  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Performace of Self-Handled Technical Arts Educational Programs for Junior High School

指導教授 : 胡茹萍


九?一貫課程公布施?後,既往國中技藝教育的辦?方式,已?符合時空環境變化的需要,被迫面?改革。經研議後,教育部於90?12月公布「技藝教育改革方案」,在國中三年階段全面實施生涯發展教育課程,在九年級實施技藝教育學程,提供國中九?級學生選?適性職群,並於96年7月增修技藝教育得以專案編班方式,鬆綁國中三年級得彈性調整學習節數,以增加技藝教育課程時數,讓技藝教育有更多的配套措施。 本研究的目的在於探討「國民中學技藝教育學程自辦班之實施成效」,經由質性的訪談過程來探究辦理國民中學技藝教育學程自辦班的實施成效。研究結論如下: 一、參加技藝教育學程學生生活會變得更有目標,並建立其自信心。 二、學生在參加技藝教育學程中會會學到更多的專業知識與技能。 三、參加技藝教育學程可讓學生培養出良好的職業態度、職業道德。 四、技藝教育學程的教學能讓學生發揮本身的潛能。 五、學生參加技藝教育學程後,其偏差行為的犯錯會降低。 六、技藝教育學程的學生對課程、教材、場地、師資均表示滿意。 七、技藝教育學程的學生比起一般的普通學生其生涯進路還要明確。 八、技藝教育學程的學生對未來的生涯規畫大部份都選擇繼續升學。 總之,某國民中學技藝教育學程的實施成效,大體上技藝教育學程均能達成既定目標,且獲得支持與肯定,應繼續擴大推動。最後依據前述之結論來擬定數項建議,以作為後續辦?的?考。


After Grade 1-9 Curriculum of Elementary and Junior High School Education had promulgated and come into force, the implementation of technical arts educational programs for junior high school in the past not consistent with the changing needs of time and space environment, and was compelled face with the reform. After deliberations, the Ministry of Education announce「Technique Arts Education Reform Plan」in Dec. 2001. The course of career development education were fully implemented in students’ junior high school stage, and technical arts educational programs were implemented in the ninth-grade, providing adaptive occupational families for ninth graders in junior high school. In Jul. 2007, technique arts education reform plan were amended. Through project grouping, the learning hours of ninth-grade could be deregulated and adjusted, and the course of technical arts education could be increased. Then the implementation of technical arts educational programs had more supporting measures. The purposes of this study are to explore and discuss the performance of self-handled technical arts educational programs for junior high school through the process of qualitative interview. The conclusions of this study were summarized as following: 1. The students who participate technical arts educational programs will have clearer life goals and become more self-confident. 2. The students could learn more specialized knowledge and the skill in the participation of technical arts educational programs. 3. The participation of technical arts educational programs may allow tHe students to develop good professional manner and occupational ethics. 4. The technical arts educational programs teaching can bring the students’ potential into play. 5. Students deviant behaviour could be reduce after they participate in the technical arts educational programs. 6. Majority of the students who participate technical arts educational programs express satisfaction with the curriculum、teaching materials、facilities、teachers. 7. Compare with ordinary students,the students who participate technical arts educational programs have more explicit career paths. 8. Majority of the students who participate technical arts educational programs will choose continues to enter a higher school in their future career planning. In conclusion, the performance of technical arts educational programs for junior high school can roughly conform to the anticipated targets, and obtain the support and the affirmation. The research finding show that it should continue to be expanded to promote. Finally, on the basis of above-said conclusions, some suggestions were proposed to provide the reference for future promotion.


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