  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃明月教授


臺北縣松年大學學員參與動及學習困難之研究 摘要 本研究主要了解參與松年大學學員之參與動機因素及其主要學習困難情形。採問卷調查法,依「台北縣松年大學學員參與動機及學習困難調查問卷」,並以第一次參與松年大學之學員為研究對象,進行調查。 調查問卷回收整理後,以 SPSS for Window12.0 統計套裝軟體分析,並依據研究問題,以「次數分配及百分比」來說明樣本基本資料及學員參與動機及學習困難之分配情形,以瞭解不同背景高齡者參與松年大學參與動機及學習困難的現況,以單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)分析不同個人背景變項高齡學習者在參與動機及學習困難上是否有顯著差異,若達顯著差異,則進一步以「雪費多重比較」(Scheffe’ method)進行事後比較分析。 本研究研究結論為: 一、松年大學學員之特徵:性別上,女多於男;年齡上,多集中於65歲之前,佔55.1%;學歷多集中於國(初)中、小學歷;健康狀況:普遍受試者自覺健康狀況尚可;另高達83%以上學員自覺經濟狀況夠用或充裕。 二、松年大學學員參與動機:松年大學學員參與動機以「求知興趣動機」最高,其次「促進健康動機」,再其次為「社交動機」,而後依序「外界期望動機」、「逃避或刺激動機」、「服務動機」。惟所有層面平均數皆高於3分以上,所以非僅單純某一動機層面。 三、不同背景變項松年大學學員在參與動機的差異:女性高於男性;不同自覺健康狀況的松年大學學員其參與動機與學員自覺健康狀況不同而有所差異;自覺健康狀況「很好」者其參與動機得分高於自覺健康狀況「普通」者。 四、松年大學學員學習困難因素:學習困難因素以「心理因素」最高,其次為「生理因素」,再其次為「機構因素」,而後依序為「課程及教學因素」、「情境因素」。 五、不同背景變項松年大學學員在學習困難的差異:小學或私塾學歷學員其學習困難高於高中或高職;居住於「市」者,其學習困難高於「鄉」;自覺健康狀況不好其學習困難較高;經濟狀況充裕者較沒有學習困難情形;參與「其他團體」者,最沒有學習困難存在。 依本研究發現及文獻探討結果,最後謹對主辦政府機關及承辦松年大學之團體單位提出建議,作為規劃、推動或辦理之參考。


Taipei County Senior Community College Participating Motivation and Learning Difficulty Survey Questionnaire Abstract This study examined the motivation factors of older adults concerning the participating motivation of Senior Community College and the major difficulties of learning. A quantitative survey was adopted in the study. “Taipei County Senior Community College Participating Motivation and Learning Difficulty Survey Questionnaire” was employed with first-time participants as a sample. After interviews, SPSS for Window 12.0 was applied for data analysis. Based on research questions, frequency and percentage was used to describe the distribution of demographic variables, participating motivations and learning difficulties. One-way ANOVA was used to exam the significance of the relationship between demographics and participating motivations/leaning difficulties among older adults. Groups with statistically significant differences were tested by Scheffe’ method as a Post-hoc analysis. The results for this study are: 1. Demographic characteristics: Women were more than men. Most of the participants were less than 65 (55.1%), had elementary or middle school education and perceived themselves with good health status. More than 83% of respondents reported having sufficient economic resources. 2. Participating motivations: Most common motivation was “Knowledge Seeking Motivation”, followed by “Health Promotion Motivation” and then “Social Contact Motivation”. After that, the rank was “Social Expectation Motivation”, “Escape or Incentive Motivation” and “Service Motivation”. However, all of the categories had average score greater than 3, meant multiple motivations might involved. 3. Demographic characteristic differences across participating motivations: Women greater than men. Different self perceptions of health status associated with differences in participating motivation scores. Elderly reported with “Very Good” health status showed higher scores in participating motivation than those regarded themselves as “Normal”. 4. Learning difficulties: The most common learning difficulty was “Psychological Factor”, followed by “Physical Factor” and then “Institutional Factor”. After that, the rank was “Course and Teaching Factor” and ”Situational Factor”. 5. Demographic characteristic differences across learning difficulties: Participants had public/private elementary school education experienced more learning difficulties than their senior high school/vocational school counterparts. Older adults lived in “city” had more leaning difficulties than those lived in “county”. Those reported themselves as less healthy had more learning difficulties. Elderly had sufficient economic resources reported less learning difficulties while those participated “Other Groups” had least difficulties. At last, suggestions were drawn from the findings and literature review to benefit future government/organizations policy making and program promotion.


Beder, H. (1990). Reasons for nonparticipation in adult basic education. Adult Education Quarterly, 40(4), 207-218.


江怡婷(2010)。農會辦理松年大學高齡者之 學習動機及學習滿意度研究-以幸福鄉農會為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02897
