  • 學位論文


A survey study of integrating information technology into teaching: An example of science and technology area teachers in Taipei County’s junior high schools

指導教授 : 張文華


資訊科技融入教學是新世代的教學方式,也是政府機關極力推動的教育方針之一。本研究旨在探討台北縣自然與生活科技科教師應用資訊科技融入教學之使用行為、影響因素之實際現況與期望及調查自然與生活科技教師應用資訊融入教學之障礙情形。研究工具採用問卷調查法,參考文獻編成「臺北縣國中自然與生活科技教師資訊科技融入教學現況及期望量表」之調查問卷,研究對象是台北縣公立國中自然與生活科技教師,以分層隨機抽樣方式抽取30所學校之教師為調查對象,共發出298份問卷,回收率達89.2%,進行資料的蒐集及分析,針對不同的研究目的進行次數分配、百分比、平均數、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、成對因子t考驗等統計方式進行檢驗變項間的關係分析。結果如下: 一、台北縣多數國中自然科教師對學校目前實施資訊融入教學整體滿意度介於無意見與滿意之間。 二、教師個人背景變項中,不同的性別、年齡、服務年資、登記科別、資訊背景、個人電腦類型及週用電腦時間等,在台北縣自然與生活科技教師實施資訊融入教學的使用行為有顯著差異;性別、年齡、登記科別、資訊背景、個人電腦類型、週用電腦時間等,在影響因素上有顯著差異。 三、教師在學校特徵變項中,只有實驗室是否有單槍設備在台北縣自然與生活科技教師實施資訊融入教學在「使用行為」有顯著差異;學校地點及實驗室是否有單槍在「影響因素」上有顯著差異。 四、台北縣國中自然科教師目前實施資訊融入教學的障礙與需求方面為「缺乏足夠的時間」、「升學壓力的影響」、「班級缺乏網路連線設備」及「需充實資訊素養」等。 五、台北縣自然科教師在實施資訊融入教學實際現況與期望上有顯著差異。 六、最後依據研究發現與結論,對教育行政機關或學校建議為(一)減少教師每週授課時數;(二)增加軟硬體設施;(三)提供軟硬體安裝與維護協助。另外對未來研究對象的建議可以擴展到全國,可以瞭解全國資訊融入教學的推動的情形或將研究方法加入晤談性個案訪談,使研究更周延。


The integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into teaching is a teaching approach of the new generation. It is one of the government’s guidelines on education as well. This study aims to explore the current situation of the integration and the affecting factors in Taipei County’s junior high schools. Also, this study investigates the difficulties that the Science and Life-technology teachers face when they employ the ICT and their expectations. The questionnaire entitled “the Science & Life-technology Teacher’s Integration of ICT to Instruction at Junior High Schools in Taipei County” was validated and applied. The subjects are Science and Life-technology teachers from 30 public junior high schools in Taipei County. They are chosen by means of Stratified Random Sampling. Totally 298 copies of questionnaires were issued, the retrieval rate was 89.2% and the collected data were analyzed in terms of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance and paired t test. The results indicate: 1. The teachers’ levels of satisfaction are somewhere between “satisfy” and “neutral”. They reported needs of assistance and guidance from associations in the field. 2. Subjects with different genders, ages, years of working, majors, background of ICT, types of computers and frequency of using computers per week etc. can significantly affect their imtegration of ICT in their subject teaching. Also, genders, ages, years of working, majors, background of ICT, types of computers and frequency of using computers per week are significant factors of influence. 3. Whether there is a projector in the school lab significantly affects Taipei County’s Science and Life-technology teachers’ behaviors to integrate ICT in their teaching. The location of school and whether there is a projector in the lab are both significant factors of influence. 4. The current hinders and needs for Science and Life-technology teachers at Taipei County are “lack of time”, “the pressure from the entrance examination”, “lack of ICT facilities in classrooms”, and “needs to develop positive attitudes toward integrating ICT.” 5. Significant difference can be found between the Science and Life-technology teachers’ ideal and actual ICT integrated environment. 6. Finally, some suggestions to the teachers, government offices and future studies are made based on the findings and conclusion of the study. They are decreased teaching load, more equipments of both software and hardware, and providing the installation and maintenance service of software and hardware. Moreover, it is recommended that interviews can be conducted in future studies to further explore the differences between teachers’ ideal and actual situation.


王全世(2000)。資訊科技融入教學之意義與內涵。資訊與教育,80, 23-31


