  • 學位論文


On the Forms and Grammatical Functions of Affixes in Old Chinese

指導教授 : 姚榮松


上古漢語的研究,近年來借助於漢藏語的比較,取得了一定的成果,這是可喜可賀的;不過,在漢藏同源詞的選取方面,各家有各家的標準,始終無法達成共識,似乎只要音義皆近,符合語音上的對應,即可視為同源詞。本文認為,漢藏同源詞的比較固然帶來相當大的突破,然而作為古音研究的基本語料:諧聲字和同源詞,除了必須給予應有的重視外,還必須在方法上,讓這兩項材料充分發揮它們的作用。 本論文的內容分為五章:第一章「緒論」首先提出本文的研究方法與研究步驟,接著簡要回顧上古漢語詞綴的研究及現代古音研究的概況。本節嘗試指出,從高本漢至今的八、九十年間,現代古音研究可以劃分為三個階段,這三個階段或許應該稱為「面貌」或「主張」,但由於本文所強調的是觀念與方法的轉變而非僅僅是主張的不同,因此稱之為「階段」。 第二章「從詞族看上古漢語的詞綴」從詞族的角度,進行上古漢語詞綴的探索。首先,本文指出音韻層面的「音近義通」並不足以判斷同源詞,它是必要但非充分的條件。正確而有效的做法應該是將古音研究提升至形態的層面,為同源詞建立起一組組具有同一根源的詞族,然後構擬出這些詞族的詞根和詞綴的語音形式。最後,本文對於古藏語的詞綴形態可以作為構擬上古漢語詞綴的參照表示肯定。 第三章「上古漢語詞綴的語法功能」針對上古漢語詞綴的具體形態及其語法功能進行兩方面的分析與討論,一方面從詞綴的形態交替觀察詞綴的語法功能;另一方面,從詞性轉換的原理探討詞綴的功能變化及其構詞與派生能力。這樣,除了能夠探討詞綴的語法功能、詞族的音義相關等專題之外,還能將形態學、詞源學與古音學結合研究,以取得單方面所無法取得的成果。 第四章「形態相關與古音系統的構擬」嘗試從詞綴形態的角度出發,進行上古漢語的構擬。無論是同源詞族的建立,還是詞綴形態與語法功能的探索,研究上古音,最終還是必須回歸到音韻的層面,將研究成果全面反映在古音系統上。對於上古音的研究,本文使用時間層次這一概念去解決後來的歷史音變,而不把每一個字音放在同一個平面。 第五章「結論」針對前四章所進行的研究作一總結。本章除了交待本文的研究成果之外,還指出未來的發展方向:上古漢語的研究(或古音研究)不能再局限於漢語內部的語料,也不能滿足於「音近諧聲」的標準。應該深入看到,同源詞族內部擁有相同的詞根,詞根相同決定了同源詞之間具有音義關聯的理據。


In recent years, considerable achievements have been made in Old Chinese research, which is worthy of congratulations. However, previous studies varied in the criteria for selecting Sino-Tibetan cognates and did not come to an agreement eventually. It appeared that cognates could be recognized by only similarity in sounds and meanings as well as phonological correspondence. The present dissertation supposes that xiesheng(諧聲)characters and cognates, as basic material for Old Chinese phonology research, should not only be attached just importance to but also be brought into full play in methodology, although a breakthrough has been made in the comparison of Sino-Tibetan cognates. The dissertation consists of five chapters. The first chapter “Introduction” addresses the research method and steps of the dissertation, briefly review the study of Old Chinese affixes, and summarizes the status of modern research on Old Chinese phonology. The present section attempts to point out that modern research on Old Chinese phonology can be divided into three stages and after a review. Since what are emphasized in the dissertation is the change in concepts and approaches, not merely the difference in views, the three stages that should probably be called three aspects or views remain named stages. The second chapter “Affixes in Old Chinese: From a Word Family Perspective” explores affixes in Old Chinese from the viewpoint of word family. First of all, the dissertation points out that the similarity of sounds and meanings in the phonology level, a necessary but insufficient condition, are not enough to recognize cognates. Therefore, the correct and effective approach is to move up Old Chinese phonology research to the level of morphology, to establish word families with a common root for each group of cognates, and then to reconstruct the phonetic forms of roots and affixes in those word families. After all, the dissertation agrees with that Old Tibetan affixes can be used as a reference for reconstructing Old Chinese affixes. The third chapter “Grammatical Functions of Affixes in Old Chinese” in two aspects analyses and discusses the concrete forms and grammatical functions of affixes in Old Chinese. One is to observe the functions of affixes through their morphological alterations; the other is to treat the changes in functions of affixes and their abilities to build and derive words. As a result, except that the topics such as the grammatical functions of affixes as well as the sounds and meanings of word families can be treated, the research on Old Chinese phonology can be combined with those on morphology and etymology, in order to make achievements that can not turn out in one discipline. The fourth chapter “Morphological Correlation(形態相關)and Reconstruction of the Phonological System in Old Chinese” attempts to reconstruct Old Chinese from the affix morphology perspective. Whatever the establishment of word families or the exploration for the forms and grammatical functions of affixes, research on Old Chinese phonology has to return to the phonology aspect and improve the Old Chinese phonological system by all the research results. Therefore, as for research on Old Chinese phonology, the dissertation adopts the concept of chronological strata to settle later historical phonetic changes, not puts all sounds of words on the same plane. The fifth chapter “Conclusion” draws a conclusion from the studies in the previous four chapters. Besides the research results of the dissertation, the present chapter also indicates the possible directions of future development. Research on Old Chinese (phonology) should not anymore be confined in Chinese internal material, nor is similar-sound xiesheng a satisfying criterion. The argument should be known that a word family consisting of cognates has a common root that determines the relationship in sound and meaning between cognates.


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吳安其 2002 《漢藏語同源研究》,北京:中央民族大學出版社。
姚榮松 1991 《古代漢語詞源研究論衡》,台北:臺灣學生書局。
陳新雄 2004 《廣韻研究》,台北:臺灣學生書局。
董同龢 1944 《上古音韻表稿》,台北:中研院史語所,1997年景印5版。


