  • 學位論文


A Study of Cognitive Ability in Globalization for Undergraduate Students

指導教授 : 蔡錫濤 賴志樫


摘要 人才是國家發展的資本,知識已成為生產力提升與經濟成長的主要驅動力,在全球化的浪潮下,教育是因應全球化變遷的關鍵。本研究旨在釐清全球教育的定義及內涵,建構「大學生全球化認知能力檢核表」。研究目的如下:一、探討全球教育的實施內涵;二、確認大學生全球化認知的構面及能力;三、探討不同背景變項對大學生全球化認知能力之差異性;四、建構適切之大學生全球化認知能力檢核表。 在研究方法上,本研究透過四名專家建構檢核表之內容效度,並針對全球文化動力的國際企業精英文化、全球通俗文化、全球學術菁英文化和通俗宗教文化等相關人士進行問卷調查,利用蒐集之量化資料確認問卷信度;透過項目分析及探索性因素分析進行預試階段試題純化,發展包含有跨文化探索人類需求、變革下的全球視野、包容與偏執、多元社會-移民、城市問題及世界政治體系等六大構面之「大學生全球化認知能力檢核表」(共計49題)。正式施測階段,發出452份樣本回收272份(回收率60%),回收之樣本資料透過驗證性因素分析,以確認理論模式的適配程度;藉著變異數分析考驗受試者對各項目重要性評分之差異性,得以探究其未來應用之合用性。 經過資料的統計分析與整理,本研究建構信、效度良好(整體Cronbach α值0.97、各構面累積變異解釋量均達51%以上)、理論模式與實測資料具有不錯的配適程度(NCI值2.51、RMSEA值0.077)及實用性良好(基本資料不影響答題的結果)之「大學生全球化認知能力檢核表」。 本研究並且在全球教育的課程發展及後續研究方面提出了相關建議事項。


ABSTRACT Human resource is the foundation for the development of a country. Knowledge has become the major driving force for promoting productivity and economic growth. Under the tide of globalization, education is the key to cope with the variability of globalization. This study aims to clarify the definition and contents of global education and to construct the “Checklist of Cognitive Ability in Globalization for Undergraduate Students”. The goals of this study has been set in the following order. First, the content of implementation of global education will be explored. Second, the dimensions and abilities of undergraduate students’ cognition will be discussed. Third, the differences in cognitive ability in globalization for undergraduates with distinct background will be investigated. Finally, appropriate checklist of undergraduates’ cognitive ability for global education will be developed. For methodology, this study verified content validity of the checklist through the opinion of four groups of experts. The questionnaire survey was then conducted and focused on the power of global culture – elites of international business culture, global popular culture, world intellectual culture and popular religious culture. This study demonstrated the reliability of the questionnaire through the collected quantitative data and refined the items through item analysis and exploratory factor analysis in the stage of pilot study. The “Checklist of Cognitive Ability in Globalization for Undergraduate Students” was developed from six major dimensions, including exploring human needs across cultures, global perspectives on the revolution, tolerance and intolerance, pluralistic society-immigration, and the city as problem and world political systems. There were 452 copies of questionnaire mailed with 272 responded ( a response rate of 60%). The collected data was used to confirm the goodness of fitness of the theoretic model through confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, One-way analysis of variance was performed to test the differences in item scores and to evaluate the adaptability for future applications. After the statistical analyses, items of the “Checklist of Cognitive Ability in Globalization for Undergraduate Students” were selected. The checklist has good validity and reliability (overall Cronbach α = 0.97, the cumulative variance component of all dimensions larger than 51%). The theoretical model fitted fairly well with observed data (NCI = 0.51, RMSEA = 0.077) and the practicability of the questionnaire was also good due to invariance of response despite differences in the individual attributes. Suggestions were also made for developing curriculum in global education and for the future research.




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