  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 游進年 博士


摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解研究個案機構主官轉型領導行為之現況;其目的有四:瞭解研究個案機構成員組織承諾之現況;探討研究個案機構主官轉型領導行為對成員組織承諾之影響情形;探討不同背景組織成員知覺主官轉型領導與組織成員承諾的差異情形;探討轉型領導與組織承諾之相關情形。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集相關資料,並以我國軍事機構「某守備部隊」為研究對象,進行個案研究。本研究共發出500份問卷,回收495份,有效問卷計481份,回收率99%,可用率97.2%。所蒐集的資料分別以描述性統計分析、t檢定、one-way ANOVA、Pearson 積差相關及逐步多元迴歸等,進行統計分析與討論。 經由文獻分析與前述調查結果之分析與討論,本研究獲致以下結論。 一、我國軍事機構成員知覺主官轉型領導行為包括共創願景、魅力影響、激勵鼓舞、啟發才智、個別關懷及團隊合作等六種類型,並以「團隊合作」認知為最高。 二、我國軍事機構成員之組織承諾包含組織認同、努力意願及留職傾向等,對成員組織承諾的知覺則以「努力意願」為最高。 三、職務類別為「幕僚職」之軍事機構成員,在主官轉型領導「共創願景」知覺上得分最高。 四、單位性質類別為「專業部門」、「作戰部門」之軍事機構成員,在主官轉型領導「共創願景」知覺上得分最高,且明顯高於「教育訓練」成員。 五、我國軍事機構不同性別、年齡、學歷、職務、單位性質等變項成員,在成員組織承諾認知程度趨於一致。 最後,依據本研究之結果,分別對國防部、軍事機構組織成員及後續研究者提出具體之建議。 關鍵字:轉型領導行為、成員組織承諾 A case study on the influence of military commander’s transformational leadership behavior on the subordinates’ organizational commitment Abstract This research was aimed to understand current situation of military commander’s transformational leadership behavior. Firstly, it explored the subordinates’ organizational commitment to the studied organization. Secondly, it analyzed the influence of the commander’s transformational leadership behavior on the subordinates’ organizational commitment. Thirdly, it explored the difference among the subjects’ acknowledgement of the commander’s transformational leadership behavior and subordinates’ organizational commitment in terms of the demographic variables. Finally, it put emphasis on the correlation between the commander’s transformational leadership behavior and the subordinates’ organizational commitment. In order to answer the assumptions, the questionnaire survey was administered .「One of the unit」of ROC military organization was chosen as the case and 500 volunteer officers, sergeants & soldiers as the subjects. 481 of the 495 recoveries completed the questionnaire. The recovery rate was 99% and effectiveness rate 97.2%. t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression were used to analyze the collected data in addition to descriptive statistics. Based on the literature review and the survey, some conclusions were as follows: I. ROC military organization personnel’s acknowledgement of the commander’s transformational leadership behavior included vision creating, charisma influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration and team work, and「team work」ranked the top. II. ROC military organization personnel’s organizational commitment included organizational recognition, willing of hard work and job retention, among them 「willing of hard work」ranked the highest. III. Jobs that categorized as「staff job」of the military organization personnel, 「vision creating」scored the highest on the commander’s transformational leadership behavior. IV. Organization that categorized as「specialism unit」and「operational unit」of military organization’s personnel, 「vision creating」scored the highest on the commander’s transformational leadership and significantly higher than 「education and training」entitled personnel. V. ROC military organization personnel with different demographic variables of sex, age, education, job and unit characteristics etc. had the some ratings on the acknowledgement of the organizational commitment. Based on the conclusions, some recommendation was offered to the MND, military organization personnel and future researchers. Key words : transformational leadership behavior , personnel organizational commitment


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