  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃純敏 博士


本研究採文獻探討、問卷調查及訪談;依據文獻探討的結果,建立研究的架構,編製「國民中學學校行政職務的性別分工與角色認同之研究調查問卷」,抽取桃園縣53所縣立國民中學擔任校長及處室主任318人,回收有效問卷269份作描述統計,再依其結果,編製訪談大綱,進行性別角色刻板印象形成原因的探究;本研究的結論如下: 一、桃園縣國民中學的師資結構,女性教師占多數,但擔任行政職務的比例卻是少數,尤其是校長與主任的職務。 二、大部分的行政人員都認同,行政職務的人選不應以性別作為分工的依據,而應以人格特質與能力作為選擇,但在校長的職務與訓導主任的職務上,卻有較多的行政人員認為這兩項職務由男性來擔任較合適。 三、學校行政主管在分派職務時,理想上認為不應以性別作為分派職務時的考量,但在實務上又會以現實及可行性作為考量的依據,所以在行政職務的分派上還是以傳統的性別角色觀念,來做為性別的分工。 四、影響受訪者性別刻板印象與人格特質形塑的重要因素,是成長歷程中的原生家庭,其中又以父親或母親的影響最為深遠。 五、傳統的性別分工刻板印象,更增加了行政人員在男女比例上的不平衡;行政主管對各行政職務的刻板印象,更促成了性別分工上的不均現象。 綜合本研究結果,在量化研究上可發現桃園縣的現職行政人員在訓導主任、總務主任、輔導主任、生教組長、文書組長、出納組長、輔導組長、資料組長都有性別分工的刻板印象,與受訪者的訪談中,瞭解到刻板印象的形成受家庭父母親影響最大。根據本研究發現,提出三點建議:一、提供進修課程,增進行政素養;二、改善校園行政結構的限制;三、建立兩性典範學習與人際支持網絡。


This research uses documentaries, questionnaires, and interviews as references. According to the result from documentaries, we set up the structure of this research to make the questionnaires of “the gender division of administrative labor in junior high schools”. We compile statistics from the retrieved 269 of 318 questionnaires that are given to principals or deans in 53 different junior high schools in Tao Yuan County, which composes the outline of the interviews for further discussion about the reasons for the gender stereotypes. The conclusions are as follows: First of all, female teachers are the majority of the faculty in junior high in Tao Yuan County, but only a few of them are in administration, especially as principals or deans. Second, despite the fact that most administrators agree that those who are suitable for certain jobs are chosen by personalities and abilities instead of genders. However, when it comes to principals and the deans of student affairs, more in-service principals and deans are convinced that males are more qualified for both of the jobs. Third, when assigning jobs, the deans wish to reach the equality of the opposite genders. However, they have to take both the real situations and needs into consideration. Therefore, the gender still plays an important role in the division of labor. Next, the families have a great influence on the interviewees’ personalities, and they are mostly influenced by their fathers or mothers. Fifth, traditional gender stereotypes account for the unbalance between male and female administrators, which even becomes worse due to the stereotypes from the deans. To sum up, in the qualitative research, we can find out that the in-service administrators, such as the deans of student affairs, maintenance, counseling, and the coordinators (counselors) of student behavior, document and file, finance, counseling, media and data processing, have the gender stereotypes of administrative labor. Talking with the interviewees, we also see that the stereotypes are mostly intensified by their parents.


徐 諶(2000)。向自我排戰—高師大蔡培村院長談園所長的專業形象與塑造。師友,391,11-16。
黃馨慧(2003)。從性別盲到性別敏感的教育研究: 以婦女成人教育與性教育研究的文獻回顧為例。論文發表於台灣女性學學會主辦之「意識?認同?實踐—2003年女性主義學術研討會」,新竹。


