  • 學位論文


A Study of the Key Success Factors for promoting the Gender Rights Equality in Workplace

指導教授 : 余鑑 于俊傑


中文摘要 我國自實施「兩性工作平等法」,推動職場的兩性平權以來,因為仍有很多進展空間,所以勞委會於2006年藉由評鑑全國企業內部相關制度,來辦理「兩性平權友善職場」的認證。而因為總共只有六十家事業單位能夠成功獲得認證標章,所以本研究之目的為以這六十家事業單位為研究對象,探討職場推動兩性平權之關鍵成功因素以及可能遭遇之困難問題,和人力資源(推動)部門人員之功能與角色,以供參考。 本研究採用質性與量化的混合研究方法,以多重個案訪談法來蒐集資料,據以設計調查問卷;問卷於專家審查修定後,對這六十家事業單位實施問卷調查法,所得之資料,於整理、分析、比對之後,歸納出以下結論: 一、職場推動兩性平權之關鍵成功因素: 包含了高階主管的支持、高階主管參與平權作為的推動、事業(企業)主對兩性平權的經營理念、員工對組織推動平權目標的認同程度、事業(企業)用人唯才的文化、事業(企業)的形象、兩性平權的教育訓練、兩性平權相關法令的宣導、全體員工共同參與推動平權的作為。 二、職場推動兩性平權可能遭遇的困難: 政府的補助措施不夠、法令規定不足、事業(企業)的經費不足、成員的教育水準不一、對代理職務的工作內容或量無法負荷等問題。 三、人力資源(推動)部門人員之功能與角色: 此部門人員之功能為兩性平權的教育訓練、兩性平權相關法令的宣導、推動兩性平權目標的溝通等。扮演的角色為兩性平權教育訓練與法令宣導的講師,推動兩性平權的推動者、溝通人員與協調人員。 並據此提出以下幾點建議:一、對政府的建議:提高補助措施、補強法令規定。二、對後續有意推動者的建議:從內部組織人事著手、運用並加強人力資源(推動)部門人員之功能。三、對後續研究者的建議:再擴大研究樣本數、研究變項可再增加。


ABSTERACT Since we started to practice "The gender equality in employment law" for promoting the gender right of the workplace in our nation, we recognized that there's still a long way to go, so the Council of Labor affairs, Executive Yuan, in 2006 began to certify the "Friendly Workplace of Gender Rights Equality" by means of evaluating the internal related system of the enterprise in our country. However, there's only 60 enterprises can be successfully qualified for the certification mark. So, the purpose of this study will be focused on those 60 enterprises as subjects, to probe into the key success factors as well as the difficult problems maybe experienced during the promotion period. And the function and the role of the personnel in the department of Human Resource will also be studied and analyzed for the purpose of your reference. This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative mixing research methods, by using the method of multiple case interview to collect the necessary data, then we design the questionnaire for the case study accordingly. After thoroughly examine and modify the questionnaire, we process the questionnaire toward these 60 certified enterprises and then after the data collecting, sorting, analyzing, matching and validating, we conclude the results as following: 1. The key success factors for promoting the Gender Rights Equality in workplace are the support of superintendent, the participation of superintendent for the promoting of the rights equality, the management philosophy of business owner in gender rights equality, the employees' concern toward the promotion of the gender equal right , the "personal talent or skill is the only consideration" to be one of the enterprise culture, the image of the enterprise, the educational training for the rights equality, the propaganda for the related decrees of the rights equality, the participation by all employee for the realization of the rights equality. 2. The difficult problems which maybe encountered during the promotion of the Gender Right Equality in the workplace are the lack of subsidy measurement from government, inadequate law and regulation for the rights equality, insufficient budget in the enterprise, different educational background and degree in the member of the enterprise, unable to perform the work task and load in the occurrence of job substitute, and etc. 3. For the purpose of promoting gender rights equality, the functions of the personnel in the department of Human Resource include the educational training , the propaganda of the related decrees , the communication, promotion and etc. They play the role to be the instructor of the educational training and decree propagating, the promoter, communicator and negotiator for realizing the gender rights equality. Finally, we would like to propose a few suggestions: 1. For government: increasing the subsidiary measurement and fortifying related law and regulation for the rights equality. 2. For the promoter who intent to follow up: starting with organizing the internal personnel, operating and enhancing the function of the member in the Human Resource (or Promotion) Department. 3. For the future researcher: expanding the study samples, and also increasing the number of variable items for the research.




