  • 學位論文


Cultural Policy Before and After the Transition of Ruling Party in Taiwan - A Case Study of Cultural Policy of Council for Cultural Affair form 1993 to 2008

指導教授 : 潘襎


2000年台灣發生了首次的政黨輪替,對於台灣的政治、經濟、社會產生了深遠的影響。本文以文建會的文化政策為研究對象,以釐清政黨輪替前後的文化政策在理念以及執行上的差異和共同處。並透過研究去瞭解影響台灣文化政策理念與執行的因素,以做為未來擬定文化政策的參考。 本論文認為,台灣在戰後並沒有文化做為一個獨立的政策思維,這種現象一直到文建會成立之後才改變。在郭為藩執掌文建會期間,台灣文化政策開始邁向專業化、計畫性的規劃。而後在1993到2000年間,由於「去中心化」思維的主導,變得更多元、更豐富。而在政黨輪替後,則開始提出「文化創意產業」、「文化公民權」等理念,以整合不同的文化群體,並提升文化政策和經濟、政治平行的地位。本論文認為民進黨主政期間,是一個為「再中心化」思維主導的文化政策。 但不論從「去中心化」到「再中心化」,從國民黨到民進黨,在文化政策制訂的過程中,都必須面對到理念上的「自由主義」與「社群主義」衝突的矛盾。而從經費預算編列、人事安排的穩定性來看,可以發現不管是那個政黨執政,文化乃至文化政策都被置於邊陲、次要的地位,對台灣的文化建設造成很大的限制。未來台灣的文化政策,必須要在理念上克服自由主義與社群主義的矛盾,在施政重心以及預算分配上,提升文化的地位,才能真正創造出具有全球視野的文化政策。


The ever first party transition occurred in Taiwan in the millennium year 2000. The party transition had profound impact on the political, economical, and social aspects of Taiwan. The study focuses on the cultural policy of Council for Cultural Affairs, a cultural institution in Taiwan. The purpose is to interpret the similarities and dissimilarities on the principles and enforcements of cultural policy before and after party transition. This study aims at directing future plan of cultural policy through recognition of influential factors in the principle and enforcement of cultural policy in Taiwan. This paper indicates that there is no thought about absolute policy of culture in the postwar years until the foundation of Council for Cultural Affairs. During the leadership of Kuo Wei-Fan in the Council for Cultural Affairs, the cultural policy in Taiwan had marched toward specialization and systematization. Then, the belief of decentralization leaded to diversified and amplitude prospects between 1993 and 2000. After the party transition in year 2000, the ideas like “cultural and creative industry” and “cultural citizenship” were brought up to integrate different cultural groups and ascent the position of cultural policy as that of economics and politics. Yet, this study states that the cultural policy was guided with principle of recentralization during the ruling period of Democratic Progressive Party. No matter from decentralization to recentralization or from KMT to DPP, the planning of cultural policy has to look out upon perspective conflict between liberalism and socialism. According to the budgeting and officer arrangement, it is obvious that both culture and its policy have been on the back burner and placed great restriction on cultural construction in Taiwan regardless of which ruling party. Therefore, the future planning of cultural policy in Taiwan must cut through the perspective conflict between liberalism and socialism, and ascent cultural position for cultural administration and budgeting. In the end, the cultural policy with global outlook will be truly performing in Taiwan.


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