  • 學位論文


Take Yu-Cheng Liao in Studying and Creation of Personal Offical Website of Professional Athlete

指導教授 : 張柏舟


在行銷與各項產業結合的諸多領域中,運動行銷這幾年中已成為商界中一股新興勢力。同時因著台灣運動產業職業化程度的日漸加深,所帶給台灣各項職業運動產業更多發展的可能性,在近年台灣參與度最高的職業棒球人氣逐漸回春之時,如何吸引更多球迷、鞏固舊有球迷,將是目前各職業運動團體首要課題。基於近年來網路科技應用之普及化,以及與行銷操作之密切結合,本研究透過運動行銷、網頁設計等兩個領域之結合,除了探究職業運動員個人形象網站內在之核心精神和價值外,並依循運動行銷之兩大面向:一、直接將運動性賽事產品和服務行銷給消費者;二、將其他性周邊消費性產品及服務,透過該運動的促銷功能銷售給一般消費者;擬定出職業運動員個人官方網站之基本架構、功能與服務。此外,本研究之創作選定網頁設計為表現之形式,並以中華職棒大聯盟奪冠次數最多、球迷人數最多的兄弟象棒球隊之明星球員-廖于誠,作為網站案例題材。 本研究經由文獻探討與實務創作,針對設計者在操作職業運動員個人官方網站時,所需注意的要點和措施,歸納出以下幾項結論:(一)適切詮釋球員特質的視覺界面要素。(二) 界定該運動員相關訊息之時效性、重要先後。(三) 針對該項運動支持者之生活型態擬定行銷、推廣策略。(四)賽事數據之歸納應避免過多連結。(五) 以品牌化設計的思維構思網頁元件。(六) 藉情感附屬達成有效宣傳。(七) 加入與運動員特質相關的視覺互動體驗。


In the diverse fields of cooperation between marketing and industry, sports marketing has become an emerging power in business in recent years. In Taiwan, the sports industry has been more and more professionalized, offering the possibility of developing professional sports industry. As the professional baseball which has the highest participation in Taiwan has regained its popularity, how to attract more fans while keep the original ones would be a prior issue among every professional sports group. In virtue of the Internet popularitization in recent years and its close cooperation with marketing operation, this study aims to investigate the core spirit and value of professional sportsmen’s image website through the cooperation between the field of sports marketing and website design. In this study, the basic frame, function, and service of sportsmen’s official websites are constructed based on the following main aspects of sports marketing: (1) directly market the product and service of sports game to the consumers; (2) market other related consuming products and service to common consumers through the promoting function of the sport concerned. Furthermore, the creation of this study is presented in the form of website design, taking Liao, Yu-Chen as the subject. Liao, Yu-Chen, who is a famous player in the Brother Elephants Baseball Club, has the most fans and has won the most games in Chinese Profession Baseball league. Through literature review and practicing, this study generalizes the following conclusion, focusing on the important points and measures that designers have to notice when organizing the official website of professional sportsmen: (1) properly interpret the visual interface element of players’ characteristic; (2) determine the importance priority and time bound of sportsmen’s information; (3) draft marketing and promoting strategies according to the life style of the devotees; (4) avoid overlinking the indulging data of games on the website; (5) conceive the website element through the idea of brand design; (6) achieve effective promotion by affectional attachment; (7) add the experience of visual interaction related to the sportsmen.


sports marketing website design brand design


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