed in-depth interview, participant observation, and document collection as data collection techniques; checked and analyzed the data from different time and sources, then displayed the whole research process. The findings of this research show that the outdoors programs in Guandu Nature Center are good opportunity to promote environmental education to elementary school. The program is the core element, and will affect the people, facilities, and operations of Nature Center. Before developing the programs, we should to find out the mission and goal of the nature center, compose the professional environmental education programs develop group, realize the customers’ needs, prepare for market plan, train the program teachers and other people who will relate to the programs, and mark sure the valuations are designed in the programs. After the research, the working group makes professional development; they had more understanding of programs development, nature centers, and environmental education. The working group began to concern and take action to the programs in Guandu Nature Center. The researcher proposed some suggestions on the concerns of Guandu Nature Center, programs designer, and the other nature centers. Some view about future research and development were also suggested.




