  • 學位論文


A Study on Role Expectation and Role Performance of Military Instructor of Education for student in High (Vocational) Schools in Taipei City

指導教授 : 游進年


臺北市高中職學生對軍訓教官角色期望與角色實踐知覺之研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討臺北市高中職學生對軍訓教官角色期望與角色實踐知覺之情形,藉由研究者自編的「臺北市高中職學生對軍訓教官角色期望與角色實踐知覺情形」調查問卷,分別就國防通識教學、生活輔導、校園安全維護與行政工作支援等四個層面,施以問卷調查。 研究對象為臺北市68所公、私立高中職的學生,採分層比例隨機抽樣(stratified random sampling)進行調查研究,共發出問卷610份,有效問卷544份,有效回收率89.2%。繼以SPSS 14.0 for Window進行統計分析,包括次數分配、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定(Indepentend-Samples t-test)、相依樣本t檢定(Paired-Samples t-test)、ANOVA變異數分析等,歸納分析獲得以下結論: 一、高中職學生對軍訓教官有中高程度的角色期望。 二、不同背景學生對軍訓教官的角色期望互有差異。 三、高中職學生對軍訓教官有中高程度的角色實踐知覺。 四、不同背景學生對軍訓教官之角色實踐知覺互有差異。 五、高中職學生對軍訓教官之角色期望與角色實踐知覺互有差異。 六、軍訓教官角色期望與角色實踐知覺之各層面與整體均有極顯著之正相關。 依據研究發現與結論,對主管教育行政機關、高中職教官以及未來的相關研 究,分別提出若干建議事項。 一、對主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)提高國防通識課程修習價值 (二)明確律定軍訓教官行政工作職掌 (三)整合校園心理諮商輔導資源 (四)修正校安中心人員值勤規範 二、對高中職教官之建議 (一)破除自我成見,融入校園文化 (二)與時俱進充實自我學能 (三)營造校園安全維護之附加價值 (四)建立以學生為主體的工作觀 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)納入大專校院學生為研究對象 (二)輔以觀察或深度訪談實施研究 (三)擴大研究內容之面向 關鍵詞:角色期望、角色實踐、軍訓教官


A Study on Role Expectation and Role Performance of Military Instructor of Education for student in High (Vocational) Schools in Taipei City Abstract The purposes of this study were to explore role expectation and role performance of military instructor of education for student in high (vocational) schools in Taipei City. The questionnaire survey was administered and it included 4 parts: a. teaching of general concepts on national defense, b. life guidance, c. security management of campuses and d. the administrative tasks supporting. The research objects were student in high (vocational) schools in Taipei City. Of the 610 questionnaires sent out, 610 were completed and collected; a return rate of 100%, with 89.2%, or 544 questionnaires classed as valid. After the collection of surveyed questionnaires, several statistical analyses, including frequencies, descriptive analysis, Indepentend-Samples t-test, Paired-Samples t-test, oneway ANOVA, were adopted to test the hypotheses. According to the above-mentioned research process, some conclusions were as follows: (i)The students of high (vocational) schools had an upper level on role expectation of military instructor of education. (ii)The students of high (vocational) schools had different perceptions on role expectation of military instructor of education in terms of different demographic variables. (iii)The students of high (vocational) schools perceived an upper level on role performance of military instructor of education. (iv)The students of high (vocational) schools had different perceptions on role performance of military instructor of education in terms of different demographic variables. (v)The students of high (vocational) schools had different perceptions on role expectation and role performance of military instructor of education. (vi)There were positive and strongly significant correlations among all dimensions of role expectation and role performance of military instructor of education. Based on the conclusions, some recommendations were offered for the educational authority, military instructor of education, and further researchers. Keywords: Role Expectation, Role Performance, Military Instructor of Education




