  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何英奇 博士


中文摘要 本研究以文獻回顧和統合分析法,對海峽兩岸高中職階段,實施創造思考教學成效的研究共43篇(臺灣29篇、大陸14篇),探討其綜合效果量及可能存在的中介變項。本研究採用統合分析法中的Hedges & Olkin(1985)技術,並引用何俊賢(2007)編製之Meta-Excel程式來計算效果量。 創造思考教學成效包括:創造思考能力、創造性傾向和問題解決能力等三方面。影響創造思考教學成效的中介變項為:一、不同教學對象包括:高中、高職;二、不同教學科目包括:人文類科、自然類科、藝能類科、工科、商科等。研究結果獲致以下十二點結論: 一、臺灣高中職創造思考教學在創造思考能力上具有中低程度的正面效果。 二、臺灣高中職創造思考教學在創造思性傾向上未能達到效果。 三、臺灣高中職創造思考教學在問題解決能力上具有中低程度的正面效果。 四、大陸高中職創造思考教學在創造思考能力上具有極高程度的正面效果。 五、大陸高中職創造思考教學在創造性傾向上具有高等程度的正面效果。 六、大陸高中職創造思考教學在問題解決能力上樣本數不足未予以分析討論。 七、海峽兩岸高中職創造思考教學在創造思考能力上具有中等程度的正面效果。 八、影響創造思考能力的中介變項,高中、高職、自然類科、藝能類科、工 科和商科分別都與效果量有關,但是解釋力不強,仍有其他潛在的中介變項存在。本研究進一步討論可能存在的潛在中介變項。 九、海峽兩岸高中職創造思考教學在創造性傾向上具有中低程度的正面效果。 十、影響創造性傾向的中介變項,高中、自然類科和工科分別都與效果量有 關,但是解釋力不強,仍有其他潛在的中介變項存在;高職、商科分別為影響創造性傾向的中介變項。本研究進一步討論可能存在的潛在中介變項。 十一、海峽兩岸高中職創造思考教學在問題解決能力上具有中等程度的正面效果。 十二、影響問題解決能力的中介變項,高中、自然類科、藝能類科分別都與 效果量有關,但是解釋力不強,仍有其他潛在的中介變項存在;高職為影響問題解決能力的中介變項;人文類科沒有樣本數;工科、商科樣本數不足。本研究進一步討論可能存在的潛在中介變項。 根據研究結果,本研究提出具體建議供教育當局、學校與教師在從事創造思考教學,在政策制訂、教學實務及未來從事統合分析研究之參考依據。 關鍵字:海峽兩岸、高中職、創造思考教學、統合分析


Abstract This study investigates the results of total effect size and the potential moderator variables about teaching for creative thinking at senior high schools and vocational high schools, total 43 articles in both Taiwan and Main-land China ( 29 articles in Taiwan and 14 articles in Main-land China) by ancestry approach and the method of Hedges & Olkin (1985) from meta-analysis. The effect size is calculated with the program Meta-Excel designed by Chun-Hsien Ho (2007). The results of teaching for creative thinking including the ability of creative thinking, the tendency of creativity and the ability of problem-solving. The moderator variables which may influence teaching for creative thinking are : 1 Different educational character including senior high schools and vacational high schools. 2 Different educational subject including the field of sociality, science, art, industry as well as business. The results of this study are concluded in twelve points as follows: 1. Teaching for creative thinking can result a positive medium-low-effect size for the ability of creative thinking at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Taiwan . 2. Teaching for creative thinking can not result effect size for the tendency of creativity at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Taiwan. . 3. Teaching for creative thinking can result a positive medium-low-effect size for the ability of problem- solving at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Taiwan. 4. Teaching for creative thinking can result a positive very high-effect size for the ability of creative thinking at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Main-land China . 5. Teaching for creative thinking can result a positive high-effect size for the tendency of creativity at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Main-land China . 6. Teaching for creative thinking can not be discussed for the ability of problem-solving due to no sample at senior high schools and vocational high schools in Main-land China. 7. Teaching for creative thinking can result a positive medium-effect size for the ability of creative thinking at senior high schools and vocational high schools in both Taiwan and Main-land China. 8. The moderator variables which may influence the ability of creative thinking are related to the effect size for senior high schools , vocational high schools and the fields of science, art, industry and business. However, the results of this study can only come to some indications. The possibilities of potential moderator variables are discussed. 9. Teaching for creative thinking can result a positive medium-low-effect size for the tendency of creativity at senior high schools and vocational high schools in both Taiwan and Main-land China.. 10. The moderator variables which may influence the ability of creative thinking are related to the effect size for senior high schools, the fields of science and industry . However, the results of this study can only come to some indications. Vacational high schools, the field of business are the moderator varibles which influence the tendency of creativity. The possibilities of potential moderator variables are discussed. 11. Teaching for creative thinking can result a positive medium-effect size for the ability of problem- solving at senior high schools and vocational high schools in both Taiwan and Main-land China. 12. The moderator variables which may influence the ability of problem- solving. are related to the effect size for senior high schools, the fields of science and art . However, the results of this study can only come to some indications. Vacational high schools is the moderator varibles which influence the tendency of creativity. There are no sample in the field of science as well as not enough samples in the field of industry and business. The possibilities of potential moderator variables are discussed. The results of this study provide substantial suggestions to educational department, schools and teachers, researchers of meta-analysis, when they decide policy-making or teaching-program. Keyword: Taiwan and Main-land China, senior high school and vacational high school, teaching for creative thinking, meta-analysis


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